Maria Cuevas and Catalina Munoz

Dept. of Biological Sciences, Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA 92692


Caffeine is known to be central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that can improve alertness and treat drowsiness. In this study, three products one containing caffeine, one with non-caffeine, and water are tested to see if caffeine has a positive effect on reducing reaction time. The products included a Coca-Cola can with caffeine, a Coca-Cola can without caffeine, and water. Both Coca-Cola cans contain the same ingredients with the exception of caffeine. Since caffeine is known to be a stimulant it was expected that the Coca-Cola with caffeine would have a decrease in reaction time. Each product was tested by having a participant in the study drink Coca-Cola, non-caffeine Coca-Cola, and water over a course of three days. The participant took a reaction test prior to consuming the specific drink. Then from the time the drink was finished and waiting 10 minutes they took the reaction test again. The p-value for the average difference among the 3 groups was 0.057 which is greater than 0.05. Thus this meant that there was no significant difference between the groups, so the results do not support the hypothesis that caffeine decreased reaction time.


. Caffeine is mainly consumed to help enhance alertness and also used to help with physical activity because it acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system. Caffeine has been shown to improve sprint time, anaerobic power, and reaction time, all integral aspects of agility (Lorino, 2006). Many people consume caffeine when they are suffering from drowsiness and are un-alert throughout the day. In 2007–2010, average daily reported caffeine intake was just under 150 mg for the 18–29 year age group (Wesensten, 2014). Caffeine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in the seeds, leaves, and fruit of coffee, tea, cocoa, maté, guarana, kola nuts, yerba maté, and more than 60 other plants.1,2 Caffeine is also added to a number of products for its known stimulant effects (Bailey et al, 2014). Since caffeine is a stimulant it is added to energy drinks, capsules, tablets, and energy shots for an energy boost. It is also found in soda, chocolate, coffee, and tea because leaves that are used in the products naturally contain caffeine. Specifically in caffeine drinks such as colas are known to offer not only caffeine but also a hefty dose of sugar (Clark, 2014). The expectation of people on the product also has an impact on an increase in cognitive performance. (Irmak et al, 2005). Since participants know that they are drinking caffeine their reaction time may slightly decrease.

The objective of the experiment will determine if caffeine helps decrease reaction time. Coca-Cola will be consumed by volunteer participants and then they will take a reaction time test to see if time decreases or increases. Then on another day the same group of volunteers will drink non-caffeine Coca-Cola and take the reaction test. On the final day they will drink water and take the reaction test. The groups will then be compared see if caffeine has an effect on reaction time or if the other ingredients also contributed to the effect of reaction time. The results will help the investigators determine if caffeine has an impact on the psychomotor performance of people.

Materials and Methods

The experiment took place over a period of 5 weeks (October 26, 2015 to November 27, 2015) in the Biology lab and Learning Resource Center at Saddleback College (Mission Viejo, CA). Two 12 pack of 12 ounces of Coca-Cola cans and two 12 pack of 12 ounces of Coca-Cola caffeine-free were purchased at the Target on Jeronimo in Mission Viejo, on October 25, 2015 the day prior to experiment. The ingredients in the 12 ounces of Coca-Cola are carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, and caffeine. The caffeine-free Coca-Cola contained the same ingredients except for the caffeine.

The 30 volunteers were asked to consume a specific drink. They were asked to drink either 8 ounces of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola caffeine-free, or water. After choosing what drink they would consume that day the other two drinks would be consumed on a later day. Before participating in the experiment each participant was asked to sign a consent form. At the beginning of the experiment each volunteer was asked not to drink any sort of caffeine and be on a non-fasting diet. The participants would then take an online reaction test provided by the University of Washington between the hours of 8:00am-11:00am. The online reaction test consists of a stoplight that starts on red and then randomly changes to green. Each participant was asked to take the test and when he or she saw the color change hit the button to record their reaction time. The participants took the reaction test 10 times in order to record the average. After completing the drink they did for that day they would consume the other two drinks later on separate days and repeat the process as they did for the first drink.

When the volunteer arrived to participate in the experiment they were first asked to take the test without drinking any of the specified drinks first and the average reaction time was recorded. Once they were finished taking the test they were then given 8 ounces of a specified drink to consume and would have 10 minutes to finish it. Once they had finished their drink they would wait and additional 10 minutes from the time they had finished consuming the drink. After the 10 minutes was finished they took the online reaction test again and the average reaction time was recorded.


The average reaction time for the experimental group and the control group was used to obtain the result in Figure 1. There were 3 different time groups for with and without the specified drink As indicated in figure 1, each group reaction time slightly decreased after drinking specified drink with the exception of water staying relatively the same. The three group times without the drink were compared to each other. ANOVA test was run on the three without the drink and the p value was 0.935. ). The Bonferroni Correction test indicated since p>0.05 that there is significant difference between the data. The three with drink were also compared using. ANOVA test and the p value was 0.119). The Bonferroni Correction test indicated that p-value is greater than 0.05 that there is no significant difference between the data.

To determine if there was a decrease in reaction time the groups with the drink were subtracted by the groups without the drink. For example the reaction time with Coca-Cola was subtracted from the reaction time of without Coca-Cola. The difference for each group was then averaged to find the results in Figure 2. ANOVA test was run and the resulting p-value 0.057 which is greater than 0.05 and indicates that there is no significant different between the groups.

Figure 1. This graph shows the average reaction time of the six different groups for with and without the drink. The average reaction time was faster with the Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola caffeine-free, and water than without. Error bars are mean + SEM.

Figure 2. The graph shows the average difference of the reaction time between without and with the specified drink. Error bars are mean + SEM.


The purpose of this experiment, reaction time was measured as the average difference between without and with (experimental) for Coca-Cola to see if reaction time decreased with caffeine. Caffeine enhanced physical performance (faster tapping speed and faster simpler and choice reaction times) in both medium-high and non-low consumers (Rogers et al, 2013). In some cases it did increase reaction time while others it did not affect. This could be caused by the fact that some of the participants consume caffeine on a daily basis. Frequent consumption fails to enhance mental alertness and mental performance (Rogers et al, 2013). This seemed to be the case for some of the participants.

The water acted as a control to see if there would be a significant difference between the Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola caffeine-free. However in some the reaction time had decreased when participants were given water to drink. This could be due to the fact of the learners curve. The learners curve theory is that individuals get better with practice. Personal experience tells them that the more derivatives they work, the easier it is to do —that changing a tire is easier the second time than the first time (Neely et al, 2010). Since the participants took the test a second time after consuming their drink they knew what to expect rather than the first time.

The statistical test run on the groups without the drink and the three with the drink indicated that there was no significant difference between the products. Both of the p-values of the ANOVA test had a greater value than 0.05. The ANOVA test that was run on the average difference between the groups of without and with the drink also showed that there was no significant difference (p=0.057, Figure 2). Since there was no difference between the groups the results did no support the hypothesis that caffeine would decrease reaction time.

Further research on the effect of caffeine on decreased reaction time could expand on the result of the current study. This study was limited to the number of participants and the participants aware that they are consuming caffeine. Also the intake of caffeine on a daily basis of each participant limited the effect caffeine had on the individual. By making them unaware of which product has caffeine and having more participants that do not consume caffeine as often as others may lead to more consistency.

Literature Cited

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