
December Principal's Corner

Buffalo (K-3) Oriska (4-6)

400 ND Ave 502 2nd Ave

Buffalo, ND 58011 Oriska, ND 58063 (701) 633-5183 (701) 845-2846

Jay Kocka, Principal




Welcome to the first edition ever of Principal's Corner. Once a month I will be updating to keep you informed on activities, events, important dates, and things going on in our elementary schools. I hope you find this informative. I am excited to share with you the great things we are doing here at Maple Valley. Thanks for all you do in the education of your child!

In Your Service,

Jay Kocka, Principal


Maple Valley School Mission Attendance Matters

Respect for self Missing school for any amount of

And others time can have a negative impact

Ignited by on your student's learning,

Developing character achievement and grades. When your

Empowered by knowledge child must be absent, please let us

Responsibility and know the reason for the absence.



Please mark the following important dates on your calendars:

*Friday, December 18th Buffalo student movie day from 12:00-1:30

*Monday, December 21st Oriska student movie day from 12:00-1:30

*Tuesday, December 22nd Christmas parties in Oriska and Buffalo (Last day of classes) -Bingo & Karaoke in AM -Classroom parties in PM

*Wednesday, Dec. 23rd Winter Break

*Monday, January 4th School Resumes

School Bus Safety:

The safety and care of our students while riding on school buses is a priority for all of us. Student behavior data indicates that the bus is the most frequent location of discipline problems in the Maple Valley schools. To help ensure the bus driver can concentrate on the job of transporting students safely, it is necessary for students to adhere to certain expectations and procedures. First and foremost, the bus drivers are in complete charge of the bus and students are expected to comply with their requests at all times. Secondly, the school bus is an extension of the school, and all school rules and regulations that pertain to student conduct in the schools are applicable to student conduct on the school bus. If a student creates a safety hazard or causes a discipline problem on the bus, the following steps will be taken:

First Violation: Verbal warning

Second Violation: Building Principal will contact parent/guardian and mail written warning.

Third Violation: 1 Day Suspension: Student and parent/guardian must meet with building principal before student is allowed back on bus.

Fourth Violation: 3 Day Suspension: Student and parent/guardian must meet with building principal before student is allowed back on bus.

Fifth Violation: Student and parent/guardian will meet with Superintendent to determine suspension of bus riding privileges for the rest of the school year.

Please note that certain violations may warrant an immediate suspension. All offenses will be recorded and documented at the student's school.


Help keep kids safe at all times!

Please do not text while driving in our parking lots or around the schools.


Student grades are updated on PowerSchool weekly. Please check periodically to see how your child is doing in school. If you are not signed up and are unsure how to register and use PowerSchool please give us a call at the school and we will be more than happy to assist you.