Advanced Placement Physics C Syllabus

I)Introduction: The AP Physics course taught at DPHS covers calculus-based Newtonian mechanics. Although the curriculum can be challenging, it is a worthwhile endeavor for any student looking to advance his/her skills with the intent of taking any engineering or science intensive subjects in the near future. There may be a video clip shown occasionally from certain movies, but the clip would never contain any violence, vulgarity, or offensive material.

II)Rules/Supplies: All students need to arrive in class, on time, with their IDs properly displayed. Also, students must be respectful of their classmates’ property. The only supplies needed are a spiral notebook, paper, calculator, and pencil.

III)Grading Policy: Major grades (tests and projects) count 70%. Minor grades (homework, labs, daily work, etc) count 30%. Late work will be accepted one day late for 50% of the original grade. Repeat offenders will forfeit their rights to submit late work. Grades will be calculated based on total points each six weeks. To calculate the final grade, divide your total points earned by the total number of points possible. Typical point values are listed below (but can differ if necessary):


A)Test – 100 points B) Quiz – 30 to 60 points

C) Lab – 10 to 20 points D) Project – 100 to 150 points

E)Homework – 15 to 35 points

V)Retesting: If a student fails a test, he/she may retest for a maximum grade of 70. There is a limit to the number of retests a student may take per grading period. A student may not retake a quiz.

VI)Extra Credit: Extra points may be earned by completing optional projects and assignments. Although these points may be accumulated without limit, you may only use 6 points (on final average) per grading period.

VII)Absences: When a student knows in advance he/she will be absent from school for any reason (family event, school activity, etc), he/she can (and is expected to) obtain assignments before the absence. If an unexpected absence occurs, it is the sole responsibility of the student to make up missed work and inquire about any future activities that were assigned during the absence.

VIII)Expectations: All students enrolled in an AP course should take the AP Exam at the end of the year.

IX)Topics Covered:

A)Kinematics (including vectors, vector algebra, vector components, coordinate systems, displacement, velocity, and acceleration)

  1. Motion in one dimension
  2. Motion in two dimensions, including projectiles

B)Newton’s laws of motion (including friction and centripetal force)

  1. Static equilibrium (first law)
  2. Dynamics of a single particle (second law)
  3. Systems of two or more bodies (third law)

C)Work, energy, and power

  1. Work and work-energy theorem
  2. Conservative forces and potential energy
  3. Conservation of energy
  4. Power

D)Systems of particles and linear momentum

  1. Center of mass
  2. Impulse and momentum
  3. Conservation of linear momentum, collisions

E)Circular motion and rotation

  1. Uniform circular motion
  2. Angular momentum and its conservation
  3. Rotational inertia
  4. Torque and rotational statics
  5. Rotational kinematics and dynamics

F)Oscillations and gravitation

  1. Simple harmonic motion
  2. Mass on a spring
  3. Pendulum and other oscillations
  4. Newton’s law of gravity
  5. Orbits of planets and satellites (circular and elliptical)

X)Contact Information: You may contact me in the following manner:


B)Phone: 832-668-7200 ext. 72234