Directorate: Social Care and Health

Head of Service: Julie Boothroyd

Business Area: Protection of Vulnerable Adults



POVA Team Plan

Team Service Improvement Plan 2011-14 for POVA

Head of Service: Julie Boothroyd

Population Outcome or Result / The Reason
(take from list on Page 3) / Key Actions / Timescales/Milestones / Source of Funding for the Activity / Service & Responsible Officer
Service users will have the opportunity to give feedback on their experience of the POVA process. / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Design and implement a ‘Feedback questionnaire’ to be used at the end of the process. Either by adapting from another organisation or designing a bespoke one and piloting it. / We have gained views of service users to improve practice.
March 2012. / Existing staff time and use of care management cost code for printing / POVA
Hilary Smart.
Designated Lead Managers.
Staff across Health and Social care are offered the opportunity of training which will help them to implement the All Wales policy and procedures effectively / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Roll out redesigned level 2 and level 3 training and level 4 training for designated lead managers to be delivered by in-house trainers. / Number of half day level 2 refresher courses delivered.
2 Social Workers from each Care management and Assessment team to be trained in 2011/12.
Level 4 training to be planned for new Designated Lead Managers. .i
Monitored via training evaluation forms.
Capture comments from Evaluation in Training Unit report.
Longer term impact on referrals because people recognise signs of risk. / Training Unit
Cheryl Haskell
All Wales Policy and Procedures will be introduced from April 2011. / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Adopt new documentation including new all wales referral form.
Plan a local launch of the All Wales procedures.
Hold regular designated lead manager meetings to ensure consistency of practice across Monmouthshire.
Increase the number of social workers trained to undertake POVA investigations / Documentation circulated
May 2011
Launch takes place by
December 2011
Meetings take place bi-monthly and minutes are available
All people involved in POVA investigation have completed level 3 training.
Implementation of All Wales Policy Guidance that Providers should not complete their own investigations will need to be implemented gradually- guidance for DLM’s provided. / Existing staff time / Hilary Smart .
Designated Lead Managers.
Commissioning Team.
Training Unit.
Early Intervention when there are concerns about services to share information and ensure appropriate use of Escalating Concerns procedure. / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Quality Assurance in place to share information between Commissioning, Care management and POVA regarding Provider Performance. Pilot a quality assurance slot on the Designated Lead Managers (DLM) meeting to ensure that the Escalating Concerns Procedure is implemented appropriately. / Pilot is evaluated and a decision made whether to continue.
July 2011 / Existing staff time / Jo Green,
Commissioning Team.
Care management and Assessment
Hilary Smart, POVA Co-ordinator.
Learning from practice is shared at the Area Adult Protection Committee. / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Take reports as and when direction by the chair of the meeting / Practice is considered by the AAPC to be consistent across all areas in SE Wales forum
March 2012 / Existing staff time / Hilary Smart
Support colleagues from ABHB to take on the DLM role. / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / MCC training is available for ABHB staff. / Hilary attends training sessions delivered by named nurse for adult protection in ABHB at Nevill Hall.
March 2012 / Existing staff time / Hilary Smart
We will have clear strategic direction set by a robust joint Adult Area Protection Committee (AAPC) / Deliver population outcome - People who are vulnerable are protected from harm. / Not part of Hilary’splan – make sure this gets picked up in Julie’s Head of Service Plan.
Service Improvement Plan Measures and Targets 2011-14
How much did we do?
(Effort) / Baseline 10/11 / Target 11/12 / Target 12/13 / Target 13/14 / How well did we do it? (Quality) / Baseline 10/11 / Target 11/12 / Target 12/13 / Target 13/14
Number of POVA referrals / 187 / >187 / Percentage of adult protection referrals that were admitted, proved or likely on the balance of probability / 50.5%
Number of POVA investigations / 85 / Not applicable
Number of care homes subject to the escalating concerns process / 3 / Not applicable
Is anyone better off as a result?
(Difference made to people’s lives) / Baseline 10/11 / Target 11/12 / Target 12/13 / Target 13/14
Percentage of POVA referrals where the risk was removed or reduced. / 63.9%

Risk Register 2011-14

Head of Service: Julie Boothroyd

Ref / Risk / Reason why the risk has been identified (evidence) / Risk Level 2011/12 / Potential Risk Level 2012/14 / Actions proposed in service improvement plans (SIP) to mitigate the risk / Service / Responsible Officer
Year / level
Potential risk that referrals are not being received from all areas of the Health Service / Specific evidence from cases in heath settings / High / Make training available
Attend relevant meetings in a support and advisory capacity / POVA / Hilary Smart
Potential risk that we do not instigate POVA procedures appropriately which results in death or serious injury / Evidence from serious case reviews in other local authorities. / Low / Effective information sharing with all agencies
Appropriate training in place to ensure relevant agencies are aware of POVA process / POVA / Hilary Smart


POVA Team Plan