Middle Weight 81Kg – 100Kg & Over 101KG
1St Floor To OverHead Log lift (For Reps)
Rules for Floor to overhead Log lift (For Reps)
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time.
-One attempt, Clean once and press for reps.
-The winner is the athlete who completes the most lifts (reps) in a given amount of time 1.15mins
-Athlete may press, push press, push jerk or split jerk the log overhead to a locked out position.
-Athlete must wait for the “Good” down signal to get a good lift and continue with the next rep.
-The athlete must lower the log under control. No deliberate dropping of the log will be permitted. The athlete may forfeit his attempt in doing so.
-Good Lift: Log locked out under control overhead with arms straight, head thru, legs and feet parallel and stationary.
-Weight for the 81-100 kg 100KG Open 120KG
-Equipment allowed: Belt, chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee wraps or sleeves.
-Equipment NOT allowed: Any item placed within the belt to provide a “shelf”. Tacky, elbow wraps, Gloves.
-Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judges prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
2nd Farmers Walk
Rules for Farmers Walk
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time
-1 attempts for the best time.
-Competitor carries a weight in each hand over a marked course as quickly as possible
Course length 50metres walk 25metres drop handles turn 90° and walk 25metres back.
-No excessive sliding will be permitted.
-Time limit 3.00mins to compete the course.
-Both handles with weight must cross the finish line.
-Fastest time wins
-Weight for the 81-100 kg 100KG Open 120KG
-Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps,
-Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks, Gloves.
3rd Cars & Bars
Rules for Car Hold
-Athletes compete 2 at a time.
-Good Lift: The athlete must lift theframe to a locked out position with head up, shoulders back, legs and feet in line.
-Athletes are required to deadlift back end of a car up which will be on strongman car frame for as many times as possible in set time.
-The winner is the athlete who completes the most lifts (reps) in a given amount of time 1.15mins
-Car frame will be placed on the floor
-The athlete must lower the car frame under control. No deliberate dropping of the car frame will be permitted.
-Weight for the Same Vehicle for both
-Equipment allowed: Lifting Straps, knee wraps or sleeves, supportive suits, Chalk, Belt.
-Equipment NOT allowed: tacky, Gloves, Lifting hooks
-Any and all anatomical limitations preventing lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
4th Stones Of Strength
Rules for Stones Of Strength
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time
-Competitor must lift each weighted stone using two hands up and place on platform. The stone must stay on the platform before attempting next weighted stone.
-The competitor must wait for the judges say “good” signal before starting next lift.
-Good Lift: The athlete grips the stone with two hands lift using knees up to waist and puss stone up on to the platform, the stone can hit the platform and can be uses to help stone on top.
-The winner is the athlete who completes the most lifts onto platform in the fastest timeor the most stones on the platform.
-Weight for the Both Middle & Over 80KGStone /90KGStone / 100kgStone / 110KgStone
-same platform for all.
-One chance only
-Equipment allowed: Belt, chalk, knee wraps, wrist wraps, and elbow sleeves,Tacky,elbow wraps.
-Equipment NOT allowed:, , lifting straps or hooks, Gloves.
30min Break
5th The Super Yoke
Rules for The Super Yoke
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time.
-The Athletes carry a weighted Yoke only usingcrossbeam that sits across your shoulders a set distance 25metres which the weighted must be placed over the 25metre marked line. Then return a further 25metres Yoke must cross the finish line.
-Finish line. The Yoke must cross the finish line.
-Yoke weight 50KG
-Time limit 3.00mins to compete the course.
-Fastest time wins.
-Weight for the 81-100 kg 220KG Open 275KG
-Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves.
-Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, Gloves
6th Carry & Drag (Weighted Bar, Sandbags & Sled)
Rules for Carry & Drag
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time.
-The Athletes carry a weighted bar only using the handle between there legs (duck walk) a set distance 25metres which the weighted must be placed over the 25metre marked line. Then run back to start line and carry a sandbag (one) take to 25metre line then run back to start line and carry a another sandbag (two) take to 25metre line. They then drag a sled a further set distance 25metres the sled must cross the finish line.
-Fastest time wins.
-Weight for the 81-100kg weighted bar 120kg sandbag one 55KG Sandbag two 65KG and Sled 130KG
-Weight for the Over 101kg weighted bar 140kg sandbag one 55KG Sandbag two 65KG and Sled 150KG
-Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps.
-Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, elbow sleeves, Gloves
7th Squat Press (For Reps)
Rules for Squat Press (For Reps)
-Athletes Compete 2 at a time.
-One attempt, Drop once and press for reps.
-The winner is the athlete who completes the most squats (reps) in a given amount of time 1.15mins
-Athlete mostSquat weighted bar down bybending through your legs with the weight on your back. Go down until your hips are below your knees, then squat back up to a locked out position.
-Athlete must wait for the “Good” down signal to get a good lift and continue with the next rep.
-The athlete must lower the squat bar under control. No deliberate dropping of the bar will be permitted. The athlete may forfeit his attempt in doing so.
-Good Lift: legs locked out under control overhead with arms straight, head thru, legs and feet parallel and stationary.
-Weight for the 81-100 kg = 170KG Over 101KG = 200KG
-Equipment allowed: Belt, chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee wraps or sleeves.
-Equipment NOT allowed: Any item placed within the belt to provide a “shelf”. Tacky, elbow wraps, Gloves.
-Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judges prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
8th Vehicle Pull
Rules for Vehicle Pull
-Athletes Compete singly.
-1 attempts for the best time or distance.
-Time limit 3.00mins to compete the course.
-IronMind pulling harnesses are the standard.
-The staff member taking up the slack must be at least 3’ from the athlete and 45 degrees to the right or left of the athlete and making sure the slack is not getting under the wheels of the vehicle in any way.
-The front bumper of the vehicle will start on the line.
-Time stops when the front bumper crosses the finish, otherwise distance will be recorded from the starting line to the front bumper.
-Same vehicle for UNDER 90KG and OVER 90KG Tractor
-Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps. Elbow sleeves. Climbing shoes.
-Equipment NOT allowed: Tacky, Gloves.
-Courselength 25metres
-Fastest time wins
WEIGHT______KG T-Shirt size (circle one) M L XL XXL XXXL
During the event, there may be times when we may be using photography. SLT requests your permission for this – photographs / videos may appear in SLT / SMBC publications and be displayed on our website
Application Forms must be in 20th August 2017 no entry after this date
Athletes: £35.00 Entry fee / Tick when paid / Receipt Number…………………...ATHLETES SIGNATURE ______DATE______