1. In “Cotton Sack,” Panchito discovers the true value of working with his hands by seeing the contrast between his own hands and his family’s hands.

2. Mama’s hands nurture, care, guide, and work. For instance, she ______.

3. Papa’s hands, gnarled and weatherbeaten, anchor the family; for example, he ______.

4. In contrast, although Panchito tries bravely to use his hands in the fields, his hands are often described as working with ______.

5. When his frozen hands could no longer pick the cotton bolas, Panchito realizes that his hands are not meant for the fields; he is better at ______.

6. In comparison, in my own family, I recognize that my parents’ hands are for ______.

7. For myself, I can use my hands to ______.

8. I can appreciate the big idea of the chapter, which is ______-because______.

9. It makes sense for Panchito to grow up to be teacher and author because I can see him using his gifts to ______.

10.  I predict for myself that my hands will be gifted to do ______.

1. In “The Circuit,” Panchito describes the impact of a broken education by emphasizing that ______.

2. Moving is a way of life for the family, but it is a painful reminder of ______.

3. The teacher who reaches out to Panchito, Mr. ______, understands his fears and insecurities about ______; therefore, he wisely helps Panchito by ______.

4. Connecting and bonding with other people is an important social skill; Panchito lacks this opportunity because he is always ______, which prevents him from developing ______.

5. The musical instrument , ______, that Panchito is eager to learn how to play represents how much he wants to ______.

6. The interrupted education, yet again, at the end of the chapter is damaging since ______.

7. The boxes represent how the entire family is “boxed” in economically; for Panchito, he is also “boxed in” symbolically because ______.

8. I can relate to the theme of displacement because I also had to deal with ______.

9. I also had an influential teacher, Mr, or Ms.______, who helped me by ______.

10.  One hobby or talent that I had a chance to cultivate is ______, which is significant to me because ______.