Meeting Agenda

February20th, 2018, 6-7 PM

Present: Matt Krauter, Catherine Krauter, Justine Jerry, Gina Wolf, Angel Longanecker, Wendy Tindall, Heather Smith, Jill Frideres, Scott McDonald, Marie Kilps, Eleanor Figuerres, Stacy Dosemagen, Cassie Bouy

1.President’s Update – Matt Krauter

aMatt gave thanks to all of the volunteers for the Winter Palooza. Everyone else gave Matt and his family thanks for putting on such a great event.

2.Principal’s Update – Mrs. Wendy Tindall

a. There was a feather event yesterday. There was a reading day last Friday, and the next one will be in March to celebrate Dr. Seuss. United Way volunteers will be providing the Readers are Leaders activity coming up. The book swap is also starting soon. Winter MAP and PALS testing iscompleted. State testing window starts soon.

3.What’s up at Somers – staff updates

aMr. McDonald - Middle school registration information has gone home. 5th grade is focusing on trip to Camp Timber-lee (date will be given at conferences) and moving-on celebration (last full day of school).

bMrs. Jerry - 4K registration is going on. They are excited about parent-teacher conferences. Some fun things are planned for the Spring. The children are enjoying the new playground.

cFacilities members have mentioned that the garden beds are still going strong and in good shape.

dMrs. Bouy – Kindergarten is preparing for conferences and has been talking about Presidents Day. The children are doing Writers Workshop.

4.Treasurer’s Report – Heather Smith / Matt Schneider

aBalance: $20,486.83 (some outstanding checks); Winter Palooza raised right around $1000. Looking for spending proposals.

5. Committee Reports

a. Fall Vendor/Craft fair – Gina Wolf. For a vendor fair at school, there would be no fees for use of the building, except that the custodial fees are $40/hr/person. Matt and Caty have a vision of a community event that includes community services (Somers Rec Dept, BoysScouts and Girls Scouts, etc.) in addition to Bingo. Thinking of Saturday morning or a Friday afternoon in the fall in place of the Back-to-School picnic toward the end of September.

b. School Pak Supply Kits – Gina Wolf. The local company that we are planning to go with is going to increase prices unless we commit by the middle of March.

6. SSC Opportunities – If you have ideas for who would do a good job or be interested in taking on these opportunities, let MattKrauter know:

a.2018 Back-to-School Picnic

b.Pie Sale 2018

7. Spending Proposals

a. Mrs. Scheviak: take-home folders. Angel Longaneckermoved, EleanorFiguerresseconded it, and the motion passed unanimouslyto support this proposal.

b.Mrs. Scheviak: Assignment notebooks.Angel Longanecker moved, StacyDosemagenseconded it, and the motion passed unanimouslyto support this proposal.

c.Mrs. Tindall requested that we deposit $500 into an account to support students who need help paying for field trips, skating, etc. Angel Longanecker moved, EleanorFiguerres seconded it, and the motion passed unanimouslyto support this proposal.

8. New Business and Questions

a. Panera Night – Cassie Bouy: Tentatively an April date?

b. Matt brought up the possibility of having an electric credit/debit card reader for events like Winter Palooza (Square charges per transaction; Venmo free?). All agreed it would be useful.

c. Mrs. Bouy brought up the idea of“penny wars” as a simple, fun fundraiser that has the potential to involve all kids in the school, possibly pitting grades against each other. Teachers will talk to determine viability.

d. Variety Show is on 4/26/18, try outs on 4/12 and 4/13.

e.If teachers have spending proposals, please ask.

Next SSC Meeting - 3/13/18

Respectfully submitted, Jill Frideres


Culver’s Night – March 6th

Butter Braid / Wooden Spoon Cookie Sale

•• Sale begins March 1st

•• Orders due March 15th

•• Pickup is March 21st

Monkey Joe’s Fundraiser Night – Thursday, March 22nd from 5 to 7 p.m.

Winter Palooza

The Winter Palooza was a success! We would like to thank:

•• Staff and parents that help organize the Winter Palooza.

•• Bradford Student Government, who helped with security, clean-up and livened up the dance floor.

•• Volunteers that setup and staffed the event.

•• Raffle coordinators, that collected items and prepped baskets for the event and donors.

•• Individual and corporate donors, your generosity is overwhelming.

Strong community support of this event made for a fun evening for the kids, while helping the SSC generate over $1,100 dollars.

Replacing 2018 Back to School Picnic with a Donuts and Bingo Vendor Fair

To date, no party has come forth with interest in leading the Back to School Picnic. Gina Wolf has graciously volunteered to lead a vendor fair event. The SSC is considering replacing the picnic with a Saturday morning vendor event, possibly pairing it with a donuts and bingo activity.
