HFT 1300: Housekeeping Operations
Professor: Christy Pagano
Phone Number:(727) 341-3772
Academic Chair: April Bailey
College of Business Dean: Dr. Greg Nestiel
Email:ALL email correspondence pertaining to this course MUST go through MyCourses. To access the professor select "All Faculty" in the "To:"tab. This will send your message to the faculty associated with the course ONLY (not all of SPC). If you have questions on how to send emails within MyCourses please contact the SPC Technical Supportat (727) 391-4357.
Course Description
This course presents a systematic approach to managing housekeeping operations in the hospitality industry. Emphasis is placed on the role of the housekeeping department and understanding the managerial skills necessary to efficiently operate this department.
Major Learning Outcomes:
Through a series of readings, quizzes, exams and assignments, the student will accomplish the following:
1.The student will understand the general areas of housekeeping by:
a.Listing the areas of housekeeping maintenance.
b.Describing the difference among the three areas of public, private and guest.
c.Describing laundry room operations and control techniques.
2.The student will understand the different types of surface cleaning ant the equipment and supplies necessary for this by:
a.Listing the categories of surfaces.
b.Describing the general chemicals used in surface cleaning.
c.Explaining the various tools and equipment used in cleaning.
d.Explaining the procedure for wall covering upkeep.
e.Demonstrating safe, sanitary and efficient cleaning procedures for various housekeeping tasks,
3.The student will understand the procedures and control systems in housekeeping by:
a.Diagramming and explaining the functional relationships with front desk, maintenance and security.
b.Describing how to complete a time and motion study.
c.Defining reorder points for supplies.
d.Describing the use of computers inhousekeeping operations.
e.Explaining minimum stock for laundry items.
4.The student will understand housekeeping safety by:
a.Listing and explaining the Occupational Safety and Health Act rules that apply to housekeeping.
b.Explaining the proper use and storage of cleaning chemicals.
c.Explaining procedures for hotel emergencies.
d.Describing how key security is managed in various key systems.
Textbook & Software Requirements:
Students in this course are required to obtain a copy of the textbook listed below. These materials are offered at the SPC Bookstores.Successful completion of this course is dependent on course materials and access to a computer, a webcam, and the Internet. Ifyou donot have thenecessarytechnology or textbook bothare available atSPC campuses.
Please contactyourinstructorinWEEK 1to discusscampusoptions.
IMPORTANT NOTE:Textbook and technical difficulties are not valid excuses for extensions or missed assignments. Insuring access to these items for the duration of the course is the student’s responsibility.
2ND Edition-PUBLISHER:WILEY ISBN:9781118071793
Criteria Performance Standard:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will, with a minimum of 70% accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the above stated objectives through classroom measures developed by individual course instructors.
Assignments are due by 11:59 PM on Sunday evenings.
SPC servers monitor official time. Please do your best tonot wait until the last minute to submit an assignment!
Availability of Course Content:The module for the week will open on Mondays at 1:00 AM EST and will close on Sundays at 11:59 PM EST.
Late Submissions & Extenuating Circumstances:Past due submissions of any kind are not accepted unless extenuating circumstances exist. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from meeting a deadline, completing a project, quiz, or participating in the class, please contact the instructor, prior to the due date, to make alternative arrangements. The possibility of alternative arrangementsis at the discretion of the instructor. Active communication is the key to overcoming any hurdles you may encounter during the term.Online discussions conclude at the end of the current week/module. Discussion posts made after the end of the current week/module will not be accepted. A 10% grade penalty is assessed for written work up to twenty-four hours late; an additional 10% penalty is assessed for each additional day the work is late. Instructors may waive the late penalty or timeframe in the case of extenuating circumstances as determined by the faculty. All requests for extensions must be made in writing (via email) and supporting documentation may be required for extensions to be granted.
Itis requiredthatstudentsunderstandtheirresponsibilitiesasacollege studentandcommittotheexpectationsof thecourseforwhichtheyhave chosentoenroll.
Lateassignmentsmaynotbe acceptedifyoufailto notifyandconfirmarrangementswithyourinstructor.
Studentswhoregisterafterthesessionhasbegunwillbe responsibleforany assignmentsor materialalreadycoveredandmustmakearrangementsforlate submissions.
IMPORTANT NOTE:APA guidelines are to be followed to include a cover page and reference page with each assignment. Please know I expect you tothink criticallyand not just repeat what the text states. You may take from the text, but also look to outside sources as well as personal experience. If you need any assistance please let me know as SPC offers a wealth of support.
Quizzes and Exams:There are multiple quizzes and exams inthiscourse–all willbe administered onlinethrough thecourse. Details will be postedwithin each module. Althoughstudentswill havethe entireweek tocomplete the quiz/exam itwill beatimed exam and therewill only beoneopportunitytoaccess andcomplete the quiz/exam. Studentsshouldonly attemptthe quizzes/examswhen they haveread thematerialand adequately prepared for thetest. Quizzes/Exams are anindividual activityandshould becompletedwithoutthe aidofthe
Internet, textbookor other resourcematerials.
Module # / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / TotalWeeklyAssignments / 25 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 125
Discussions / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 80
Quizzes / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 60
Exams / 100 / 100 / 200
Total Points / 465
Important Dates:
Please take a moment to view the academic calendar link below so you are aware of important dates.
It is important that students log into their course during the first two weeks of classANDactively participate to ensure they do not get dropped from the class. If you are registered for a blended or F2F section of this course you must attend the class sessions on campus during weeks 1 & 2 to insure you do not get dropped from the course.
Merely logging into your course during the first two weeks does NOT constitute participation.ACTIVE PARTICIPATION FOR THIS COURSE WILL BE MEASURED BY SUBMITTING WEEKLY GRADED ACTIVITIES BY SUNDAY NIGHT.
*****Week #1 – Complete for AttendanceWk #1
I will verify that students are in attendance at least once each week during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn.
Immediatelyfollowing the 60% point of the term, I will verify which students are actively participating in class. Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF”. Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the 60% deadline will result in a “WF”.
If some event interferes with submitting your course work, notify your instructor before assignments are due.No late assignments will be accepted if you fail to notify and confirm arrangements with your instructor.
Students who register after the session has begun will be responsible for any assignments or material already covered.
Tentative Course Schedule:
Below is in outline of the content activities for each week of the course.Please note most week’s we will be covering TWO modules and TWO chapters.This is intended to serve as a guideline and subject to change. Students are required to check the Announcements page of the course, emails from the professor, and the course calendar to stay current with all assignments including activities, quizzes and exams.
Start time / End time1.00am / 11.59pm
Monday / Sunday
Chapter being covered: / Assignment/Activity / Date / End
Week 1
01/9/2017 / Introductions, overview of course, syllabi and activity. / Read chapter 1 for the week and complete anything assigned in class.
1 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 2 / 2&3 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 3 / 4&5 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 4 / 6
Mid-term exam Chapters 1-6 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class. Take online mid-term exam
Week 5 / 7&8 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 6 / 9&10 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 7 / 11&12 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class.
Week 8 / Final exam chapters7-12 / Complete all weekly requirements by end date and then read next chapter for class. Take online final exam
Gradebook Guidelines:
Your final grade will be determined by the quality of your work and your full participation in the class. All assignments will be graded within one week (7 days) of the due date. The instructor will observe the following point calculations:
Assignment / Points / PercentageWeekly Assignments / 125 / 27%
Discussions / 80 / 17%
Quizzes / 60 / 13%
Exams / 200 / 43%
Total / 465 / 100%
Letter Grade / Percentage / Grade Point
A / 90 – 100% / 4.0
B / 80 – 89% / 3.0
C / 70 - 79% / 2.0
D / 60 - 69% / 1.0
F / 0 - 59% / 0.0
W / Withdrawal – system generated / N/A
WF / Withdrawal Failure – system generated / 0
AU / Audit / N/A
I / Incomplete / N/A
Pleasekeepinmind thatthegradingofyourindividualassignmentsand projectsisinparta subjective process.Youwillreceive/losepoints forcomplete/incompleteof assignments
BESURETORESPOND TOALLPARTSofan assignmenttomaximize pointsreceived.
ThefollowingareasareALSOconsidered andreviewedfor quality,quantitycontent.
Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research / Analysis and Critical Thinking / Writing Style, Grammar, APA Formatting, and length requirements50% / 30% / 20%
Submission successfully answers the assignment question(s) thoroughly and uses the text and/or other required literature. / Submission exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). / Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page. Correct use of APA formattingas well as length requirements are met.
Academic Honesty:
Cheating on Examinations and Assignments
Academic misconduct consists of cheating of any kind with respect to examinations and assignments as well as the unauthorized possession and/or use of exams, papers, and materials. Cheating includes unauthorized use of “crib” notes, “cheat sheets”, cell-phones, PDA’s, I-Pods, and collusion with other students. Additionally the use of test banks, answer keys, stolen exams and instructor’s manuals are expressly forbidden from usage by students at anytime during this course.
·Plagiarism: as defined by the Little, Brown Essential Handbook for Writers, 4th edition, is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and often punishable offense (Aaron, 2001).
·Deliberate plagiarism:is copying a sentence from a source and passing it off as your own and, summarizing someone else’s ideas without acknowledging your debt (ex. buying a term paper and handing it in as your own) (Aaron, 2001).
·Accidental plagiarism:is forgetting to place quotation marks around another author’s or writer’s words, omitting a source citation because you’re not aware of the need for it, or carelessly copying a source when you mean to paraphrase (Aaron, 2001).
“Give credit where credit is due. Inevitably, you will use other people’s discoveries and concepts. Building on them creatively. But do not compromise your honor by failing to acknowledge clearly where your work ends and that of someone else begins.” (USNA, 2004)
The instructor of this course may require use of Turnitin.com as a tool to promote learning. The tool flags similarity and mechanical issues in written work that merit review. Use of the service enables students and faculty to identify areas that can be strengthened through improved paraphrasing, integration of sources, or proper citation. Submitted papers remain as source documents in the Turnitin database solely for the purpose of detecting originality. Students retain full copyright to their works. The Turnitin Usage Agreement can be reviewed at: turnitin.com/agreement.asp. Students who do not wish to submit work through Turnitin must notify their instructor via course email within the first seven days of the course. In lieu of Turnitin use, faculty may require a student to submit copies of sources, preliminary drafts, a research journal, or an annotated bibliography. In the absence of guidance from the instructor, reference the APA Style Manual.
Ifyou need assistance donot hesitate tovisitan SPC campus library usetheCyberLibrariansupport service atAskALibrarian?
Discipline for Academic Misconduct
The instructor has the authority to determine whether plagiarism or cheating has occurred. Appropriate action will be taken by the instructor and SPC depending upon the nature of the infraction. Review the information in the link provided to insure a clear understanding of the SPC policies and rules for academic honesty.
If you experience technical issues with your computer or MyCourses contact the Help Desk.I am unable to assist with technical issues.
Do not contact the help desk for questions concerning assignments or to request a drop box be opened to submit an assignment.
SPC Technical Help Desk
(727) 341-4357 (HELP)
An updated version of Microsoft Word and Office (98 or above) is required.
***MS Works cannot be used for submissions***
SPC Tutoring & Resources:
We offer many different types of tutoring for ALL SPCollege students at all campuses. Additionally, we have writing support and library research support services. If you feel you would benefit from additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact your SSS (Student Support Services) Office, your Academic Advisor or notify your instructor.
Remember, we are here to help you.All you have to do is ask!
Online Communications Guidelines:
Interactions in an online classroom are in written form. Your comfort level with expressing ideas and feelings in writing will add to your success in an online course. The ability to write is necessary, but you also need to understand what is considered appropriate when communicating online. The word "netiquette" is short for "Internet etiquette." Rules of netiquette have grown organically with the growth of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they access or transmit information online. As a student, business person or potential entrepreneur you should be aware of the common rules of netiquette for the Web and employ a communication style that follows these guidelines. Of course you can find a great deal of information on this topic on-line.
Rules of Thumb:
Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred to as "flaming"), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be tolerated.
Never post a message that is in all capital letters -- it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING!
Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm.
Keep messages short and to the point.
Always practice proper spelling, good grammar, punctuation, and composition in all course emails. It is reflection of your student and work ethic.
Do not write in “text code” when emailing your professor.
Keep in mind that threaded discussions are meant to be constructive exchanges.
Remember that your emails are all saved throughout the duration of the course and archived with SPC at the conclusion of the term.
Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself.
If you receive an upsetting email or post “cool off” before you respond.
Spell check!
Syllabus Addendum:
Link for revised syllabus addendum:
In the event thattopics listedin this addendum also appear in your syllabus, please note that you should rely on the addendum informationas the most current and correct information.