Book Talk Guidelines

Due Date: TBA (end of the 2nd semester)

Your book talk will be worth two test grades.

·  Your novel must be a minimum of 100 pages and you MUST have had a Book Talk with the teacher on the novel in its entirety to use it for your presentation. IF you have not, you will be given a 30 point deduction.

Your PowerPoint (and Presentation) must include the following:

·  Introduction to the book including:

o  Title

o  Name of the author and research about him/her and other books he/she has written (There may be some information on the book cover)

o  Genre of the book (e.g. fantasy, mystery, realistic fiction)

o  MLA Works Cited page

·  Answer the following questions on each slide:

o  Setting: Where and when did the story take place?

o  Characters: Who is the main character(s) in your book? Describe him/her.

o  Conflict: What is the conflict or struggle the character has to overcome?

o  Plot: In at least a paragraph (5-7 sentences), share some of the details about the story without giving too much away.

o  Mood: What is the mood of the novel? (funny sad, exciting?)

o  Theme: What is the central idea or lesson about life that the author wants to know?

Connection to Real Life: How does your novel relate to real life?

o  Your Review: Did you like the book? Why or why not?

o  Recommendation: Who would you recommend this book to and why? Why would this reader want to go out and get this book?

·  Two short readings from the book

o  This can be included in the PowerPoint, but it must be CORRECTLY DOCUMENTED USING MLA FORMAT! (Author’s Last Name Page #)

o  You MUST explain the importance of the quotes.

·  Pictures of

o  the book

o  author

characters (pictures of people who have similar physical characteristics as the characters)

o  setting(s)

+ 3 additional photos


·  Correct grammar: make sure you proofread and correctly punctuate your title.

·  Be creative and make the book interesting for the audience.

·  You will need your book with you during your presentation.

·  There is no late grade. If you do not present on Friday, January 20th, you will receive a ZERO for this portion of the final.

·  You are to be respectful audience members during each classmate’s presentation. You will lose points off of your grade if you are at all distracting or disrespectful.

·  Be prepared for questions!

·  You must have at least all required 300 pages read from the semester by the day of your Book Talk

·  If it is apparent that you did not read/finish your novel, you will receive a failing grade.

Outside Reading Assignment

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

-Dr. Seuss

Philosophy The philosophy behind the outside reading requirement is quite simple:

q  Reading is fun, especially if you choose what you read.

q  The more you read, the better your vocabulary, the higher your SAT scores, the better you think in all your classes and situations.

q  You need to choose your own books whenever possible, guided only by your interests and needs at the time.

q  It is okay to abandon a book if it is dull or too difficult and get another one. It will not count towards the # of pages you are required to read, however.


q  You must read at least the required number of pages.

q  Class texts do not count, nor do summer reading books.

q  You must always have a book you are reading outside of the classroom. This book, unless otherwise specified, is for you to choose. I expect you to read 30 minutes each day outside of class from your outside reading book.

q  I expect you to always have your book with you IN CLASS. Any point there is “down time” in class, you should be reading your outside reading book.

q  I will set aside 30 minutes each Wednesday for you to read silently as a class. If you do not have it in class, you are unprepared and your Class Participation grade will reflect this.

q  You can read ONE book in another language.

q  You must list each book you read on the handout provided, and keep this in your notebook the entire semester. I will keep a list, as well.

q  You must meet with me to have “Book Talks” about the book you are reading to get the page #s checked off. This can be done before or after school or on Thursdays during outside reading time. If you do not know what you have read when you discuss it with me, your pages will not be checked off. You can only meet with me if you have read at least 50 pages.

q  Remember that annotating your book on a separate sheet of paper will help you remember what you are reading and focus on important aspects of the book!

q  The books you choose must be appropriate to your age, interests, and ability.

q  You must give a Book Report at the end of the semester on the best outside reading book you read this semester. Requirements for this will be given at a later date.