Braddock Road Youth Club

Football & Cheer


Practice and/or game uniforms are included in the registration fee. Football uniforms consist of helmet, shoulder pads, practice and game pants, socks, and game jersey. Cheerleading uniforms consist of a skirt, shell, hoodie, and/or Warm Ups. The game uniform for Football and Cheerleading are rentals and will be turned in at the end of the season. A fee will be charged if the uniform is not turned in. Your child will be able to keep the practice jersey and socks for football and sweatshirt for cheerleaders. Your athlete will require the following items: Football: Cleats, Athletic Cup; Cheerleading: spanx/bloomers (must be purchased from BRYC), white long sleeve T, white short sleeve T shirt, white socks and white athletic shoes.


Helmet Shoulder Pads Game Pants Practice Pants Pant Pads

Cheer Skirt Cheer Shell Warm-ups Spanx (paid____) Sweatshirt (Size ____)

Raffle Tickets _____

I agree to pay the fee for registration and to return the uniform and equipment issued to said child in as good a condition as when received except for normal wear and tear. If in the event I do not return all equipment at the end of said child's football season then I will pay $300.00 (three hundred dollars) to replace said equipment and litigation costs arising from the collection of said equipment. [Two (2) attempts will be made by the BRYC Football to obtain said equipment.]

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print):______

Home Telephone #:______Cell # ______Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Player/Cheerleader’ Name: ______



All participants in Braddock Road Youth Club activities (administrators, players, coaches, officials, and spectators) are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of good sportsmanship and appropriate behavior and will comply with all BRYC policies, rules, and procedures.This Code of Conduct applies at practices, games, and all other BRYC-sanctioned activities.

Participants will:

·  Exemplify behavior that reflects good sportsmanship, respect, courtesy, and a positive attitude.

·  Maintain self-control at all times.

·  Refrain from using abusive language or profanity, making humiliating remarks, gestures of ill temper, verbal or physical threats, and/or physical assault upon another player, coach, official, or spectator.

·  Not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any player, coach, official, or spectator.

·  Treat players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or ability.

·  Follow field/facility rules and regulations, respecting at all times the property of others.

·  Not use alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco products, or carry any firearm or weapon during any event in which BRYC is a participant.

Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct is subject to immediate dismissal from any BRYC event and disciplinary action up to and including being expelled from all Braddock Road Youth Club activities.Alleged violations of the Code of Conduct shall be referred to the appropriate Sport Commissioner for investigation, to include interviewing the parties involved.

In the event of a violation of the Code of Conduct, disciplinary action shall include, but not be limited to, the following, in any order or combination:

1.  Verbal warning issued by a BRYC Sport or Club official.

2.  Written warning issued by a BRYC Sport or Club official.

3.  Suspension or immediate ejection from a sports event issued by a BRYC Sport, Club, or event official, with written documentation of the incident kept on file.

4.  Suspension from multiple sports events issued by a BRYC Sport or Club official, with written documentation of the incident kept on file.

5.  Season suspension or multiple season suspension issued by the Club, with written documentation of the incident kept on file.

6.  Permanent suspension from all Club activities issued by the Club, with written documentation of the incident kept on file.

Appeals of disciplinary actions will follow the appeals process outlined in the BRYC Risk Management Policy.

Individual BRYC sports may adopt additional policies and procedures relevant to their unique sport’s activities so long as they do not conflict with these Club-wide policies.

The BRYC Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy will be made available to individuals and be posted on the BRYC Sport and Club websites.

I have read and understand the BRYC Code of Conduct

Player name: ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______