The following are “unofficial minutes”, subject to change at the next meeting.


June 17, 2014

9:00 AM

Board of Pembina County Commissioners met at9:00 AM in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Courthouse with the following members present: Gary Nilsson, Laverne Doyle,Andy Adamson, Hugh Ralston, and Hetty Walker.

Chairman Ralston called the meeting to order.

Motion made by Hetty Walkerand seconded by Gary Nilssonto approve the June 3, 2014 regular meeting minutes and Board of Equalization minutes as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Pembina County Water Board minutes of May 20, May 27 and June 3, 2014 were reviewed.

Pembina County Housing Authority minutes of May 6, 2014 were reviewed.

Request for a raffle permit received from Svold Community Hall. Motion made by Gary Nilsson and seconded by Laverne Doyleto approve the request as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Request for a raffle permit received from Cavalier Ambulance Service. Motion made by Gary Nilsson and seconded by Laverne Doyle to approve the request as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Commission reviewed the Historic Preservation Fund grant application.

Motion made by Hetty Walker and seconded by Andy Adamson to authorize the Chairman to sign the assurances as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Commission discussed an appointment for the Water Board. An ad was placed in all local papers with no response. Commission will review in December when Board appointments are reviewed.

Troy Kittelson, Highway Superintendent, presented a proposal from Paradox One, LLC to design, develop and host a Pembina County Road Management System.The system will track employees, equipment, fuel, repairs, FEMA projects and more. The cost of the application is $10,000.00 with lifetime free support. Motion made by Gary Nilsson and seconded by Laverne Doyle to authorize the purchase of the program. Discussion followed. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Water Board updated the Commission on a meeting scheduled for June 26th, starting at 9:30AM in the lower level of the LEC related to the Olson/Bourbanis Dam projects. Chairman Juhl informed the Commission that the Renwick Dam Rehabilitation project is on schedule and the contractor feels the project should be complete by the October 24, 2014 deadline and that a public informational meeting on the flooding along the Park River and its tributaries, will be held on July 1, 2014 at 2:00PM at the Mountain Community Center

Commission reviewed the May financial statement. Motion made by Gary Nilsson and seconded by Andy Adamson to approve the consent agenda, consisting of claims and the May financial statement, as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Stephenie Davis, State’s Attorney and Tom Bernier, Truck Regulatory Officer discussed the Joint Powers Agreement, between Pembina County and Walsh County,for the shared Truck Regulatory position. A teleconference was held with the Walsh County Commission regarding the JPA. Motion made by Gary Nilsson and seconded by Jack Karas to move forward with the Joint Powers Agreement as presented. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Ms. Davis discussed the request from the IRS to delay foreclosure proceedings on three properties they intend to seize. Ms. Davis suggested the Commission cooperate with the IRS and delay proceedings. Ms. Davis will revise the agreement to ensure the County receives payment for the past due taxes. Motion made by Laverne Doyle and seconded by Gary Nilsson to authorize Ms. Davis to contact the IRS with the new agreement. All voting in favor; motion carried.

Jim Matter discussed concerns regarding taxation of his property on Island Place. Mr. Matter stated the property has never been annexed into the city of Cavalier, yet he is paying city taxes. Mr. Matter feels the property should be taxed as township property, not city property, since it is not annexed into the City. Mr. Matter has contacted the State Tax Department regarding the situation and is waiting for a response. The Commission requested Mr. Matter inform them of the response he receives from the State Tax Department.

Tanya Wieler, Human Resources, updated the Commission on applicants for the open position in the Public Health office. Discussion followed on the needs of the Public Health office and the need for an additional employee for the IT/911/GIS department.

Chairman Ralston adjourned the meeting at 12:05 PM.