What is respite?
Respite provides caregivers an opportunity to have some time away from their caregiving duties in order to take care of themselves. A respite break can be as short as a few hours or a couple of days or weeks.
The Respite Resource Center, (RRC) a non-profit, state-funded agency, is one of six sites that make up the Nebraska Respite Network, offering information about respite services across the lifespan.
The Center gathers information on paid and volunteer respite services available to caregivers as well as information on professional or donated services.
The Respite Resource Center coordinates resources for Douglas and Sarpy Counties.
Other Nebraska Respite Network locations which serve various counties throughout Nebraska are: Northern, located in O'Neill; Southeastern, located in Lincoln; Central, located in Loup City; Southwest, located in McCook; and Western, located in Chadron, Nebraska. More information about the Respite Resource Center is available at the website: www.respitenetwork.org
The Respite Resource Center serves as a one-stop location for information on respite for caregivers, providers, employers and citizens. The RRC connects caregivers overwhelmed with the demands of the daily care of an individual with information about the appropriate respite services in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. It also provides information for respite providers who wish to be registered and offer services, either paid or volunteer. The Respite Resource Center does not make recommendations regarding services, but provides this information to the caregiver to make the final decision.
Caregivers: The Respite Resource Center assists with names and phone numbers of respite services the caregiver needs. Providers: The RRC maintains a list of providers, both individuals and agencies where families in need of help can be referred. Names of professional agencies and/or paid providers as well as volunteer organizations will be listed. Volunteers: Individuals' names will be maintained as those available to offer respite. Volunteers will be informed of the various volunteer respite programs where they may share their time with families in need of a break.
HOW: Respite can occur in many different ways and places depending on the needs of the caregiver and the person they are caring for. Some examples are:
* Paid or volunteer in home service
* Day service centers for adults
* Day care centers for children
* Camps
* Schools
* Extended care facilities
* Many more
Caregivers need an opportunity to have time for themselves. Here are some examples:
* Go to the grocery store
* Visit their doctor
* Have lunch with a friend
* Attend church or a school function
* Take a nap
* Go out of town for a couple of days or weeks
* Just relax
WHERE: No care services are provided at The Respite Resource Center.