
What is an Enigma?

Enigmas are related to mysteries, conundrums, puzzles, and riddles. Some have solutions; others are yet to be solved. Some so-called solutions remain unproven.Scientists and historians from all over the world question the reasons for or existence of enigmas.

The Task

You will research independently one of the world's most mystifying enigmas from four points of view; geographer, historian, archeologist, and theorist. Each View Point has specific essential questions.

Your discoveries will be reported in the form of a written document which you will compile, analyze, discuss, and apply towards a creative project. Your discoveries and creative project(s) will be presented to the class.

The Process

Step 1. First choose an enigma to investigate.

Step 2. Conduct your research and take notes.

Step 3. Organize and write your notes into a report citing all sources. Word process your final draft.

Step 5. Choose and complete a creative project.

Step 6. Plan a way to present your ENIGMA information and project(s) to the class.

Step 7. Make your presentation.


Upon completion of Investigating Enigmas you will have

  • a better understanding of some of the World's famous unsolved mysteries.
  • a realization that maybe there isn't always an exact answer or proof.
  • improved geography, mapping, and organizational skills.
  • improved note taking and information extracting skills.
  • improved technology skills including searching the Internet, Internet publishing, word processing, and using graphics.

Enigma Report Requirements

1. Report-Use the following questions to take notes with to help you with your report. Your report should answer all the questions below. It needs to be in complete sentences and should include pictures, maps and drawings where necessary.

  • Where in the world is ______.
  • Describe natural land formations.
  • Is there anything interesting about the weather?
  • In addition to your written information to answer these questions, make a map showing its location and important land formations.

  • What is ______?
  • What major events have occurred dealing with ______?
  • What is known about ______?
  • What is occurring now dealing with ______?
  • In addition to your written information, make a timeline to show sequence of major events.

  • Describe unusual or interesting artifacts found dealing with ______.
  • What do archeologists know about these artifacts?
  • In addition to your written information, find pictures or make a colored pencil drawing of at least two discoveries.
  • Find at least 5 new vocabulary words to define that others may not know dealing with ______.

/ Your assignment is to report what various people think the answers are to the questions below. You might have more than one opinion for some questions.
  • How would you describe the enigma?
  • How long have people know about it?
  • How do scientists from different fields explain the enigma?
  • How are the viewpoints the same? What are their differences?
  • How do ideas from across the disciplines contribute to tour understanding of the enigma?
  • What dilemmas or controversies are involved in the enigma?
  • How has understanding of the enigma changed over time?

Evaluation /

Enigma ______Date ______

1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Research and Content of Final Written Product / Answers less than 3 out of 5 essential questions with relevant accurate information / Answers 3 out of 5 essential questions with relevant accurate information / Answers 4 out of 5 essential questions with relevant accurate information / Answers all essential questions with relevant accurate information / X 2
Writing conventions of Final Written Product / Lacks fluency and contains more than 8 conventional errors. / Lacks fluency with less than 5 conventional errors or is fluent with 5 - 8 conventional errors. / Fluent with less than 5 conventional errors. / Fluent with no conventional errors. / (4)
Group Creative Project / No project or project unrelated to research assignment and visually unappealing. / Partial project(s) or project(s) somewhat related to research assignment or visually unappealing. / One complete project related to research assignment and visually appealing. / More than one project related to research and visually appealing. / (4)
Group Presentation / Unsatisfactory or no presentation of research, creative project, or opinion statement. / Satisfactory, presentation of research, creative project, or opinion statement with limited justification. / Good presentation of research, creative project, or opinion statement with adequate justification. / Excellent presentation of research, creative project, and opinion statement with significant justification. / (4)
Total / (20)