Appointment of post of Town Warden – This Council hopes to appoint this position before the summer period. Some of the post holder’sresponsibilities will include:
Regular patrols of the town centre and council owned land, to ensure a safe, clean environment; work closely with other agencies including the PCSO’s to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour; assist the grounds’ maintenance staff; carry out H&S risk assessments and do daily condition surveys of council equipment, facilities and amenities
Fun Day on the Esplanade – The Council is to hold this event on Bank Holiday Monday 31 May 2010 from, 1.00pm – 5.00pm to include refreshments music and children’s entertainment.
Adoption of the ‘Power of Well Being’ – Gives the Council statutory powers, “to promote or improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area in which they serve” eligibility includes:
- A qualified Clerk
- Two thirds of councillors must have faced election at the last ordinary election
- 80% of councillors attended training
- To publish a statement of intent on community engagement
2009 – 2010
Expenditure £’000s Funded by £’000s
Salaries & administration 79 West Street Car Park 4
Cemetery fees 6
Committees: Rents received 2
Tourism & Leisure 10
Environment & Planning 5 VAT refund 4
Finance & General Purposes 11Council tax 115
To reserves 26
£ 131 £ 131
Our accounts are audited by the District Auditor and all recommendations made are adopted as a matter of procedure.
2009-10 has been another busy year and residents are invited to attend any of our full council or committee meetings – a schedule of meetings is available from the council office, or the website. All minutes are available for inspection and are also displayed on our website.
As you can see from the above, Watchet Town Council continues to serve the community, promote the town and energetically work to improve the resources under their remit whilst listening to the residents and presenting a proactive presence in the town
This Annual Report is produced to make the residents aware of the council’s commitment to the community and outlines the policies, projects and activities undertaken during the period 2009-2010
Paul Chamberlain
Councillor’s DetailsChairman / Vice Chair
Paul Chamberlain / 01984 633344 / Doug Webber / 01984 631786
David Banks / 01984 639660 / Janet Tapp / 07896 433116
Hazel Bowden / 01984 631988 / Wendy Turner / 01984 631625
Sally de Renzy-Martin / 01984 631495 / Dave Westcott / 01643 704210
Jenny Hill / 01984 633714 / Loretta Whetlor / 01984 631567
Peter Murphy / 01984 639261 / Vincent Woods / 01984 634681
Sarah Reed / Town Clerk / 01984 633344
Sue Upstone / Clerical Officer / 01984 633344
Office Opening Times:
Monday – Thursday10.00am – 12.30pm
A Quality Council offering a Quality Service
Council Chamber, Swain Street, Watchet, Somerset TA23 0AB
Tel/Fax: 01984 633344
Town Clerk: Sarah Reed E-mail:
Chairman’s Summary of another pro–active year for Watchet Town Council
- Watchet Town Council was elected by the local people to represent local interests and to provide local services. We remain a democratic organisation, close to the people and are constantly alert to local needs either by personal approach or through local surgeries.
- Councillors who serve on Watchet Town Council do so in the interests of the town, do not receive any sort of remuneration and also represent the Town Council on various outside bodies.
- The dedication of all twelve councillors is easily seen in the vibrant, forward thinking and proactive Town Council.
- Watchet Town Council comprises 12 councillors. We have three separate committees and two sub-committees; Environment & Planning Committee, Finance & General Purposes Committee and the Tourism & Leisure Committee, Market sub-Committee and Personnel sub-Committee.
- Close working partnerships with various agencies and other local authorities.
Within the last 12 months WatchetTown Council has been involved in the following:
Commercial Market on the Esplanade - Since the local produce market ceased trading on 22 July 2009, Watchet Town Council through the market sub-committee have been in negotiations with a commercial market operator and West Somerset Council as landowners of the Esplanade. After 7 months of work by the sub-committee, permission was granted by WSC to go ahead with the market, and the first market will, hopefully, will be on Friday 28 May 2010 (but this date has yet to be confirmed by the commercial manager), and then every Friday thereafter with an estimated 30 market stalls set up and open for business. If you are interested in taking up a stall please contact the WACET (Watchet Traders) Association (Molly Quint) on 01984 632592
Newsletter “Watchet Matters” – A newsletter is produced every quarter and is available from various outlets within the town. Its purpose is to update the community on council projects and activities and displays useful information relevant to Watchet.
Training -The Clerk is only 1 assignment away from completing 2½ years of study and attaining a HSC in Community Engagement & Governance (formerly Local Policy). Together with the completion of the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) passed in 2006) this shows a continuous commitment to her professional development within the post of Town Clerk.
Niall Watson the groundsman for the Town Council successfully completed his first aid and manual handling training.
Railway Footbridge - Since its closure late in 2009, Watchet Town Council has been working tirelessly lobbying various agencies including WS Railway, SCC and WSC to retain this prominent feature at the gateway to the town. The Chairman of Council accepted a petition containing 1233 residents’ signatures committed to saving the footbridge. Finally District Cllr A Knight (Ward member for Watchet) reported to the Council in their March meeting that the money has been sourced and a replacement bridge is imminent
Each committee is responsible for various areas of the town and the following details illustrate activities undertaken over the past 12 months.
- All planning applications relating to Watchet are reviewed by this committee, acting as statutory consultees for West Somerset Council (the Planning Authority).
- West Street Car Park which is owned by Watchet Town Council is managed by the Clerk with 73 spaces for rental and a further 5 spaces available for short stay visitors.
- Dog bins/grit bins. - Although West Somerset Council maintain many of the bins in Watchet, Watchet Town Council were lobbied to obtain several more to ensure the cleanliness and safety of public areas.
- Street lighting - The Council maintain 44 street lights within Watchet and throughout the Liddymore Estate
- Liaising with other agencies such as SCC Highways to address concerns over signage, parking and road markings throughout the town.
Planning Applications - Reviewed over 35 planning applications during the period of January 2009 – March 2010 shows a commitment to its role as statutory consultees to the WS planning authority by challenging decisions, studying plans and carrying out site visits in order to make intelligible observations based on planning law.
Swain Street Traffic Order - This committee took a lead role in working with the Highways department at SCC to devise a traffic order to reduce congestion and parking problems throughout Swain Street and Market Street. This order will be implemented between April to June 2010 depending on contractors’ schedules and will see double yellow lines being marked through Swain Street and Market Street.
Carbon Footprint - The committee have received a presentation and advice on the reduction of CO2 emissions and will continue to research and raise awareness on methods to reduce its carbon footprint with a view to signing up to the 10:10 pledge (reducing CO2 emissions by 10% in 2010)
Dog Bin – Sponsored a new dog bin at the entrance to the Mineral Line, where the existing bin was constantly overflowing and generated many residents’ complaints. The committee hope by partnership working with WSC this problem can be resolved. The dog bin will be installed as soon as permission is granted by WSC.
- This committee oversees the annual budget setting the precept for the following financial year.
- Donations to organisations relating to the town including the Watchet Carnival and the Watchet Kids Festival.
- The Cemetery including the closed churchyard of St Decumans are maintained through this committee. All administration for the Cemetery is undertaken by the Town Council.
- Staffing issues – development and appraisal of staff within the Town Council is administered through the F&GP Committee
War Memorial – After many months of work this committee has formed a War Memorial working group comprising committee members and three members of the Royal British Legion Watchet branch. A potential site has been secured and negotiations are ongoing to hopefully erect a monument before Remembrance Day in 2010.
Refurbishment of Council Chamber – This committee approved the redecoration of the Council Chamber internally and externally and the repainting of the town clock. The MarketHouseMuseum has kindly loaned three paintings and a silk embroidery picture to the Council and has returned a model of a 5 masted barque (encased in a glass case) to the Council. Together with its redecoration the Council Chambers now creates a more welcoming environment for staff, councillors and visitors.
Health & Safety Review: A H&S consultant carried out five days of assessments of council property, working practices and safety at work to produce a concise Health & Safety policy and risk assessment in compliance with the Health &Safety at Work 1974 (HASAWA) legislation. This will ensure that the Council are fulfilling their obligations and moral duty in providing a safe environment for its employees and members of the public who are involved in their activities.
Cemetery Toilets: The first phase of the installation of a toilet facility at the new cemetery has been completed. This included gaining access onto the Wyndham Estate land through a “Deed of Easement” to lay a foul drain that was connected to the main sewer. Phase 2 will see the toilet installed in the new financial year using the budget allocation for 2010 – 2011. This much needed facility will be provided for relatives visiting their loved ones’ graves and memorials.
Donations – Many local groups and organisations including the Watchet Carnival Club have benefited from financial support by this council
- Possibly the busiest of the three committees, the T&L Committee deals with all areas relating to the promotion of the town and provision of the Memorial Ground and Henry Davey Playing Field together with the Liddymore Estate Playing field.
- Provision of flowers in municipal areas throughout the town
- Mini tourist leaflet and the reprint of the Watchet Town Guide
- Working closely with the Watchet Tourist Office dealing with enquires and requests for information
- Manages bookings on the Esplanade for charitable organisations
- Manages and updates the Watchet Town Council website
Henry Davey Changing Room Facility – Committed to ongoing repairs to this facility due to criminal damage. This building has been targeted regularly by vandals and as a result, within the next few months this building will have new, more robust doors fitted and the rendering repaired. A good working relationship exists between Watchet Town Council and the youth football clubs whose teams benefit from this facility.
Tree Planting – This committee approved the planting of 50 saplings in the wooded area running from the Football Club to the ‘cowshed’ on the Memorial Ground. The best advice was sought and maintenance is ongoing by the Council’s grounds staff.
Play Equipment – Negotiations are ongoing to replace the under 5’s play equipment at the Henry Davey Playing Field. Site visits are arranged with play equipment providers and monies from the Section 106 planning obligations has secured funding to upgrade this area to match the other many facilities available on this site.
This committee has given its permission for a mothers group to site new play equipment adjacent to the equipment currently housed at the Memorial Ground play area. The voluntary group has sourced its own funding and negotiations on design and location are ongoing with the Council.
Dog Control Order – The implementation of a Dog Exclusion Control Order on the playing/pitch area of the Watchet War Memorial Ground (WWMG) and a ‘dogs on leads’ control order on the perimeter of the WWMG will be demonstrated by a fenced off dog walking designated area
Implementation of these orders is a lengthy process, but the Council, through extensive research and consultation sees this action as a compromise to accommodate both sports users and dog walkers using the ground.
Quality Status re-accreditation – In 2006 Watchet Town Council was awarded Quality Status, having to pass a series of national benchmark tests to prove its quality of management and administration and that its systems were compliant with current legislation. This award also recognised a qualified clerk. This is a top award recognising the Councils quality of its services to its community. Every 4 years the government welcomes a revision of the Scheme and encourages councils to seek re-accreditation. This council plans to achieve this award by September 2010.