The AquaLeader Course

This course is the "pre-leadership" level designed to reinforce AquaQuest skills and knowledge and to introduce basic instructional and leadership concepts. Completion of the AquaLeader course provides candidates with the basic skills and experience necessary for entering the Water Safety Instructor's course.

Course Content
The content of the AquaLeader course consists of a review of the contents of the AquaQuest program as well as basic aquatic instructional emergency response skills, leadership development, and an observational teaching component.

Recognition and Award System
This course is not a certification course. Successful completion does not allow candidates to instruct the Red Cross Water Safety Programs. However, it is a mandatory requirement for registering in the Water Safety Instructor course. Candidates are evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Successful candidates receive a wallet card upon course completion.

Program Support Materials
The Swimming and Water Safety Manual is the Red Cross' comprehensive, technical manual on swimming and water safety and is to be used as a reference for AquaLeader candidates. The AquaLeader Guide details how to run an AquaLeader course and is used by the instructing Water Safety Instructor or Water Safety Instructor Trainer.

“To complete the Red Cross AquaLeader course, you need to successfully finish two components: the 15 hour course and 5 hours of teaching observation”

The 5 hours of teaching observation will be done at the YMCA most likely adult lessons with Lisa.

To pass this course you must:


  • Understand that this course will provide specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare them for advanced leadership programs, specifically the Water Safety Instructor Course.
  • Understand the history, programs and services of the Canadian Red Cross, and the seven Fundamental Principles as they relate to the Red Cross and Water Safety Programs.
  • Demonstrate their AquaQuest skills in levels (1-12)

AquaQuest Program Skills

  • Understands the structure and content of the Water Safety themes of the Aquaquest program.
  • Categorizes the knowledge and skills of the AquaQuest program into Prepare! Stay Safe! Survive!
  • Demonstrates the strokes, skills and endurance of the AquaQuest – Level 12

Instructional Emergency Response

  • Demonstrates the rescue skills in the AquaQuest program.
  • Identifies the elements of safety supervision in an instructional environment.
  • Performs basic towing rescues of weak and struggling swimmers.
  • Recovers a submerged object.
  • Recognizes and treats a heart attack, abrasions, bleeding, fractures, sprains, cramps and nose bleeds.


  • Explains why the guiding principles are the program keys to a successful learning experience.


  • Practices communicating information and learn that each piece of information they provide opens the door to a variety of choices.
  • Determines that there is a number of options for most situations.
  • Recognizes the support that a team can provide to accomplish goals.
  • Understands that they are always accepting responsibilities and making decisions.
  • Evaluates their personal limits as they relate to an aquatic environment.


  • Received specific feedback on their performances during the course based on participation and the performance criteria in Instructional Emergency Response and AquaQuest skills.
  • Evaluated the course content, delivery and their personal experiences.
  • Understands the next steps in the Leadership program.
  • Relates to the key learning outcomes of the AquaLeader course.

In addition to these skills you must acquire over 80% on the marking criteria.

Marking Criteria:

Assistant/Peer Teaching (5hrs AT)30%


Individual WP Lesson Plans 6%

Core Lesson Plan15%

Core Lesson Plan, Individual Plans19%

Teaching Observation Journal10%

This criteria WILL NOT change and it must be met for you to complete this course.

Course Times



/10 / Preparation
Lesson plan available? Equipment gathered before the start of the class? Knows site safety concerns and emergency procedures? Dressed to be easily identifiable?
/20 / Safety
Were the students safe? Screened before trying advanced skills? Keeps ALL students in view at ALL times? Enforces rules throughout the lesson? Always the deepest person if he/she was in the water? Flutter board/aid within reach? Maintained control throughout the entire class?
/30 / Content
Was correct information being taught? Were directions short and simple? Was respect communicated with each student? Speaks assertively? Instructs with enthusiasm and empathy? Minimizes conflict between voice and body language? Were students active and wet 95% or more? Logical progressions used? Uses different teaching methods? Proper feedback provided? Breaks down skill when correcting?
/40 / Overall Impression
Was this a good lesson?
/100 / Total Mark




/10 / Preparation
Lesson plan available? Equipment gathered before the start of the class? Knows site safety concerns and emergency procedures? Dressed to be easily identifiable?
/20 / Safety
Were the students safe? Screened before trying advanced skills? Keeps ALL students in view at ALL times? Enforces rules throughout the lesson? Always the deepest person if he/she was in the water? Flutter board/aid within reach? Maintained control throughout the entire class?
/30 / Content
Was correct information being taught? Were directions short and simple? Was respect communicated with each student? Speaks assertively? Instructs with enthusiasm and empathy? Minimizes conflict between voice and body language? Were students active and wet 95% or more? Logical progressions used? Uses different teaching methods? Proper feedback provided? Breaks down skill when correcting?
/40 / Overall Impression
Was this a good lesson?
/100 / Total Mark




/10 / Preparation
Lesson plan available? Equipment gathered before the start of the class? Knows site safety concerns and emergency procedures? Dressed to be easily identifiable?
/20 / Safety
Were the students safe? Screened before trying advanced skills? Keeps ALL students in view at ALL times? Enforces rules throughout the lesson? Always the deepest person if he/she was in the water? Flutter board/aid within reach? Maintained control throughout the entire class?
/30 / Content
Was correct information being taught? Were directions short and simple? Was respect communicated with each student? Speaks assertively? Instructs with enthusiasm and empathy? Minimizes conflict between voice and body language? Were students active and wet 95% or more? Logical progressions used? Uses different teaching methods? Proper feedback provided? Breaks down skill when correcting?
/40 / Overall Impression
Was this a good lesson?
/100 / Total Mark




/10 / Preparation
Lesson plan available? Equipment gathered before the start of the class? Knows site safety concerns and emergency procedures? Dressed to be easily identifiable?
/20 / Safety
Were the students safe? Screened before trying advanced skills? Keeps ALL students in view at ALL times? Enforces rules throughout the lesson? Always the deepest person if he/she was in the water? Flutter board/aid within reach? Maintained control throughout the entire class?
/30 / Content
Was correct information being taught? Were directions short and simple? Was respect communicated with each student? Speaks assertively? Instructs with enthusiasm and empathy? Minimizes conflict between voice and body language? Were students active and wet 95% or more? Logical progressions used? Uses different teaching methods? Proper feedback provided? Breaks down skill when correcting?
/40 / Overall Impression
Was this a good lesson?
/100 / Total Mark




/10 / Preparation
Lesson plan available? Equipment gathered before the start of the class? Knows site safety concerns and emergency procedures? Dressed to be easily identifiable?
/20 / Safety
Were the students safe? Screened before trying advanced skills? Keeps ALL students in view at ALL times? Enforces rules throughout the lesson? Always the deepest person if he/she was in the water? Flutter board/aid within reach? Maintained control throughout the entire class?
/30 / Content
Was correct information being taught? Were directions short and simple? Was respect communicated with each student? Speaks assertively? Instructs with enthusiasm and empathy? Minimizes conflict between voice and body language? Were students active and wet 95% or more? Logical progressions used? Uses different teaching methods? Proper feedback provided? Breaks down skill when correcting?
/40 / Overall Impression
Was this a good lesson?
/100 / Total Mark




1)The Royal Life Saving Society operates in over 50 countries throughout the world (True)

2)Public Education is a major activity of the Royal Life Saving Society Canada (True)

3)The RLSSC board of directors is composed entirely of volunteers (True)

4)Although the Society is primarily a voluntary organization, local representatives are paid a small monthly stipend. (False)

5)The Society promotes its oldest award – the Bronze Medallion – as a good lifeguard training award (False)

6)RLSSC national Affiliates include: the Canadian Armed Forces, the Canadian Red Cross Society, the RCMP, the YMCA, Swimming/Natation Canada, St. John Ambulance, and PADI (True)

7)The National Lifeguard Service (NLS) award is a program of the RLSSC (True)

8)The RLSSC program is reviewed for possible revision every five years. (True)

9)RLSSC Lifesaving Instructor certification is valid in all provinces of Canada (True)

10)An RLSSC Lifesaving Instructor can teach the National Lifeguard and Aquatic Emergency Care programs (False)


1)Learning is controlled by the learner, not by the teacher (True)

2)Feedback should occur as close after the performance as possible, and subsequent practice should follow as close after the feedback as possible. (True)

3)A lecture approach is one of the best ways to get across complex or complicated information. (False)

4)A good way to help motivate learners is to make sure that success has been built into the task (True)

5)Land demonstrations of stroke mechanics are a good way to help learning (False)

6)Feedback should focus on what is right as well as what is wrong (True)

7)Following the introduction of a new skill, the instructor should let the learners practice once, and then begin giving corrections right away. (False)

8)The direct teaching approach is always to be preferred over the discovery approach. (False)

9)If the instructor is talking, then the learners are learning. (False)

10)If what the teacher is doing is not working, the teacher should try something else. (True)


1)Careful lesson planning leads to safer classes. (True)

2)The long-range plan should be checked after every five lessons. (False)

3)If each lesson is carefully prepared, a long-range plan is not as important. (False)

4)The use of continuous evaluation means that the long-range plan may be changed. (True)

5)An effective lesson plan should allow all learners to be challenged at their level of ability. (True)


1)The purpose of water rescue training is to: E

a)build strength and endurance

b)emphasize the need for self-preservation

c)reduce stress on the rescuer in the real emergency

d)create familiarity with water rescue emergencies

e)all of the above

2)Stress: E

a)can be used effectively by the instructor

b)can hinder effective action in an emergency

c)can hinder learning

d)can be modified through training

e)all of the above

3)Prior to teaching releases, the instructor should: E

a)teach reverse and ready position

b)make sure the class has a “let go” signal

c)review defense methods

d)a) and b)

e)all of the above

4)The most important asset for a rescuer is: D

a)knowledge of the correct rescue procedures

b)skill in the techniques of water rescue

c)the ability to perform effective rescue breathing

d)judgment in the selection of procedures

e)sufficient physical fitness for the emergency

5)In selecting the type of water entry the rescuer must consider: E

a)the rescuer’s skill

b)the rescuer’s safety

c)the victim’s position

d)the victim’s condition

e)each of the above

6)In caring for an unconscious victim, the most important measure to be taken is to: C

a)allow the victim to rest while seeking medical aid

b)simulate circulation by massaging the limbs

c)maintain the airway by correct head positioning

d)place the victim on a flat, sloping surface

e)provide warmth through the use of blankets

7)A tow is: B

a)the rescue of an unconscious victim

b)a non-contact form of rescue

c)the simplest of rescue methods

d)a contact type rescue skill

e)a rescue using a buoyant aid

8)At all RLSSC award levels, after affecting a release the rescuer should: A

a)back away and assess the situation

b)apply a carry and begin towing

c)call out loudly for assistance

d)submerge and swim under water

e)be prepared for the victim to submerge

9)The foot block, straight arm block, and duck away are: C

a)proficiency skills

b)lead-up skills

c)defensive methods

d)release methods

e)self-rescue methods

10)It is common practice in lifesaving education to give candidates simulated emergencies to analyze. The primary purpose of situational training is to develop: B





e)reaction time


1)Death by drowning is most commonly a result of: C

a)lack of blood to the heart

b)lack of blood to the brain


d)water in the lungs

e)ventricular fibrillation

2)The term resuscitation implies: B

a)artificial respiration and artificial circulation

b)all the measures necessary to revive a victim

c)application of rescue breathing

d)application of a resuscitator

e)application of a manual method of artificial respiration

3)In teaching emergency care, the Instructor should: D

a)cover as little theoretical material as necessary

b)cover as much theoretical material as possible

c)cover only enough theory needed to pass the award

d)cover theoretical material through practical application

e)cover theoretical material not covered in the prerequisites

4)In teaching resuscitation awards, instructors should: E

a)relate the material to the age level of the candidates

b)integrate theory in practical situations

c)devise fun and challenging games and drills

d)encourage accurate and realistic victim role-playing

e)all of the above

5)When rescuing a victim with a suspected spinal injury: E

a)wait for first aid assistance

b)remove the victim from the water quickly

c)transport the victim to shallow water quickly

d)immobilize the head and apply traction

e)immobilize the head and neck and check ABC’s


1)The instructor should investigate the history of learners with medical conditions (True)

2)Inadequate lesson planning may lead to an unsafe lesson (True)

3)The instructor may leave learners alone in the water briefly in an emergency situation (False)

4)The instructor should check the attendance list before and after each lesson (True)

5)The instructor should teach the learners the emergency procedures of the facility

6)At no time should the instructor exclude learners from part or all of the lesson (False)

7)Instructors must know and practice the emergency procedures of the facility in which they work (True)


1)RLSSC Examiners are: A


b)permanently appointed

c)appointed for one year at a time

d)paid for examinations

e)instructors with at least three years experience

2)Instructors should present for examination, all candidates who: C

a)registered for the course

b)attended 90 percent of the lessons

c)passed the pre-test

d)paid for the course

e)might be successful

3)Before the examination, the instructor should: E

a)review test items and their performance requirements

b)evaluate all instructor-evaluated items

c)pre-test all candidates on all items

d)work on candidate weaknesses

e)all of the above

4)In preparing for examiner-evaluated awards, the instructor should: E

a)ensure that candidates meet the prerequisites

b)ensure that adequate time and space will be available

c)ensure that there will be a lifeguard on duty

d)ensure that suitable equipment is available

e)all of the above

5)The following can be evaluated by the instructor: A

a)Lifesaving I, Lifesaving II, Lifesaving III, Junior Resuscitation, Lifesaving Fitness

b)Lifesaving I, Lifesaving II, Lifesaving III, Junior and Senior Resuscitation, Lifesaving Fitness

c)Lifesaving I, Lifesaving II, Lifesaving III, Bronze Medallion, Lifesaving Fitness

d)Lifesaving I, Lifesaving II, Lifesaving III, Lifesaving Fitness

e)all of the above



1)Draw the triangle of the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross (use colour)

2)What is the main goal of these seven Fundamental Principles?

3)Name the five services of the Red Cross and describe each.

4)When was the Red Cross Water Safety Program established?

5)What is the aim and goals of the Water Safety Program?



1)What is the purpose of a lesson plan?

2)What is the purpose of a long-range plan?

3)How are lesson plans different from long-range plans?

4)What factors should the instructor consider in developing a lesson plan?

5)What resources would you consult in preparing a long range plan to teach Aqualeaders.

6)How does the principle of continuous evaluation affect the design of a long-range plan?

7)List all elements involved in a lesson plan (time, etc)


7% + 1% for full completion

State the definition, signs and symptoms and treatment of the following injuries:

  • Heart Attack
  • Abrasions
  • Bleeding
  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Cramps
  • Nose Bleeds



1)What is the definition of Hydrodynamics, Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle, Specific gravity, Center of mass, Center of buoyancy?