Minutes of Oulton Parish Council Meeting 9 March 2015

The Chairman, Brian Hunter, welcomed everyone and informed the attendees of the emergency/exit instructions.

The meeting commenced at 7pm.

  1. Attendance

Parish Councillors present were Brian Hunter, Charles Swan, George Hawes, John Grist, Bill Robertson, Captain Paul McDonough, David Jefferson, Carolyn Goslingand Lindsey Hook. Also present were County Cllrs Bert Poole and Len Jacklin, and 6members of the public.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Peter Collecott and the clerk Frances Aspinall.

The Chairman and Vice-Chair paid tribute to Eve Dungate, a former clerk of Oulton Parish Council, who passed away last month. Everyone present stood for a few moments silence as a mark of respect.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Brian Hunter, John Gristand Capt. Paul McDonough declared an interest as members of Oulton Community Association. Cllr Brian Hunter declared an interest in Bonds Meadow.

  1. Minutes of Last Ordinary Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2015were proposed as agreed and each page was authenticated by the Chairman.

  1. Progress Updates, Suffolk County Council Councillors’ and Waveney District Councillors Information

Parish Council

  • A Police report was received after the February meeting and is attached as an appendix to the February minutes.

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  • Cllr Swan had visited Hobart Way to reposition the sign regarding the footpath diversion. He had taken a number of photographs to show how footpath no.4 had been cut in half by the heavy construction traffic on site.
  • Confirmation had been received from SCC regarding the road names for phase one of the Woods Meadow development. The four road names, in memory of past Rectors of Oulton, were confirmed as Hunton Road, Fuller Close, Lupton Close and Corey Drive.
  • Cllr Swan reported on the Northern Parishes meeting which he attended with the clerk. Somerleyton Parish Council are holding an ‘Open Gardens’ event again this year. They reported that they are pleased with the recently installed gated approach to their village. Hopton Parish Council reported that they could lose four councillors at the forthcoming elections.

Suffolk County Council

County Cllr Len Jacklin reported: -

He had met with a SCC representative on the site of the Northern Spine Road and had a look at the progress. He was promised that the Parish Council would be invited to the opening of the spine road, which could be at the end of this month.

Waveney District Council

County Councillor Len Jacklin reported:

He had attended a recent budget meeting and monies available were having to be spread thinner. The Council will have to look at other ways of making money.

He attended the meeting at the Orbis Energy Centre regarding the third crossing. Contrary to some reports he felt that the people who attended the meeting were purely expressing their views. He was disappointed with the weak defence of the proposal as the experts were unable to

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quantify that they had all the facts. The consultation cost SCC 80k. Waveney were consulted at great length but it will be SCC who are responsible for the crossing and its upkeep so they are the ones who are driving it.

  1. Local Council Award Accreditation Scheme

Cllrs Hunter and Grist reported on a SALC information event they attended. The scheme has three stages, with the highest award possible being ‘Quality Gold’. They felt that Oulton Parish Council are nearly at the first stage and could achieve the higher standards needed to progress further. Cllr Hunter has had an initial meeting with the clerk to discuss the scheme. The scheme does involve a lot of work and some costs, but would raise the stature of the Parish Council and attract more funding. Cllr McDonough asked if the scheme would increase the workload of the clerk.Cllr Gosling said it would need involvement from all councillors as the criteria includes councillor training among other things. The majority of the work would be down to the clerk and councillors agreed that the Chairman should meet with the clerk to discuss the possibility of an application.

  1. Police report

No Police report had been received.

Cllr Hook said there should be a liaison with a PCSO while PCSO Kershaw is absent. Cllr Swan reported that there are only 2 PCSO’s in the Northern Area.

Cllr Hunter said enquiries will be made to ensure we receive a report at each monthly meeting. Cllr McDonough said there is police contact information on the Community Centre notice board in Meadow Road.

  1. Open Forum

Oulton Neighbourhood Plan

Ann O’Callaghan, Chair of the Oulton Neighbourhood Plan Group, gave hand-outs to Councillors detailing the various stages of the neighbourhood plan and a copy of the Oulton Neighbourhood Plan Mission Statement.

There are seven steps to the plan and after all the work that has already been done we are only now at step 2 of the process. The steering group now need to employ a consultant to help prepare the plan as there is a tremendous amount of

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work still to be done. Over the next few weeks Cllr Robertson will provide a section on the parish website for the Neighbourhood Plan, where minutes will be posted and meetings will be publicised. The next meeting of the group is on Tuesday 17 March at 7pm.

Cllr Hunter said the council is indebted to the group for their hard work and tidying up around the parish.

Cllr McDonough asked if the neighbourhood plan boundary was the same as the parish boundary. The boundary is slightly different to take into account the homes which were partly on the boundary line. These homes are included in the plan.

Cllr Swan reported that the Broads Authority have been notified of the area covered by the neighbourhood plan.

For Parishioners

Tammi Wells said she kept horses on land off Hall Lane and was concerned over the proposal to site the car park for the country park off Hall Lane. Gates and fencing belong to paddock owners has been hit by vehicles three times within the last year. The area already has undesirable litter being left, including drugs. Other horse owners using paddocks on Hall Lane are also concerned. They have to attend to their horses regularly and it is frightening for a lone person to be in the area at night.

Jane Edwards said that the bridleway proposed through the middle of the country park would be better sited around the outer edge of the park to keep it separate from any pedestrians and cyclists.

Cllr Gosling said that concerns over the siting for the car park had already been voiced to Persimmon Homes but would be reiterated at the forthcoming meeting for the Country Park on 24 March.

Further discussions on the country park included the possibility of it attracting mobile food sellers. Cllr Gosling would enquire as to whether this had been considered and what could be done to prevent unwanted traders.

Cllr Jefferson reported that the enclosed area of open space at the end of Lime Avenue had been cleared out. This had been unused for many years and was considerably overgrown. Cllr Gosling will make enquiries about the intended use of the area.

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Ann O’Callaghan asked if councillors had seen the report in the Lowestoft Journal regarding Kessingland Parish Council’s eBook, and was this something that Oulton would consider? Discussions took place regarding Oulton’s past newsletters and consultation leaflet which were delivered by councillors.

Val Moore asked if Oulton could have a bottle bank. Cllr Hunter said that members of the public are allowed to use the bottle bank in the car park of the Ole Frank public house. Cllr Hunter will enquire whether there is a map showing bottle bank facilities available in the area.

Dave Moore informed the meeting that Oldman Homes have now put in the drainage for the site off Hobart Way so construction of the homes will follow shortly.

  1. Planning

Cllr Carolyn Gosling gave her report as follows: -

  • She reported on the meeting held on 17 February (prior to the neighbourhood plan meeting) where Persimmon Homes presented the draft proposals for the country park. Comments made at the meeting, along with email addresses of residents who wished to be kept informed of progress, had been emailed to Laura Townes at Persimmon.

Comments received related to the positioning of the bridleways and footpaths, the site of the car park and the timescale for implementation of the country park. As there was a lot of interest in the country park development an open meeting for any members of the public to attend had now been arranged. This will take place in the small hall at OCC on Tuesday 24 March at 7pm,with plans available to view from 6.40pm. Persimmon Homes will be in attendance to present the proposals and answer questions.

  • The size of the country park has been an ongoing issue for some people and to solve this matter an email was sent to all councillors, Persimmon Homes and WDC Planning, detailing extracts from past planning documents. The size is 50 acres.

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Further comments

  • DC/15/0324/VOC – Variation of Condition 31 and Removal of Condition 44 of DC/01/0977/OUT. An email has been sent to WDC Planning and Persimmon Homes asking for further information on this application.
  • DC/15/0184/VOC – Bridleway Camps Heath, variation of condition 3. This relates to performance levels required to meet the code for sustainable construction. The application has been permitted.
  • DC/15/0209/TPO – 17 Willowvale – 3 oak trees to be cut back – application permitted.
  • DC/14/4235/FUL – 3 bed house Cutler Road – The Parish Council objected to this application but the application has been permitted.
  • DC/15/0115/FUL – 8 Birch Close – side and back extensions – application permitted.
  • Cllr Gosling met with Simon Walker from Waveney Norse to discuss play area improvements and maintenance. Following the meeting a draft action plan was drawn up and all councillors have received a copy of this via email. The plan includes replacing some of the play equipment at Dunston and repainting existing equipment. Councillors were asked to consider a new pedestrian entrance to the play area / outdoor gym on Oulton Meadow, and the provision and siting of a picnic bench at Bloomsbury Close. It was agreed to proceed with the suggestions on the action plan.The additional matting around the outdoor gym equipment will be put on hold due to the cost and insufficient need for it at present. The situation will be monitored. The large goal posts on Oulton Meadow need some attention and these will be added to the action plan.

9.Clerks Report & Financial Matters


  • The clerk’s salary has been paid by standing order.


  • Any relevant correspondence has already been circulated to all Councillors.

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  • The Bonds Meadow Association have won an award for their work. The Royal Horticultural Society and Anglia in Bloom presented the volunteers with the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood Award 2014’ atlevel 4 - Thriving.

The Bonds Meadow Association had contacted the parish council to seek support for their endeavours to stop the encroachment of land by home owners adjacent to Bonds Meadow. Cllr Jacklin reported that he had spoken to SCC on the matter but had not been kept informed of any progress.Cllr Hunter said that local knowledge of the area will be lost over time and action needs to be taken now while the history is still known. Councillors agreed to give assistance on the issue where possible.

10.Any Other Business

  • Cllr Hook raised concerns once again over the four way junction with Millennium Way and Somerleyton Road. Motorists coming from Aldi or Somerleyton Road often don’t know where to wait until it is clear for them to turn. Cllr Gosling will email Keith Sampson to remind him of the additional road markings required.
  • Cllr Hook also reported that horses had been along Bentley Drive in the cycle track and left muck on route which was a health hazard to cyclists and pedestrians. This isn’t a regular occurrence but could be a problem if it continues.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm. Thenext full meeting of the council will be on Monday 13 April 2015 at 7pm.

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