Primary Relay

Time: 60 minutes Calculators Allowed 100 points


R1. (4points) [96 points remaining]

Twenty people are numbered 1 - 20 and are equally spaced around a round table. What is the number of the person directly across from the person numbered 7?

R2. (4points)[92 points remaining]

How fast is a river flowing if a person can row downstream at 12 kilometres per hour and upstream at 4 kilometres per hour?

R3. (6points)[86 points remaining]

What is the next number in the sequence?

3, 7, 16, 32, 57,___

R4. (2 points)[84 points remaining]

Alan has five more brothers than sisters. How many more brothers than sisters does his sister Jill have?

R 5. (4points)[80 points remaining]

What letter is the 99th entry in the following sequence?

R, G, Y, B, R, G, Y, B, R, G, Y, B, R, G, Y, B, R, G, Y, B……..

R 6. (8points)[72 points remaining]

A bird cage and bird cost $31. If the birdcage costs $30 more than the bird, what is the price of the bird?

R 7. (4points)[68 points remaining]

A magnifying glass causes the length of a piece of string 2 centimetres long to appear 8 centimetres long. How large will an angle of 3 degreesappear when it is magnified by the glass?

R 8. (8points)[60 points remaining]

A five story apartment block has a single penthouse on the fifth floor. Each floor has twice as many apartments as the floor above it. How many apartments are on the first floor?

R 9. (6points)[54 points remaining]

A beggar collecting cigarette ends can make a new cigarette out of five ends. One day he collects a total of 25 ends. How many cigarettes can he smoke that day?

R 10. (4points)[50 points remaining]

What is the result when you divide 50 by and add 10?

R 11. (6points)[44 points remaining]

A painter needs 15litres of lime green paint to paint a house. The formula for mixing lime green paint is 4 parts blue to 1 part yellow. How many litres of blue paint will he need?

R12.(6points)[38 points remaining]

A fighter jet climbs at the rate of 250 metres/second. How long will it take to climb 10,000 metres?

R 13. (6points)[32 points remaining]

Mark mowed 0.6 of his lawn and still had 200 m2 to mow. What is the total area of his lawn?

R 14. (8points)[24 points remaining]

A jar containing one spore will be filled completely in exactly one hour. If each spore can reproduce itself in one minute; how long will it take two spores to completely fill the same jar?

R 15. (2 points)[22 points remaining]

If you were given $100,000 and told to spend the money at the rate of one dollar per minute, how long would it take to spend all of the money?

R 16. (4points)[18 points remaining]

An electrician charges $30 an hour and $20 for his assistant. One day they charged $260 for fixing a fault. If the assistant worked 2 hours less than the electrician, how many hours did the electrician work fixing the fault?

R 17. (4points)[14 points remaining]

I sold my old collection of movies for $2025. I sold them for as many dollars per movie as there were movies. How many movies did I sell?

R 18. (4points)[10 points remaining]

An ad in a catalogue says, “Save 20% or $200 on a new refrigerator.” What is the sale price of the refrigerator?

R 19. (6points)[4 points remaining]

I started on a 450 kilometre trip with a full tank of fuel. After driving 350 kilometres, I bought 35 litres of fuel to fill up the tank. At this rate, how many litres of fuel will I use for the whole trip?

R 20. (4points)[0 points remaining]

The coastal tide changes from low to high in 6 hours and 12 minutes. It then changes back from high to low tide in another 6 hours and 12 minutes. If it is high tide on 1st January at 12 noon, what is the earliest time for a high tide on the 3rd January?


Relay Answer Sheet


Problem / Answer / Attempts √ or ×
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 / Score / Progressive Score
R 1 (4 points) / 17
R 2 (4 points) / 4 km/h
R 3 (6 points) / 93
R 4 (2 points) / 7
Change Change Change
R 5 (4 points) / Y
R 6 (8 points) / $0.50
R 7 (4 points) / 3º
R 8 (8 points) / 16
Change Change Change
R 9 (6 points) / 6
R 10 (4 points) / 110
R 11 (6 points) / 12 litres
R 12 (6 points) / 40 seconds
Change Change Change
R 13 (6 points) / 500 m2
R 14 (8 points) / 59 minutes
R 15 (2 points) / 69.44 days
R 16 (4 points) / 6 hours
Change Change Change
R 17 (4 points) / 45
R 18 (4 points) / $800
R 19 (6 points) / 45 litres
R 20 (4 points) / 1:12 am