Leathermarket JMB isgoing to replace the communal heating system on the Meakin estate between the summer and late autumn of 2016. As you know only too well the existing system is at the end of its useful life. We are proposing the complete replacement, which includes a new main boiler, underground pipes, distribution pipes and new radiators.

Why not individual?

We have examined the possibility of putting individual central heating systems in all of the flats, but have rejected this idea. Different water and gas supply arrangements would be needed. Also most residents’ kitchens are so small that the boiler would need to go in the living room.

What’s happening at the moment?

We have received tenders for the work and have assessed them.

Tenders were received from Invicta Building Services, Mitie Building Services, OCO Ltd, CBS Heating and Engineering Maintenance Services. Invicta Building Services were the lowest tenderer and were also judged to be the best in terms of quality.

A resident on the estate helped to assess the tenders. We havedecided on a preferred contractor. Notices of Proposal will be sent out to leaseholders giving details of the tenders received and the estimated service charges. Following the consultation period with leaseholders, the contract will be awarded and the project will start in the summer.

How will the work happen?

The first stage of the work will be to replace the boiler in the main boiler house and the equipment in the pump rooms. The second will be to replace the pipework in the loft space and under the walkways and the finalstage will be to replace the radiators and pipework in all flats.

New radiators, radiator valves and pipework will be installed in each flat. There is provision for each property to have a meter installed so in time each resident will be able to measure their power usage and be billed individually for what heating/hot waterthey have used. Our consultants tell us that it should be possible to run the new pipework where the old pipework was in the flats to minimise disruption and damage to decorations.The new system will be much more heat efficient.

Obviously it is essential that residents provide access to their homes. We hope to complete the work in each flat in a maximum of four working days. We will allow for ‘fair and reasonable’ making good of damage to internal decorations inside flats and residents will be able to claim compensation for missed appointments.

How do I get involved?

We would like to set up a project group with interested residents to help to coordinate the work. Please contact us if you wish to be involved.


Residents have been having some problems getting into the blocks 24 to 51, 1 to 23 and 52 to 66 due to some of the buzzers not operating correctly. We are glad to report that the control panels have now been replaced and should now work correctly.


Finalising the final account (cost of the works) with the contractors Lakehouse has proved to be frustratingly slow. As funding for phases one and two are linked this is delaying the start of phase two works. For legal reasons leaseholders have received Notice of Proposals setting out the full cost of phase two works. The JMB has contacted the Council’s billing team to explain the problem that we face. As soon as we make progress with Lakehouse we will let you know.


The Directors of the Leathermarket JMB have agreed to fund the replacement of all front doors where needed on our estates this financial year. We have a contract with a company called Shellen Security Ltd, who manufacture and install the new multi lock fire resistant security doors, which you can see on the ground floor of the estate. We know that the doors on the higher floors of the Meakin estate are in a poor state and have made their replacement a priority to be replaced first.