Title: Social networking sites and their application
Topic announcement: Sharing of information
Introduction Background: Social networking is the easiest channel for fast passage of information.
Thesis statement: Most social networks such as Facebook have contributed to the spreading of information from one nation to another at low cost without having to move from one place to another.
Body Paragraphs
Social networking sites
Characteristic 1: Social networks have transformed the world by making communication open through internet communication where information is passed to many people (Aldhafferi, 10).Social networking has replaced the use of letters in sending and receiving of information, which was a strategy used in the years prior to the internet and cell phones creation and usage. The users of social networks are required to give personal information in order to be eligible to use the network. Most investors have resolved to use social networks as a means of making their products and services known to users. It has been recorded that most individuals rely on social networks to get informed of the current affairs in states, global happenings and existences of goods and services for sale and trade. Initially, social networks were used for personal communications between friends and families, which has led to exchanging information about specific topics such as political views and social-economic factors.
Example 1: A Facebook users may post information in regard to the current views on global warming by giving its effects on the subject which is a sensitive topic on conservation of the environment requiring other users to comment and contribute to measures that can assure control of the effects.
Characteristic 2: There are various social networks that an individual can choose from such as Facebook, Instagram, Viber, Whattup and Google. Each of them has its users depending on the likes and content of the network. For instance, Instagram is a network where there is massive exchange of photographs between users while Google is a network that ensures massive exchange of information that can be accessed by those who post their information and there is no option of users to comment on the content. Of all the above networks, Facebook is said to the network with more users due to the administrators of the network having a wider competitive advantage over other networks (Prakash). Social networks register their users via network’s database so as to know the number of its members. The various networks must ensure appropriate connections are available at the user’s place of accessing network contents. The users must be connected and must have an account accessed when one registers with the network. Upon registration, one is required to have a password which is to secretly be maintained by the user to assure safety of the account from information hackers.
Example 2: Google is a unique network where users are able to access information without commenting on it while Facebook is a network in which users are able to exchange and comment information over a certain subjects. It is also at this network where users are able to view pictures from friend while in Google, such option is not provided.
Characteristic 3: Social networks are made in such a way that information is passed from one person to another in a span of seconds. Administrators ensure that the kind of internet required into making the users communicate fast at any place is provided. However, for the user to use the network they must have effective internet connectivity that matches with the network. The networks can be accessed at any place so long as the user has a smart phone or computers that supports the use of internet. Social networks have enabled most companies and investors to be known to the public. One is able to learn about current affairs in regard to political and social-economic factors. Users are able to have friends from all over the world without physically meeting each other. Users have been able to outsource products from any locality due to ability of making online payments via the seller’s websites.
Example 3: A Facebook user is able to decide on the number and kinds of friends one is to have which is made possible by one either liking friends request or ignoring the request.
Safety concerns
Characteristic 1: Posting of any information via social networks requires careful decisions to be thought of before sharing the information (Prakash). This is because of security concerns, especially because the information can be hacked by malicious individuals who may tamper with the information. The networks are relatively able to identify the hackers by locating the users who were logged at the network when hacking might have taken place. In accordance to McDowell, social networks are capable of protecting users via international codes of conduct on security issues. Most of the users request for educational information from the administrators in ways of identifying hackers who frequently cause havoc in social networks.
Example 1: Social networks require users to frequently change their passwords so hackers are not able to spoil their accounts. In the case that an account is already hacked, the administrators assist the user to correct the account and restrict the activities of the hackers.
Characteristic 2: Social network is capable of holding all the private information that one feeds it with. It is thus the responsibility of a user to be accountable of the content one posts via the network.
Example 2: Most of the social networks give the user authority to control their privacy by regulating privacy settings that display personal information.
Characteristic 3: Social networks allow passage of all kinds of information whether it is positive or negative to users. Companies and investors using social media are required to monitor the content that may be posted via their websites by the users. The administrators of social network do not remove inappropriate post from user’s accounts unless the user requests it in ensuring users have freedom to communicate.
Example 3: It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that their contributions via the network are not misleading and are not negatively viewed by the friends one has.
Benefits of social networking sites
Characteristic 1: Social networks have allowed flexibility in sourcing information from various fields since people connected via internet can access their account at the place they are. This has allowed advancement in technology to be foreseen via the networks.
Example 1: Students are able to access and validate the kinds of colleges they want to register with and they are able to connect with other students overseas where they can have discussions over what they are learning.
Characteristic 2: Social networks have allowed exchange of views for users to seek transformation of leadership and delivery of services from various governments. This is when users from specific governments air their issues at the social networks for leaders to change their governance.
Example 2: Political issues have been discussed by users who are calling for reforms to be implemented by leaders in regard to their handling of corruption and equitable distribution of resources among citizens.
Characteristic 3: Social networks have been competing among each other in ensuring each network has more users. Out of the competition, service delivery is most improved. Additionally, the networks permit users to have several accounts by not limiting one in only one network. This allows users to compare the networks and making a decision in regard to which network they want to use most. Provision of features for each specific network is dependent on the network’s ability to meet user’s wants. For instance, Facebook users have long been been requesting for a dislike option. After much debate, users not have additional “reactions” to choose from.
Example 3: Customers demand fast speed to send information via the networks. Facebook has delivered and is recording the fastest network when a user posts information.
Conclusion: Social media had opened channels of communication by igniting almost every person to share information via internet usage.
References to be used
Aldhafferi, N., Watson, C &Sajeev, A.S.M (2013). Personal information privacy settings
of online social networks and their suitability for mobile internet devices. International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management. 2(2):3-17.
McDowell, M. (2011). Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks: Cyber
Security Tip.
Prakash, R. (2011). Virtual Alarm: Social Engineering Attacks Imperil Cyber Security.