Team Sports B, Winter Trimester, Course No. 6241 page no.

Idaho Falls School District #91

Secondary Course Description

Team Sports B Winter Trimester

Basketball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Floor Hockey

Course Number 6241

District Mission Statement

The Mission of Idaho Falls School District #91, in cooperation with our community, is to educate our students to their fullest potential by developing knowledge and technical skills in a safe, positive, and challenging environment of academic excellence with clear criteria for success and accountability, thus enabling our students to communicate, compete, and contribute as self sufficient citizens.

Department Philosophy

Adhering to the philosophy of total development of the individual student we, the physical educators of School District #91 believe it is important to teach you the value of physical fitness through the use of team sports to be used now and throughout your life. The classes will be conducted to promote improvement of general health, wellbeing, and self-esteem of every student by creating an interest in and encouraging lifetime participation in physical activity.

The overall objective of Team Sports B is to maximize opportunities for attaining skill development, strategy implementation, physical fitness, through participation in movement experiences and application of these skills in a team oriented atmosphere.

Department Goals

1. To provide a planned, sequential program of appropriate physical activities that will continue to aid in the progressive development of the student. This will include knowledge and appreciation of sport as well as skill concept.

2. To teach 3 team sports, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, in a way that each student will understand the concepts and attempt at

mastering their best level of performance.

3. To develop and foster an understanding of a positive attitude regarding the benefits of physical activity by achieving, knowledge, strategies, and physical fitness for a lifetime.

4. To provide a program content that includes knowledge of movement principles, concepts, rules, strategies, safety, and performance strategies.


Secondary physical education programs should have the following standards.

1. Sound physiological, psychological, and sociological principles.

2. A balance of planned activities.

3. Learning experiences that foster creativity, self-direction, and problem solving.

4. Sequential development of movement patterns and motor skills

5. Learning experiences that promote positive self-concept and body image.

6. Compliance with federal legislation, Title IX.

7. Opportunities for motor skill remediation.

8. Teaching as a primary function.

9. Efficient utilization of class time.

10. Class enrollments that do not exceed other classroom teacher/student ratios.

11. Normative evaluation-student performance.

12. Substantive evaluation-continual program assessment and evaluation.

Department Policies

Dress/ Non-Dress Policy

1.  All students will be expected to dress in a T-shirt and shorts suitable for strenuous physical activity.

2.  If the student does not dress for class the following will occur in this order.

a.  1st offense: A verbal warning from the teacher to student will be given. The student will be given clothing to dress in for that day. If the student refuses to use the clothing provides he/she will lose all points possible for that day.

b. 2nd offense: The student and/or teacher will contact a parent. Again, the student will be given clothing to wear. If the student refuses to use the clothing provided, he/she will lose all points possible for that day. The student will also be assigned to 30 minutes detention after school.

c. 3rd offense: The student will have an Administrative Referral. The administrator will advise the teachers and students of the appropriate action to be taken next.

3.  GRADING: Students will have the ability to obtain 13 points a day , attitude and work will determine how many points are awarded for each day . A running total will be kept along with percentage so there will be no question what the student has or will receive.

Participation Policy

The student will be expected to be ready to willingly participate everyday in the prescribed activity. The student must possess a positive attitude and hard work ethic.

If the student does not willingly participate everyday and possess a positive attitude the teacher may deem it necessary to dock the grade accordingly.

Idaho Falls School District #91

Secondary Course Description

Team Sports B Winter Trimester

Course # 6241

Basketball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Floor Hockey

I. Individual Course Description:

In this course students will be taught the basic skills, terminology, strategies, and team play of all four sports. It is intended for students to

gain an appreciation of sport by involvement and participation, safety is always considered and the students well being attained to.

A. Course Title: Team Sports B

B. Course Number: 6241

C. Length: One Trimester

D. Required Prerequisite(s): The student should have passed P.E. A with no less than a C.

a. P.E. A

b. Junior high team sports class

E. Next Course(s) in Sequence:

a. Team sports A or C

b. Aerobics

c. Fitness and conditioning

II. The Written Curriculum

A. Course Objective(s):

1. To provide a team sports program incorporating the following:

a. skill development

b. skill practice

c. history of the sport

d. terminology of the sport

e. safety of the sport

f. strategys of sport

g. evaluation of skill

h. cognitive evaluation


1. skill level on sport technique

2. improvement on skill level

3. attendance and participation in activities

4. effort and attitude


1. Students will know the history of the sport, strategies used and rules of the game.

2. Students will be able to explain the different strategies associated with each sport.

3. Students will be able to understand terminology used by different sports.

II. Topics or Units of Study:

A. Flexibility and agility- everyday ranging in time from 10 to 20 minutes.

B. Same warm-ups that are used in P.E. A.

III. BASKETBALL - 19 days time ranging from 35-45 minutes per day.

A. Basketball Day One

1. Introduction to game of basketball

2. Handout-history

3. Rules and regulations

4. Skills

a. Dribbling

b. Passing

c. Lay-ups right and left-handed

5. Objectives

a.  Know the rules and regulations of basketball

b.  Practice and skill development in individual offense technique.

B. Basketball Day Two

1. Review

a.  Review dribbling and passing skills.

b.  Review right and left handed lay ups.

c.  Go over shooting techniques


a.  Balance -feet are balanced and body is balanced.

b.  Eyes-eyes are focused on a target (back of the rim front of the rim).

c.  Elbow-in line with target.

d.  Follow through -hand goes up in line with target with pointer finger going through middle of basket.

e.  shooting games

3. 21- Each team keeps its own score going to twenty one. a. The first shot is worth 2 points.

b. The second shot is worth 1 point.

The team member shooting must make a basket before passing the ball to a teammate.

4. Lightning-Start at free throw line if the person behind you makes it before you do then you are out and must sit out until the next game begins, there is no bumping of the ball or knocking it away.

5. Objectives

a. Practice in skill development of individual offense.

b. Use of skills in competitive games.

C. Basketball Day Three

1. Review shooting fundamentals

2. Start passing fundamentals

a. Partner pass-two people chest pass, bounce pass, over the head pass.

b. Two line pass-same partner running down floor, ball in the air feet in the air. Jump stop establish a pivot foot.

c. Three man weave

d. Three man weave two on one back

e. Five man weave

f. Five man weave three on two back

3. If time have students play lightning or another shooting game

4. Objectives

a. Practice and develop skill in the fundamentals of passing through drills.

b. Create cooperation among students having them work together.

D. Basketball Day Four

1. Review passing skills

2. Review all skills learned, pick several drills from each segment and have students go through each one so you can use this as a warm up everyday.

3. Objectives

a. Practice of fundamentals and skill work

b. Review and reinforce good techniques.

E. Basketball Day Five

1. Review handout

a. fouling

b. Defensive strategies

c. Offensive strategies

2. Talk to students about double dribble and traveling what it looks like and how to avoid doing it.

3. Start students by dividing up into three on three teams have them play against another team for 4 minutes then rotate to another basket do this for the rest of the period.

4. Sit students down and talk to them about checking the ball in bounds. And also any problems they might have had with their games.

5. Shower

6. Objectives

a. Start identifying offensive team strategies.

b. Start identifying defensive team strategies.

F. Basketball Day Six

1. Start students playing 3 on 3 again today

2. They will play a round robin tournament where they will play everybody in the class.

3. Keep track of points where every point is one and winners rotate or if you have a bracket go by that.

4. Shower

5. Objectives

a. Practice and develop team relationships.

b. Practice of individual offensive and defensive techniques.

G. Basketball Day Seven

1. Start free throw contest

2. 10 free throws keep track of how many you make winner of girls and boys gets a free non-agility day.

3. When finished with free throw contest start co-ed half court basketball.

a. Rules to co-ed

1) no boys in the key no exceptions everything else is the same

a) modifications - girls get four points to

the boys two or any other things you want to make up.

4. Have students play against several different teams and then it will be time to shower.

5. Objectives

a. Skill development in shooting by making the free

throws competitive.

b. Identifying coeducational modifications pertinent to the game of basketball.

H. Basketball Day Eight

1. Start warm ups with 5 man weave

2. Then go to 3 on 2 back

3. Start three on three tournament coed.

a. Teams should have four players two boys and two girls , remember only 3 can play modify rules to fit your needs.

b. Have teams play for 7 to 10 minutes and then rotate through a round robin tournament.

4. Objectives

a. Coed modifications

b. Use of skills and techniques used in introduction of class.

I. Basketball Day Nine

1. Start with two man passing drills

2. Start 3 on 3 coed bracquet tournament

a. Seed teams by wins from previous day, have teams play 7 to 10 minute games, then rotate

b. Teams that lose keep a large losers bracquet so no teams have to sit out.

3. Objectives

a. Practice and develop coed team skills.

b. Make modifications if needed.

J. Basketball Day Ten

1. Start with a lay up drill

a. Right and left, reverse right and left, whatever else you want to show the students.

2. Have a 3 pt tournament

a. Use six baskets , have rebounders and passers,

b. Shooter gets to shoot for one minute, if you have time go through several times record students makes and put on chart.

3. Finish up class with 21 or Lightning (It's Friday so have a

little fun).

4. Objectives

a. Practice and record skill development

b. Lets students have fun and enjoy movement.

K. Basketball Day Eleven

1. Start day with 5 man weave

2. Then go 3 on 2

3. Then go lay up drill

4. Then do some type of rebounding drill

5. Then play dribble king

a. Everyone has a ball or break class into groups according to how many balls you have.

b. Start in half court area - everyone is dribbling and tries to knock ball out of other peoples hands, if the ball goes out of the half court area then that person is out and must sit down,

c. When group gets smaller then put inside of 3 pt line, and then again when smaller put inside key area,

d. When down to 2 or 3 players go to center circle in middle of floor and the king will be decided.

6. Objectives

a. Review of old skills and addition of rebounding

b. Competitive game using skills learned in class.

L. Basketball Day Twelve

1. Introduce 4 on 4 coed basketball.

2. Same rules as three on three.

3. Can play half court or full court.

4. Rotate teams playing 7 to 10 minutes.

5. Talk about any rules that need to be modified.

6. Objectives

a. Incorporate team play using skills learned

b. Enjoy modifications made to game that is played

M. Basketball Day Thirteen

1 Start with lay up drill

2. Review 4 on 4 coed rules.

3. Play round robin tournament.

4. Talk about rules and excuse students.

5. Objectives

a. Identify the objectives of team offense and team defense.

b. Work on individual offensive skills during team play

N. Basketball Day Fourteen

1. Start with full court lay up drill,

2. Have free throw contest best out of ten for free non-agility day.

3. Record scores

4. Play 5 on 5 coed full court, rules are the same , no males in the key , try to divide teams up with even girls or boys.

5. The violation for going in the key is ball out of bounds.

6. Objectives

a. Continuous work on fundamentals.

b. Integration of full court offensive and defensive strategies.

O. Basketball Day Fifteen

1. Start day with 3 on 2 continuous fast break.

2. Play round robin tournament with 5 on 5 coed

a. review rules

b. ask for questions

c. play.

3. Objectives

a. Continuous skill development through drills.

b. Offensive and defensive strategies involved with coed play.

P. Basketball Day Sixteen

1. Start day with 5 man weave.

2. Then back 3 on 2

3. Play boys versus boys and girls versus girls 3 on 3 basketball.

4. Go over rules of basketball and how coed rules are different.

5. Divide up teams and play small tournament.

6. Objectives

a. rules and strategies of same sex play.