April 9, 2013 – Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order by President Wayne Thawley.
  2. Approval of minutes from March 12, 2013 meeting. Minutes are sent to members via e-mail and posted on our web site. Anyone who would like a copy mailed to them, please contact Cinda.
  3. Treasurer's Report: by Gerald Beauchamp, approved as submitted. Copies are available upon request.
  4. Time was given to our guest speaker, Tina Pearson, from The Home of the Brave. She explained how the program works. It is set up to work strictly on donations. They receive alot of support from the surrounding community. She brought photos of the property and past guests. She is very excited that we chose The Home of the Brave as our charity this year. We will have a tent and table set up at our show to help her spread the word!
  5. National Corvette Museum Ambassador's Report: by Ed Marcelle.

ñ  There are 6 raffles available right now, go to the Museum web site to buy tickets.

ñ  2014, 20th Anniversary Celebration.

  1. Web Master's Comments, by Cinda Tindall.

ñ  Links have been repaired.

ñ  Please help keep the list of activities current. If you know of any car shows that are not on our list, please send the information to Cinda.

ñ  Club apparel is available through the web site. Follow the links, pick out what you want, contact Cinda, she will order it for you.

  1. Applications:
  2. Club Sponsor's Comments:

ñ  Swain Excavation – Lee Chaney presented the club with $1,000.00. We thank you for your continued support.

ñ  Courtesy Chevrolet – not present. Wayne and Cinda will contact then. They will be invited to attend the next meeting.

  1. Old/On-Going Business:

ñ  Club Flag – It was voted on and approved to purchase a banner from The National Corvette Museum. The cost is $350.00. The banner will be displayed in the Museum parking lot for one year. We will get the banner sent to us late 2014. Ed will make arrangements for the purchase. Cinda will send a copy of our logo. Once the Museum is ready to print, they will send us a proof for our approval.

ñ  Nashville – Ed Marcelle handed out suggested agendas for the trip. All members who are going, need to make their own reservations and buy their own tickets for all functions that require them (ie., Grand Ole Opry, General Jackson, Corvette Museum,...)

ñ  Car Show –

  1. It was agreed among the present members, that we will buy cup trophies this year. We are going to buy 32 (12 for Corvettes, 15 for others, 5 for Best of Show and Sponsors). The cost will be $10.00 +- for the smaller trophies, and up to $25.00 +- for the larger ones.
  2. Gerald is finalizing the cost of the dash plaques, we are hoping to get them for cost.
  3. All members need to start collecting items for door prizes or raffle items. We are looking for 2 items from each member, whether you purchase the items or get them donated. If you can get more, that is even better!
  1. New Business:

ñ  Gerald informed the club, that the Salisbury Fire Department is retiring a 12'x12' tent. All members present agreed that we would accept the tent for use at our car shows.

  1. Past Activities:

ñ  March 16, 2013, several of our members went to The Home of the Brave to meet with Tina Pearson. She offered us a tour of the property, and we are impressed!

ñ  March 16, 2013, although the forecast was calling for rain, we participated in the Ocean City St. Patrick's Day Parade. We did not get wet and had a great time!!

  1. Upcoming Activities:

ñ  April 20, 1st Annual Car Show, Elks Lodge, Milford, DE

ñ  April 20, Wheels That Heal Cruise-In

ñ  April 27, Salisbury Festival

ñ  May 5, CCCC Spring Shoe, Elks Lodge, Easton, MD

ñ  May 16-19, Cruisin' Ocean City

  1. April Car of the Month:

ñ  Wayne and Sandy Thawley, 1992 Coupe, yellow

  1. Progressive 50/50 Pot:

ñ  The winning number belonged to Gerald Beauchamp, he won $32.00, he donated his winnings back to the club. Thank you Gerald.

  1. Next Meeting, May 14, 2013. We will meet at Swelley's Bar and Billards and Country Fried Diner. Located at 2213 Northwood Dr., Salisbury.

ñ  This is the last meeting before our car show. Please plan to attend!

  1. Adjourn

These minutes have been prepared and respectfully submitted by Cinda Tindall, Vice President.