Full HYPE Award Application

For youth as community stewards and change agents

The H.Y.P.E. Council has one funding cycle each year. The maximum amount of funding for a
Full HYPE project will be $1,500. It is essential to fill out all of the information and answer all of
the questions. Application deadline is November 19th, 2017.

If you have any questions, please call 612.668.4215 or email:

Title of Project: ______

Name of School: ______

Address: ______City/State/Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

Email address:______

Name of Adult Coordinator: ______

Additional Project Information

·  Is this a _____ new project _____ expansion or _____ replication?

·  Project start date ______Project end date ______

·  When does your group meet (we will be planning site visits) ______

Head each answer with the question in the order it appears.

Project Description Evaluation

1.  SUMMARY: Briefly summarize the project in 2-3 sentences.

2.  GOALS: What are the desired, measurable objectives of this project?

3.  BACKGROUND: Give the background and reason for this proposed project.

4.  LEADERSHIP: Please tell us who is on the leadership team for the project and what their roles will be.

5.  STAKEHOLDERS: Who are the stakeholder groups (youth, adults, volunteers, neighborhood groups, etc) that will be engaged in and served by this project? What are the roles/responsibilties of each group?

6.  TIMELINE: Please give a detailed timeline for the project. What will happen and when?

7.  YOUTH VOICE: How will youth have leadership in this project?

8.  SKILL BUILDING: How will this project build the skills of the young people involved? What skills will young people gain from the project?

9.  CONTRIBUTION: How will this project foster meaningful contribution of youth to their community?

10.  SUCCESS: How will you determine if you are successful in meeting your goals? Describe the methods of reflection and evaluation you will use?

Project Budget – Maximum amount requested should not exceed $1,500. Remember, no capital equipment (TV’s, computers, electronics, uniforms, or other material objects that would become permanent fixtures at your site) may be funded. Be as specific as possible about budget amounts and do your research on pricing before submitting the proposal.

Expense Item HYPE Grant Money In-kind Contribution Total

1. Ex: Posterboard, 20 sheets 20 sheets @$5.70/each= $114 $0 $114

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

Total Budget ______

This proposal has been reviewed and endorsed by the school’s administration or the afterschool coordinator. For non-profits please provide director’s signature.

Principal’s or Coordinators Name: ______

Principal or Coordinator’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

H.Y.P.E and MCE Youth Programs are programs of:

Criteria for Proposals

To qualify for HYPE Full Awards, projects must include:

_____ The project fosters meaningful contribution of youth to communities served by MPS

_____ Student Voice on the project leadership team

_____ Set of measurable objectives

_____ Reflection process built-in to the project

_____ All activities and expenses must be completed by May 31st , 2017

_____ Plan for completing the final report provided by the HYPE council

_____ Youth leadership in planning the project

_____ Clearly defined skills that youth will gain from the project

_____ Activities will be engaging and hands-on for the youth

_____ Specific, clear budget

What doesn’t qualify for funding?

·  HYPE awards cannot be used for capital equipment, including: TVs, computers, electronic
equipment, cameras, uniforms, etc.

Timeline *—HYPE Full Award Cycle


/ Full Award applications due.


/ Initial screening completed.
Finalists contacted for interviews


/ Interviews conducted at Davis Center

January 2018

/ Award decisions completed. Award notices sent out.
Recommendations for funding forwarded.

*Timeline subject to change

All award recipients will be asked to complete a Mid-Year Report and a Final Report.
Awardees will be invited to be part of the year-end Service-Learning showcase and celebration date TBA.

All projects who receive HYPE awards are to submit a summary report of their project upon completion of the project or by June 11, 2018. A financial spreadsheet must be included. All funds must have been spent at this time. The report will include data on how many youth were involved, timelines, successes and challenges of the project, and lessons learned in the process.

Any organization not submitting a final report will not be considered for funding during the next award cycle.