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City of Evansville Plan Commission

Regular Meeting

Monday, December 5, 2016, 6:00 p.m.

City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street


  1. Call to Order at 6:02 pm.
  2. Roll Call:

Members / Present / Absent / Others Present
Mayor Bill Hurtley / P / Community Development Dir. Jason Sergeant
Alderperson Rick Cole / A / Applicant, Allan Wilimovsky-175 Union Street
Alderperson Josh Manring / P
Bill Hammann / P
John Gishnock / A
Matt Eaton / P
Susan Becker / P
  1. Approval of Agenda:Motion to approve the December 5, 2016 agenda removing item 7b by Manring, seconded by Becker.14
  2. Approved unanimously.
  1. Approval of Minutes:Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the November1, 2016 regular meeting and approve themas printed by Manring, seconded by Becker. Approved unanimously.
  1. Civility Reminder. Hurtley noted the City’s commitment to civil discourse.
  1. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
  1. New Business.
  2. Review of Site Plan Application SP-2016-02, an addition to an existing structure on parcel 6-27-870.1 located at 175 Union Street.
  3. Initial staff and applicant comments – Sergeant summarized the staff report indicating the proposal was for an addition to an existing commercial building of approximately 1,200 sq. ft. The proposal is in a floodplain and proper permits will be authorized to allow construction. Staff recommends approval with conditions for landscaping and parking.
  4. Plan Commissioner questions and comments – Commissioners discussed landscaping on an adjacent parcel to better screen site from a neighboring restaurant use. Sergeant indicated two parcels are owned by the applicant and the parcel closest to the restaurant is not currently part of the proposal. Commission and staff discussion concluded approvals and conditions should be contained to the parcel listed on application and landscaping installed would be used to screen the side of the new addition.
  5. Motion

The Plan Commission approves the site plan for Parcel 6-27-870.1, finding the proposal is consistent with Section 130-131 of the zoning ordinance with the following conditions:

  1. Parking spaces on North side of parcel moved to be entirely on Parcel 6-27-870.1
  2. Final landscaping plan submitted to staff demonstrating 345 square feet of new pervious landscaping area that includes plant materials consisting of 230 points per Section 130-263 of the Zoning Ordinance.
  3. Landscaping installed no later than June 1, 2017 or within 90 days of preliminary occupancy permit being issued.

Motion by Manring, seconded by Becker. Approved unanimously.

  1. Discussion and Motion to recommend Resolution 2016-28 to Common Council (a resolution Renaming future 7th Street to Hot Rod Drive)
  2. Discussion of Building Inspector Job Description – Sergeant presented the job description for building inspector asking for feedback on the description. Commission members discussed the importance of adding the words “City Inspector” to the job title so the public would understand why the person was enforcing stormwater or property maintenance. Commission also discussed the importance of the building inspector reporting directly to the Community Development Director, as the connection between those positions should be strong. Hammann suggested the city could contract the position to the Town of Union as well.
  1. Old Business.
  2. Discussion regarding proposed ordinance 2016-10, an ordinance renaming and amending Chapter 46 of the municipal code regulating property maintenance. Sergeant indicated Council has yet to have a second hearing and the ordinance has been returned by the city attorney for staff comments.
  1. Monthly Reports
  1. Report from the Community Development Director. None
  2. Report on permitting activity by Zoning Administrator. None
  3. Report on enforcement. None.
  4. other
  5. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission. None
  6. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations. None
  7. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters. None
  8. Planning education/news: Sergeant summarized theForm base code article, highlighting upcoming changes that will be seen in the Zoning Code.
  1. Next Meeting:Committee discussed changing next meeting date to Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6pm.
  1. Motion to Adjournby Hammann, seconded by Manring