Agenda item 23


Appendix A

Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
1. Strategic direction, budget and business plan /
8(3)(b) approving the mission and strategic direction of the University and its annual budget and business plan. / In February the Council Conference reviewed the University’s strategic direction. / The strategic plan LIVE the future was affirmed. / Yes /
In August Council held a special meeting to consider strategic issues arising from the Australian government’s proposals to change higher education funding and regulation. / Council agreed the principles to underpin the University’s approach to the government’s proposals, including Deakin’s value-for-money proposition, broad price positioning and overarching research aspirations. /
In December Council considered the University’s 2015-17 financial plan, including 2015 budget. / The 2015-17 financial plan and 2015 budget were approved. /
2. Oversight and review of University performance /
8(3)(a) appointing and monitoring the performance of the Vice-Chancellor as chief executive officer of the University. / In March Council considered the annual report by the Chancellor on the review of the Vice-Chancellor’s performance conducted by the Remuneration Subcommittee. / The report on the Vice-Chancellor’s performance as chief executive officer of the University was approved. / Yes /
In May Council approved the reappointment of the
Vice-Chancellor, subject to satisfactory conclusion of contractual arrangements. / In June Council reappointed the Vice-Chancellor for a further term of office from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2019. /
8(3)(c) overseeing and reviewing the management of the University and its performance. / Council considered a report from the Vice-Chancellor on University performance at each meeting. / Questions on the University’s performance were addressed by the Vice-Chancellor at each meeting of Council. / Yes /
In March Council considered the review of the University’s performance in 2013 using the tracks (performance measures) set out in the LIVE the future strategic plan. / The review of the University’s performance in 2013 was approved. /
In March Council reviewed the University’s Annual Report, including Annual Financial Statements. / The 2013 University Annual Report was approved and tabled on 3 April 2014 in the Victorian Parliament. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
/ In August Council considered the review of the University’s performance for the first half of 2014. / The review of the University’s performance in the first half of 2014 was approved. Council noted that of the 13 high level targets, 11 were on track to be achieved in 2014 and two had fallen behind but were recoverable. /
Council considered regular updates on performance against enrolment and income targets. / Review of performance against student enrolment and revenue targets in 2014 informed the 2015-17 business plan and 2015 budget, which were approved in December. /
During the year Council received presentations from three faculties (Arts and Education, Science Engineering and Built Environment and Business and Law) on their implementation of the LIVE the future strategic plan. / Council noted developments in the faculties, notably:
·  course enhancements and cloud enabled learning
·  work integrated learning initiatives
·  research endeavours and achievements. /
In November Council received the annual presentation on staffing matters from the Executive Director, Human Resources Division. / Council considered the annual update, including data on workplace health and safety, staff retention and staff development strategies. /
3. University legislation, policies and compliance /
8(3)(d) establishing policy and procedural principles for the operation of the University consistent with legal requirements and community expectations. / In May Council received a report from the Legislation Committee about the tiered legislation / policy system and endorsed a schedule for the review all University Regulations. / The tiered legislation / policy system was retained. / Yes /
Council considered amendments to Regulations following each meeting of the Legislation Committee. / All University Regulations were reviewed and updated in 2014 with the exception of certain Regulations whose review awaits other review activities such as the Review of Student Appeals held in late 2014. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
4. Overseeing and monitoring academic activities /
8(3)(g) overseeing and monitoring the academic activities of the University. / Council received reports on:
·  outcomes from each meeting of the Academic Board
·  academic staff appointments, including honorary and adjunct appointments
·  teaching and research awards and achievements
·  student retention and progression rates
·  academic activities in Faculties and Institutes.
Council members received the What happened @ Academic Board? email update following each Board meeting. / Reports, updates and presentations on academic activities of the University were received and discussed.
Additional information will be provided in 2015 on:
·  outcomes from the review of student appeals and issues arising from appeals
·  analysis of student retention and progression rates using the analytics tool developed by the Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit as part of the Priority Students Project which commenced in 2014. / Yes /
Council considered changes to the following Regulations governing academic activities:
·  Regulation 2.3(1)–The Faculties
·  Regulation 2.3(2)–Faculty Centres
·  Regulation 2.3(3) –Schools
·  Regulation 2.4(1) –Institute for Frontier Materials
·  Regulation 2.2(4) –Institute of Koorie Education
·  Regulation 2.4(5) –Alfred Deakin Research Institute
·  Regulation 5.3(1)–Assessment and Academic Progress in Higher Education Award Courses
·  Regulation 5.2(5)–Higher Doctorates. / Amendments updating Regulations governing academic activities were approved. / Yes /
In December Council received the annual report from the Chair of the Academic Board on activities undertaken by the Board during the year to uphold academic freedom and academic standards in teaching, assessment and research. / The annual report on upholding academic standards and freedom was received and discussed. / Yes /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
5. Overseeing and monitoring risk management, systems of control and accountability /
8(3)(e) approving and monitoring systems of control and accountability of the University, including those required to maintain a general overview of any entity over which the University has control within the meaning of section 3 of the Audit Act 1994. / Council received regular reports on the University’s most significant risks; considered the annual report on University risk management; and examined risk assessments for all existing and new major projects such as the transition to a new student management system.
In 2015 the Audit and Risk Committee will include information on risk management of the student management system project in each of its reports to Council in recognition of the importance of the project to the University’s strategic goals. / The annual report on University risk management was approved and the risks inherent in major projects were assessed in the scrutiny of business cases. / Yes /
Council received advice from the Audit and Risk Committee on issues arising from annual reports on risk related matters. / Advice was received and discussed on issues arising in annual reports on:
·  student complaints
·  occupational health and safety
·  crisis and emergency management
·  insurance
·  compliance. /
In March Council considered changes to the Contracts policy suite. / Amendments to the policy were approved to:
·  align the authority to sign contracts to the University’s financial delegations policy
·  specify the roles and responsibilities of the contract sponsor, contract manager and the University Solicitor’s Office
·  clarify documentation, reporting and record keeping requirements. /
In October Council considered amendments and updates to the Risk and Compliance Management policy suite. / Updates to the Risk and Compliance Management policy suite were approved, including revisions to the Risk Assessment Matrix. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
8(3)(f) overseeing and monitoring the assessment and management of risk across the University, including University commercial activities. / In December Council considered assessments of the risk profile and business plans of all University controlled and associated entities, following scrutiny by the Audit and Risk Committee and Finance and Business Affairs Committee respectively. / The risk and accountability profiles of all University controlled and associated entities were monitored.
As a result of the 2014 Council review, additional information will be provided to Council about the activities of controlled entities above and beyond their financial reports. / Yes /
6. Overseeing the management and control of finances /
9(1)(e) to oversee the management and control of the University finances. / At each meeting Council considered reports on the University’s finances and presentations from the CFO on finances and major projects. / Regular financial reports were approved and the budget reviews in April and Sept were confirmed. / Yes /
Council considered quarterly reports on the performance of University controlled commercial entities and annual reports on their business plans (including the first for DeakinDigital Pty Ltd). / The quarterly reports on the performance of University controlled entities were considered. /
In December Council received advice from the Finance and Business Affairs Committee on the budgets, financial accounts and financial sustainability of the Deakin University Student Association. / Reports were received from the Finance and Business Affairs Committee on the financial sustainability of the Deakin University Student Association and considered the discharge of obligations under the University provided Student Services and Amenities Fee funds. /
In August Council established an Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Pool be established in the Future Fund through a transfer of $10m from the Short Term Investment Pool.
Council also resolved that from 2015 the annual transfer of funds to the Future Fund should be increased from $10m to $15m. / The Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Pool was established.
The annual transfer of funds to the Future Fund was increased from 2015 from $10m to $15m.
The Investment Committee was authorised to determine the optimal split of the future $15m transfers between the Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Pool and the Long Term Investment Pool. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
/ In September Council received the annual presentation on the University’s investment strategies and performance. / The annual presentation on University investment activities was considered and included information on the environmental, social and governance credentials of investment activities. /
In December Council received advice from the Finance and Business Affairs Committee on changes to the discount rate and on the methodology used to assess the financial feasibility of major projects the University. / The revised discount rate of 8% (previously 9%) was approved by the Finance and Business Affairs Committee and reported to Council. /
7. Overseeing management and control of property and business affairs /
9(1)(d) to oversee the management and control of the property and business affairs of the University. / Council considered business cases for major projects that comprise the capital expenditure program. / The following business cases were reviewed and, subject to certain changes, approved by the Finance and Business Affairs Committee and Council:
·  acquisition of T&G Building for Geelong CBD student housing
·  student management system transition
·  development of ManuFutures Geelong facility
·  thermal comfort upgrade for buildings at the Burwood campus
·  refurbishment and expansion of science laboratories and learning spaces at the Burwood campus. / Yes /
In August Council received a presentation on the management of University property and physical resources and sustainability initiatives. / The presentation ‘Deakin University Sustainability Report’ was received and discussed, including reporting on global sustainability ratings. /
In December Council considered a proposal to reframe the University’s relationship with the Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology of the Navitas group. / Council approved use of the name ‘Deakin College’ to rebrand MIBT. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /
8. Council’s own affairs and appointments /
9(1)(a) and 13(1)-(3) to appoint the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellors and Council appointed members. / Council considered the reappointment of a Deputy Chancellor and the reappointment or new appointment of members. / Mr Peter Meehan was reappointed for a further term of one year as a Deputy Chancellor. / Yes /
Ms Philippa Kelly was reappointed to Council for a further term as a Council appointed member. /
Three Government appointed members (Prof David Ashbridge, Mr Peter Niblett and Mr John Stanhope) were recommended to the Minister for reappointment and reappointed for interim terms pending the outcome of the Victorian election. /
Two new Council appointed members (Professor Jean du Plessis and Mr Stuart Lasker) were appointed to fill vacancies from 1 January 2015. /
9(1)(b) to establish policies relating to the governance of the University. / In 2014 Council conducted the biennial review of Council committees. / All Council members contributed to the review which:
·  affirmed recent improvement initiatives
·  identified areas for further enhancement, especially areas for additional information. / Yes /
In June Council reviewed the Council Functions and Operations enabling policy. / The enabling policy was revoked because it had been superseded by more comprehensive, up-to-date documents. /
In August Council considered updates to the Council Operating Provisions. / The Council Operating Provisions were updated, including to facilitate greater use of technology for committee meetings. /
Council committees, schedules of business and meetings and Council conference. / In December Council considered committee memberships for 2015. / Committee memberships for 2015 were confirmed and all committee positions filled with appropriately skilled and experienced members. / Yes /
In December Council considered a two year meeting schedule. / The two year meeting schedule was approved to enable greater forward planning. /
Relevant responsibility or function of Council under the Deakin University Act 2009 / Actions / Outcomes / Achieved? /