You have a test over the vocabulary from Chapter 1 and 2 over waves on Wednesday 11/16/16 and a test over Ch. 1 and 2 over waves on Friday 11/18/16.

Name ______

Chapter 1 and 2 Vocab Review

wave-a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another

crest-the highest point, or peak

trough-the lowest point, or valley

amplitude-the distance between a line through the middle of a wave and a crest or trough.

wavelength-the distance from one wave crest to the very next crest.

frequency-the number of wavelengths passing a fixed point in a certain amount of time

reflection-the bouncing back of a wave after it strikes a barrier.

refraction-the bending of a wave at an angle other than 90 degrees

diffraction-the spreading out of waves through an opening or around the edge of an obstacle

sound- a wave that is produced by vibrating object and travels through matter

vibration-a rapid back-and-forth motion

pitch-the quality of highness or lowness of a sound

hertz-the unit for measuring frequency and also pitch

ultrasound-sound waves in the range above 20,000 hertz

resonance-the strengthening of a sound wave when it combines with an object's natural vibration

intensity-the amount of energy of a wave, per wavelength

decibel-unit used to measure sound

amplification-the increasing of the strength of an electric signal

acoustics-the scientific study of sound

echolocation-sending out ultrasound waves and interpreting the returning sound echoes

sonar- instruments that use echolocation to locate objects

Ch. 1 and 2 Study Guide Notes

  • Waves can transfer ______over ______without moving matter the ______distance.
  • Waves that ______energy through matter are known as ______waves.
  • A way to classify waves is how they move; ______, ______and ______.
  • In a ______wave, the ______in which the wave travels is ______, or at a right angle, to the direction of the disturbance.
  • In a ______wave, the wave travels in the same directions as the disturbance.
  • When ______increases more wave crests pass a fixed point each second. That means that wavelength ______. So, as frequency increases, wavelength ______, and the opposite is true.
  • Two waves can ______energy to or take away energy from each other.
  • The adding of two waves is called ______. It builds up, or constructs, a larger wave out of two smaller ones.
  • The ______of two waves is called ______.
  • Sound is a type of ______wave.
  • You have a sound-making ______within your own body. It is a set of ______within the ______, or ______, in your throat. Your vocal cords ______when you breathe to allow air to pass in and out of your ______. Your vocal cords _____ up and draw close together when you are about to speak or sing.
  • Sound waves are ______by first causing the ______to ______, then the vibrations travel through the ______, _____, and ______to the inner ear, and lastly cells in the ______detect the vibrations and send a message to the brain.
  • Sound travels ______than light, and it does not always travel at the same speed. Two main factors affect the speed of sound: the ______that makes up the ______and the ______.
  • Sound travels ______through liquids than it does through gases.
  • Sound also travels ______through a medium at ______temperatures than at ______ones.
  • The ______of a sound wave determines the ______of the sound you hear. A ______wave makes a ______sound. A ______wave makes a ______sound.
  • Most people with good hearing can hear sounds in the range of ______hertz.
  • Sounds below ______hertz are called ______and sounds above ______are called ______.
  • All objects have a ______at which they ______called a ______frequency.
  • When a sound wave with a particular frequency ______an object that has the same natural frequency, ______occurs.
  • Each ______and each ______has its own particular sound ______, or ______.
  • The ______is the change in ______pitch that occurs when the sound or the ______of a sound is moving
  • As a sound moves ______you the frequency and therefore the pitch ______. As the sound moves ______the sound waves still move ______but are ______so the frequency ______and you hear a ______pitch.
  • ______is the measure of wave ______.
  • The ______the amplitude, the more ______a sound wave has and the ______the sound will be.
  • Over ______and ______, a sound gets ______and ______until the sound becomes ______. the pitch, however, does not typically change as the ______grows ______.
  • Sometimes it is ______to change sound ______without changing the pitch and quality of the sound. We can do this by ______energy to or ______energy ______from a sound wave.
  • ______can also refer to the way sound waves ______inside a space.
  • Hair cells inside your ears are extremely ______. ______exposure to _____ decibels or louder can cause damage or ______the cells.
  • ______waves are used to detect objects .
  • Sonar stands for ______.
  • Sonar can be used for finding enemy ______, schools of ______, map the ______floor, find ______ships, to break up ______stones, to ______organs, and look at babies during ______.
  • Music is sound with clear ______or ______.
  • Musical instruments produce ______and ______when made to ______at their natural frequencies.
  • The three main types of musical instruments are ______, _____, and ______.
  • For ______instruments the vibration of the ______causes the sound. For the _____ instruments sound is produced by blowing into a ______and vibrating a column of air. For ______instruments someone hits the _____ skin which causes vibrations and sends out sounds waves.
  • A ______must do two things: 1) ______the sound that is spoken into it and 2) it must ______the sound that arrives as a signal from somewhere else