Management Side: Jon Lenton (JL), Joanne Dinsdale (JD), Leanne Duckett (LD), Kelsey Hudson (KH).
Staff Side: Samira Anane (SA), Jonathan Fenwick (JF), Angus Luk (AL), Sarah McCarthy (SM),Pushpindr Ssidhu (PS), Andrew Stevens (AS).
1.11.2 / Apologies
Apologies were received from: Ola Abbas (OA), Ruth Tunney (RT), Emma Lightbody (EL), Karen Fentem (KF), Steve Langham (SL).
SM informed Adam Moreton and Hana Lythgoe had stepped down from the committee. SA confirmed it was her last meeting. JL expressed thanks to the departing staff side members especially to SA for all her efforts and knowledge she had shared with members on Less than full time training, the GP contract and the GP generic work schedules.
SM advised a new staff side chair would be appointed by the next meeting.
2.0 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2016 were agreed as an accurate record.
3.0 / Actions from Previous Meeting/Updates:
3.1) LNC Quarterly Newsletter. The newsletter had been distributed. SM advised ideally a regular newsletter would be produced and needed a volunteer to write the next edition.
3.2) On-line Payslips. JD informed that ESR and payroll are currently resolving a number of technical issues before on-line payslips could be accessed. However, will update again closer to the time with an agreed schedule.
3.3) E-expenses. JL advised the project to implement an e-expense system for claiming travel expenses is on-going.
3.4) Payroll. JL and JD informed the group that the Pennine payroll function had been outsourced and that East Lancs Financial Services (ELFS) would become the new payroll provider for Pennine. Discussions with the new provider will need to take place regarding on-line payslips and e-travel expenses.
3.5) Meeting Dates 2017. Confirmation regarding future dates was sort. It was confirmed future meetings are: 15th May, 17th July, 12th September, 14th November. The Lead Employer Junior Doctors Forum will commence at 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm followed by the JLNC meeting. It was expected trainee representatives from JLNC would attend both meetings. SM agreed to circulate meeting dates to staff side reps.
4.0 / Attendance Management Policy and Toolkit:
LD confirmed the toolkit has been rolled out and that she has been working with a number of Host Trusts on rolling out ESR Self Service. LD explained that under ESR Self Service, Host Trust representative are inputting absence directly into the ESR system rather than sending in monthly returns to the Lead Employer Team. The benefits of which are timely information is in putted and Host Trusts would be able to monitor and produce absence reports locally.
KH informed the updated absence policy would be shared prior to the next meeting.
5.0 / Annual Leave Policy:
The policy was agreed and signed. Policy would be uploaded onto the LET website and circulated to members via the next edition of INFO BRIEF. Signed copy to be forwarded to SM.
6.0 / Grievance and Disputes Policy:
JL provided a verbal update to the committee. Following discussion regarding the escalation process he agreed to review the policy and flow chart and recirculate via email to members by Friday 14th March. Members agreed to review the updated draft and return any comments to JLwithin a deadline of a fortnight.
7.0 / Lead Employer Handling Concerns Policy:
SM provided a summary regarding the formation of the policy and her input into it. A focus group had been formed to produce the new version of the draft policy. SM advised the LET policy is very similar to the PAT policy. SM advised tracked changes had been received by AM and her colleague Genevieve Norvock. JL confirmed he had considered the comments received and had returned an updated draft to members for further consideration/comments. SM provided verbal feedback on a number of sections of the policy. It was agreed JL would update the policy and resend to committee members. It was agreed once the document had been finalised it would be signed by Staff Side and Management side Chairs electronically with no need to wait for the next JLNC meeting.
8.0 / Junior Doctors Contract 2016:
8.1) Lead Employer Update: JL informed 120 trainees in Psychiatry, Paediatrics and Surgery had transitioned in February 2017 onto the 2016 terms and conditions and more trainees will transition in April. The remaining trainees appointed to the 2016 TCS will transition in August 2017.
Pay protection queries were being dealt with as they arose. ALET master spread sheet has been created to map eligibility to ensure individuals are paid correctly. Additionally confirmation is being sent via email to transitioning trainees to confirm details of eligibility for pay protection and which category of cash floor/pay protection they qualify for in line with the new TCS.
8.2) Guardian of Safe Working Hours. JL confirmed the Pennine GOSW would be the Guardian for Pennine Acute Trainees working within Pennine hospitals, GP Trainees in a primary care setting and trainees employed by Pennine working in Cumbria Partnership NHS Trust.
8.3) Exception Reporting and procedure for payment. Meeting had taken place between LET, payroll and Host Trust Medical Staffing representatives. A proforma has been agreed which Host Trusts would complete and send to payroll via email by payroll deadline on a monthly basis for payment.
8.4) Work Schedules. Following consultation with Host Trusts it was agreed that the issuing of work schedules for all April and August rotations would work in the same way as it did for the February rotation – ie Host Trusts would issue generic work schedules to trainees by the 8 week deadline and copy the LET in. The LET would then collate the financial information and create a generic work schedule library. The future plan is for the LET to issue GWS at the same time as the notification of rotational information.
SA provided an update on the GP Work Schedules informing 3 templates (ST1, ST2, ST3) had been produced. Practices do have flexibility in making alterations to the work schedule as long as show 40 hours average per week. Awaiting LTFT guidance. JL shared he is attending the HEENW Practice Managers Events on 22nd and 30th March to share templates and to request practices produce generic work schedules and return to LET.
8.5) Junior Doctors Forum. The LET will have a JDF and Host Trusts will hold their own JDF. The LET JDF TOR and format of how Host Trust JDFs will link into the LET JDF will need to be discussed further. The first LET JDF is to be held on 31st March 2017.
9.0 / Any Other Business:
9.1) JDAT: JL informed HEENW had made the decision that the JDAT would be the last cohort. Agreed a local review of processes for rota sign off and banding appeals is required.
10.0 / Date and Time of Next Meeting:
15th May 2017.
Pre Meet: Staff Side: 2:30 – 3:30 pm, Room 2, Postgraduate Medical Centre, North Manchester General Hospital. Meeting commences: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm