Conceptual Design for an extension to VMT to support social networking

Dynamic updates for a connected individual: Mobile Communications VMT

Rajeev Iyer



Virtual Math Teams is a technical group dedicated to the furthering of research and development based on the collaborative concerns of learning and working on mathematical issues by students that may be located in different and varied graphical locations, linked by the Internet as the only tool of communication. As such the Virtual Math Team (VMT) has designed an interactive collaboration tool that combines a Chat window, and a whiteboard to enhance collaborative effort. Each of these features has the capability to preserve their history and track changes that will provide users with the ability to view the information added via the change history. In a recent update, VMT Chat rooms were provided with the ability to add additional Whitespace or additional tabs, which provides a direct connection to the course website, and course information, as well as a dynamic, user driven interface to access information on the Internet.

An Extension to VMT:

VMT is a purely internet based application. As part of the user interface the VMT website provides the location for information based on user and group information. The user has the option to change and view details of their own profile, as well as send messages to members of the Virtual Math Teams. These messages are viewed online and are noted by day, date and time. As a simple messaging system the functionality works as long as users regularly login to the website for update tracking. In addition to this, VMT website serves as the launch point for collaboration rooms based on certain assignments and can be created by users dynamically. Each room consists of a chat window and a multi-tab whitespace / browser interface. Most rooms will be created for a specific purpose and requires certain members to join and collaborate on specific issues and problem sets that can include mathematics and other subjects. As such, the best way to collaborate on a issue is to either set distinct regular group meeting times or to work asynchrously with the group dividing the work assigned to group members delivering daily, even hourly, results. Therefore in both cases there is a requirement of regular connectivity between the user and the website to check on updates, information posted and assignments. By relying on a pure computer interface we are limiting the connectivity options of the member who may have multiple obligations on time and location. As such regular checks on the system may not always be possible, and updates that require research in varied location often divorced from computer contact, is also hampered. Therefore, an application with dedicated connectivity that provides alternate forms of communication and connectivity with the website, and its Collaboration rooms for a local perspective, may provide the working professional with alternate means of connectivity and efficiency in collaboration. This technique can be used in a trial run to investigate the possibilities of increasing the sphere of connectivity to the VMT system beyond the Personal computer, to the wired and wireless world , taking advantage of a number of personal electronic devices. Updates to the interface to take into account user experience would be invaluable in standardizing an over arcing interface tool built into the VMT system that would initiate and collect information dynamically, to keep users informed and up-to-date on all collaborative efforts.

Conceptual Design:

The tool that is to be used to expand the sphere of communication will rely on a number of communicative techniques to indicate to the member of the VMT, who may or may not be present at his computer, that an update or message is available for view and is new to the system. This message or update may be based on a set of conditions specified by the member prior to utilization. As such, the member can customize the tool to state that an alert be sent when sections of the VMT website are updated that concern that member. In a typical case, the member would be concerned with messages that include his login name as a recipient, collaboration rooms where the member is set to participate in, and the “Lounge” room, where all members of the Math Team may set general relevant updates. The alert may be sent to the member through a number of user configurable settings. The first time only wizard based setup program, would allow the member to specify email, text messaging, audio alerts and /or screen alerts as mechanisms to draw the attention of the user.

The second phase of the tool is accepting information sent remotely, and automatically uploading that information to the relevant sections of the VMT interface. The remote communication messages that should be accepted will include text messages, email messages and /or voice mail messages containing unique words to distinguish the origin of the message and the location to be uploaded to. This tool will not attempt sophisticated parsing of information, save for location and will merely add the plain text to the desired VMT location. As a result this tool will serve to quickly and efficiently add information to the collaboration room regardless of member location, but will not be a substitute for true interaction with the collaboration interface. Voice mail messages are a necessary part for users who may lack the resources to enter large, coherent text messages on the go.

Finally, in the event the tool is localized to a client machine, it would be necessary for the interface to run continuously in the background without consuming massive resources on the client computer, as well as integrating seamlessly with the native operating system. This tool would therefore have to be a cross-platform, easy to assemble and operate, as well as small in resources used. The perfect example of a multi-platform, small application with necessary dedicated Internet connections can be seen in Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets, and Google desktop apps, as well as Yahoo! Konfabulator widgets.

Initial Conceptual Model:

Interface Metaphors-

The system is designed to act as a personal secretary to the member of the Virtual Math team. This secretary will help to maintain a connection between the outside world and the member. The outside world in this case serves as the VMT website and relevant sections of the website. Once the member has defined what the secretary will concentrate on, the secretary will be able to keep tabs on those topics, and will leave appropriate styled messages informing the member of updates in those specified topics.

The messages will be similar to a discreet Voicemail or text message that will be checked on one’s personal phone or email account during the course of the work day. In addition to this, changes to the scheduling of group meetings, and other immediately relevant information is monitored and promptly delivered to the member. These messages will not intrude on daily work patterns unless they meet conditions specified by the member such as audible or graphic alerts.

The secretary analog can also stretch the metaphor by accepting messages through a mobile device and typing up those messages for the member and auto-submitting the information. The secretary would not place the information in any nuanced context and is simply inclined to provide the exact duplicate of the information submitted to them. Therefore, it serves as a proxy until attendance by the principal can be achieved.

In a future release further features and functionality associated with a personal secretary can be incorporated in to the design. As in it would be possible for the secretary to co-ordinate meetings based on personal information found in a central calendar, and remind the user of that information. Furthermore, it would be a repository of friend, and team member contact information serving as the all knowing personal information manager of the member. This information can be coordinated to directly submit information to the relevant entities.

To stretch the metaphor to the limit, it is possible to envision a day when the secretarial position will be outsourced to an outside party that will cover all previous functions, as well as reduce the number of single messages to a dynamic messaging system similar in information exchange to a phone call, but as intrusive as reminders about appointments in Outlook, or a Google talk session.

The secretarial metaphor breaks down when considering location of her desk. The desk, as it were, should be located close enough to quickly send and obtain information, but should not be seen unless requested. Perhaps the best way to describe the location, and some aspect of reliability and functioning is to consider the Mobile Communications VMT extension to act like a Butler. It will integrate completely into current living conditions and appear as needed.

Interaction Types:

The Mobile Communications VMT Suite is likely to consist of two major interaction styles. These two styles are based on the initial conceptual design model that would be implemented in the first phase as a provider and receiver of information. As such the two major interaction styles for the member and the application is instructing and conversing.

The feature set that deals with informing the member of updates and changes to the VMT website and collaboration rooms can be considered as the instructing portions of the application. As such, no user input dialog is necessary for the system to show the information other than the initial setup process specifying types of alerts and VMT sections to monitor.

The feature set that deals with accepting the member contribution to the VMT website and automatically submitting this information to the relevant sections can be considered and the conversing aspect of the application. The conversation aspects should be limited to checking credentials and confirming location of submission of information to increase usability and reduce the frustrations inherent in real-time communications with a late model device. As such, the conversation can be completed in a single message, prompting feedback from the secretary based on successful completion of the transaction.

Interface Styles:

The Extension to the tool has to consist of two sections. These two sections will require two distinct interface types based on location of application. The application will first have to consist of the traditional WIMP/GUI application and will likely exist on the Personal computer most used by the member. This personal computer is likely to be connected to an Internet connection all day, or may be carried around on a laptop with occasional Internet connection. In either case, an Internet connection is key to member satisfaction and usability. The main benefit of utilizing this application can be seen in a desktop application that is connected continuously with access to the Internet.

This application would be used much like a Widget is used today, the interface would consist of a small output window that would exist in a small section of the member screen and have extensive configuration options to modify the output of this application. Furthermore, all data exchanges occur through the Internet, and no further connections or device interfaces are needed to talk to the desktop computer.

The second aspect of the application design is the mobile communications device. The most generic personal electronic communications device is the mobile phone. 98% of phones today will support Short Messaging Services (SMS), which is a form of textual communications, in addition to the primary function of the mobile phone which is voice chatting. Email functionality also exists on a number of devices, but the experience of email communication is out of the hands of the developer and cannot be easily improved upon as an interface tool, but is more reliable and leaves a greater presence for communication tracking. Third party vendors and some mobile phone service providers offer free Voice mail box services that can be accessed over the Internet, which would serve as the third submit-able communication interface.


The product will regularly monitor the VMT websites and collaboration rooms at a user set interval, and will inform the user through the mechanism of different types of alerts. These alerts may consist of an audible alert, such as a musical tone played over the computer speakers, or a graphical alert, such as showing a video or a pop-up of the message. In addition to these alert types, the application should be able to send an email to a specific email inbox. The email inbox will allow the user to access it as an email inbox itself, or as most service providers allow, the email will be sent to a mobile device as a text message. Both options allow the member to get real time access to updates of the monitored sections.

The product will also access mail inboxes to obtain information that will update the relevant sections of the website and collaboration rooms. The user will set the Subject of the email as the location, and the message would be contained in the body of the email. For voice mail message, one Voice mail number that captures the voice recording as a data file, can also be used to update /submit the file to the collaboration room. Text messages would be required to have the first line as the location to be updated, and the lines following as the message. By virtue of medium, messages will be brief and to the point, as well as serve as quick note creation devices.

The user will have to provide the mobile communication details, such as email inboxes, mobile service provider information, telephone numbers, and the most important details, which is selecting the sections of the VMT website and collaboration rooms that have to be monitored. In addition to this the number of times the site is monitored, and the alerts that the user would prefer have to be entered. This would cover the information that would keep the application running. In terms of a usability aspect, once the setup is complete the information that needs to be displayed should consist of a connectivity check, confirming the connection is present and good, a calendar history of the last 5 updates, and a tab to look at the last 5 messages received. As a multi-tab display , the application would be able to sit unobtrusively on the desktop whiles reducing resources and time in using the application. These functions would be able to interact with the program to ensure mobile communication VMT extensions

Application Benefits:

This application would provide a more enhanced sphere of communication between VMT and the connected user. Research that may be disconnected from the connected world, especially with learning styles practiced in other countries of the world, the results are considered to be more important than specified protocols and steps, meaning that users need to constantly update the notes present on a mathematical problem to reach a solution. The text based interface also increases dependency on the whiteboard aspect thus confirming a collaborative session is required to complete the problem. Furthermore, Voice mail is an easy way to compress a great deal of information into a small sound bite, that can also serve as a method of tracking thus increasing accountability. This is a workaround from the traditional Voice chats that are sometimes used for collaborative sessions that may not always include all members of the group.