Supplementary Table 1. Description of the operationalization of all individual adversities included in material and social adversity indices at age 16, 21, 30 and 43 years, and relative frequency (%) in women and men.
Adversity category / Adversity designation / Content of questionnaire item(s) / Definition of exposure / Frequency in women / Frequency in menSocial Adversity / % / %
Age 16 / Parental loss / Parental separation/divorce, death of either parent or parents never lived together / ‘Yes’ on either item=1 / 22.2 / 23.1
Residential instability / Lifetime number of residential moves involving change of friends / Number of moves > 80th percentile =1 / 15.9 / 23.1
Parental Illness / Mother and/or father currently having a physical illness; mental problems; or alcohol problems / ‘Yes’ for either mother or father=1 / 35.0 / 27.9
Age 21 / Residential instability / Number of moves during the last three years / Number of moves > 80th percentile =1 / 29.3 / 12.9
Illness of close one / Close one seriously or chronically ill during last three years / ‘Yes’=1 / 31.4 / 25.2
Death of close one / Death of close one during last three years / ‘Yes’=1 / 30.7 / 24.5
Age 30 / Separation / Divorce or break-up from a long-term relationship during the last year / ‘Yes’=1 / 8.5 / 7.7
Illness of close one / Close one seriously or chronically ill during last year / ‘Yes’=1 / 22.7 / 20.5
Death of close one / Death of close one during last year / ‘Yes’=1 / 17.4 / 19.1
Social isolation / Four items from the Availability of Social Integration (AVSI) scale of the ISSI questionnaire1 (six response options: 'none'=1; '1-2'=2; '3-5'=3; '6-10'=4; '11-15'=5; 'more than 15'=6) concerning the number of people 1) with similar interests the respondent knows; 2) the respondent meets regularly every week; 3) that is available to visit at any time; 4)the respondent can speak openly to. / Items summed up into index (range 4-24); score <20th percentile=1 / 16.0 / 11.1
Low decision latitude / Six items from the Swedish Demand–Control Questionnaire (DCQ)2 (four response options: 'Yes, often'=4; 'Yes, sometimes'=3; 'No, seldom'=2; 'No, practically never'=1) concerning to what degree the respondents work or other main activity 1) involve opportunity to learn new thing; 2) requires high skill level; 3) requires creativity; 4) involves repetitive work (reverse coded); 5) involves own influence on how to carry out the work; 6) involves influence on what should be done / Items summed up into index (range 6-24); score <20th percentile=1 / 27.4 / 23.0
Threat/violence / Two items concerning whether the participant during the last year was exposed to: physical violence or threats of violence that were so serious that she or he was scared. Two items concerning the participant, at current or last workplace, had been exposed to: personal prosecution through mean words and actions by boss or colleagues, or to sexual harassment by unwanted or degrading sexual insinuations or actions. / ‘Yes’ on either item=1 / 16.0 / 12.6
Age 43 / Separation / Divorce or break-up from a long-term relationship during the last 12 years / ‘Yes’=1 / 34.9 / 33.4
Illness of close one / Close one seriously or chronically ill during the last five years / ‘Yes’=1 / 44.5 / 41.3
Death of close one / Death of close one during the last five years / ‘Yes’=1 / 38.6 / 36.4
Social isolation / See Social isolation at age 30 / See Social isolation at age 30 / 16.3 / 12.3
Low decision latitude / See Low decision latitude at age 30 / See Low decision latitude at age 30 / 24.5 / 21.6
Threat/violence / See Threat/violence age 30 / See Threat/violence age 30 / 14.8 / 12.7
Material Adversity
Age 16 / Poor material standard of living / Items in the family possession: color television set; video recorder; dishwashing machine; car; motor bike; summer house; boat; recreational vehicle; snow mobile / The number items (sample range 0-9); <20th percentile=1 / 37.9 / 21.3
Residential crowding / Respondent having a own room / ‘No’=1 / 8.4 / 7.1
Parental unemployment / Mother and/or father currently employed / ‘No’ for either mother or father=1 (mother being housewife=0) / 13.6 / 10.9
Age 21 / Low cash margin / Ability to raise 5000 SEK within a week / ‘No’=1 / 34.1 / 21.8
Low income / Monthly income (SEK) / Monthly income <20th percentile=1 / 15.0 / 20.9
Unemployment / Respondent's current labor market status / Unemployed =1 / 8.4 / 6.7
Age 30 / Low cash margin / Ability to raise 13000 SEK within a week / ‘No’=1 / 29.7 / 14.7
Financial strain / How often the respondent was forced, due to financial reasons, to abstain from the following (four response options: 'often'; 'seldom'; never'; 'not applicable'): 1) have a cooked meal; 2) buy clothes needed by oneself or someone else in the household; 3) pay rent or other bills in time; 4) go to cinema, concert or theatre; 5) invite guests; 6) travel to visit friends or relatives; 7) buy presents; 8) go on vacation; 9) subscribe to a magazine or paper; 10) engage in leisure activities or hobbies; 11) go to restaurant or pub / Number of 'often' responses summed up into an index (range 0-11); > 80th percentile=1 / 27.4 / 18.0
Unemployment / Respondent' s current labor market status / Unemployed or on sickness benefit=1 / 11.0 / 9.1
Spousal unemployment / Partner ever unemployed during the last five years / ‘Yes’=1 / 27.1 / 38.0
Age 43 / Low cash margin / Ability to raise 15000 SEK within a week / ‘No’=1 / 14.0 / 6.6
Financial strain / See Financial strain at age 30 / See Financial strain at age 30 / 28.8 / 15.0
Unemployment / See Unemployment at age 30 / See Unemployment at age 30 / 7.1 / 8.1
Spousal unemployment / Partner's current labor market status / Spouse unemployed or on sickness benefit=1 / 4.1 / 7.9
1 Henderson S, Duncan-Jones P, Byrne DG, Scott R. Measuring social relationships. The Interview Schedule for Social Interaction. Psychol Med. 1980, 10:723-734.
2.Landsbergis P, Theorell T, Schwartz J, Greiner BA, Krause N. Measurement of psychosocial workplace exposure variables. Occup Med. 2000, 15:163-188.