Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Restorative Dentistry
Year: 2009 / Semester: second
Course Information
Course Title / Endodontic Seminars
Course Number / Dent 701
Prerequisites / N.A
Course Website / Not available
Instructor / Dr M.Maslamani
Office Location / Dental Teaching Hospital
Office Phone / 23818
Office Hours / Monday 9-11am
E-mail /
Teaching Assistant / N.A
Text Book
Title / Pathways of the Pulp (1)
Authors / Stephen Cohen, Richard C. Burns
Publisher / Mosby
Year / 2006
Edition / 9th
Book Website /
Title / Principles and practice of endodontics (2)
Authors / Walton R, Torabenijad M
References / International endodontic Journal issues (3), Journal of endodontics (4), Endoodntic topics journal (5) and Handouts (6). Any other related article from other journals will be submitted to the students e.g. British Dental Journal (7)
Assessment policy
Assessment Type / Weight
First exam / Oral Presentation Comprehensive presentation (covering the whole topic)
Questions management and discussion
Time management / 25
Second exam / Comprehensive literature review / 25
Final exam / Written exam
The date To be announced / 50
Total / 100
Each student has to submit a written comprehensive literature review in the topic assigned randomly to the students. The format of Journal of Endodontics has to be followed.
By the fifth week all students should submit a draft of the assigned topic and the final copy should be submitted seventh week.
The literature review should cover all the available evidence including recent studies.
Each student has to give an oral presentation about the assigned topic, the presentation should be summary not a replica of the written assignment.
The Goal
Provide a comprehensive information about variable clinical and theoretical topics in endodontics based on the best available evidence in the current literature
Course Objectives / Weight
1-  Understand the concept of evidence-based dentistry
2-  Know the hierarchy of the available evidence
3-  Know how to write a comprehensive literature review
4-  Know how to do an oral presentation
5-  Understand each topic reviewed in this course / 25%
Learning outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course the students should:
Related objective / The expected achieved outcome / Reference/s
4.1 / Know the available moisture control techniques special emphasis on rubber dam / 1, 2, 5, 6
4.2 / Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each technique / 1, 2, 5, 6
4.3 / Know the equipments needed for rubber dam application / 1, 2, 5, 6
4.4 / Describe techniques for application of rubber dam in single tooth isolation / 1, 2, 5, 6
4.5 / Describe techniques for application of rubber dam in multiple teeth isolation / 1, 2, 5, 6
5.1 / Understand the importance of magnification in endodontics / 1, 5
5.2 / Describe the available magnification devices used in endodontics / 1, 5
6.1 / -  How to diagnose and manage medical complications might occur
-  / 1,2, 6
6.2 / -  Understand the importance of taking proper medical and dental history / 1,2
6.3 / -  Know the management of abscess and cellulitis / 1,2,6
6.4 / -  When prophylactic antibiotics are indicated / 1,2, 6
6.5 / -  What type of antibiotics should be prescribed / 1,2, 6
6.6 / -  Know the concept about using advanced endodontic instruments for medically compromised patients e.g. apexlocator / 1,2, 6
6.7 / -  Understand the importance of doing proper treatment planning and diagnosis of the possible complications / 1,2
7.1 / -  How to prevent the procedural complications that might occur during treatment (ledges, perforations, transporations, stripping, fracture instrument) / 1-6
7.2 / -  How to diagnose procedural complications (ledges, perforations, transporations, stripping, fracture instrument)
-  / 1-6
7.3 / -  How to treat procedural complication (ledges, perforations, transporations, stripping, fracture instrument)
-  / 1-6
8.1 / -  Each student should know how the procedural problems affect the prognosis based on the current literature / 2-6
8.2 / Understand the concept of endodontic success in comparison of success of dental implants
-  / 1-6
9.1 / -  Under stand the association of the microbes with pulpal and periradicular diseases / 1-6
9.2 / -  Understand the Polymicrobial nature of the Endodontic Infections / 1-6
9.3 / -  Understand the bacterial virulence factors / 1-6
9.4 / - Understand how the microbial flora in failed endodontic treatment varies from initial treatment / 1-6
9.5 / -  Understand the extraradicualr endodontic infection / 1-6
9.6 / -  Understand the concept of focal infection theory / 1
10.1 / -  know the indications and contraindications of vital pulp therapy
-  / 1,2
10,2 / -  Know the techniques for vital pulp therapy / 1, 2,
10.3 / -  Know the materials used in vital pulp therapy / 1-7
11.1 / - Define internal resorption. / 1,2
11.2 / - Define external resorption (including external cervical root resorption) / 1,2
11.3 / - List ways used to distinguish between internal and external resorption / 1,2
11.4 / - Describe the possible causes of internal resorption / 1,2
11.5 / - Describe the treatment methods for internal resorption / 1,2,7
11.6 / - Describe the probable causes of external resorption. / 1,2,7
11.7 / - Describe replacement resorption. / 1,2,7
11.8 / - Describe inflammatory root resorption / 1,2,7
11.9 / - Describe the treatment for replacement resorption. / 1, 2, 5, 6,7
11.10 / - Describe the treatment for inflammatory resorption. / 1, 2, 5, 6
12.1 / - Describe how the pulp and periodontal tissues communicate.
- Describe the pathways of bone lesion formation. The description should be specific for the following clinical situations:
- Primary endodontic lesions
- Primary endodontic lesions with secondary periodontal involvement
- Primary periodontal lesions
- Primary periodontal lesions with secondary endodontic involvement
. / 1,2, 5
12.2 / - Describe the nature of a “true” combined endo-perio lesion / 1,2,5
13.1 / -Know how to diagnose VRF / 1,2
13.2 / - Know the treatment options of VRF / 1,2,7
13.3 / -Know the prognosis of VRF / 1,2,7
14.1 / - Explain the causes for discoloration of pulpless teeth.
/ 1,2
14.2 / - List the chemical agents used to bleach discolored nonvital teeth. / 1,2
14.3 / - Describe the contraindications to bleaching discolored nonvital teeth. / 1,2
14.4 / - Describe the "walking bleach" technique. / 1,2
14.5 / - List factors that can cause tooth discoloration as related to:
-1 developmental defects
-2 extrinsic causes / 1,2
14.6 / - Describe alternatives to bleaching discolored teeth. / 1-7
14.7 / - Describe possible complications and adverse effects of bleaching procedures associated with non-vital teeth. / 1,2

Course contents

Week / Date / Subject / Lecturer
1 / 17/2 / The concept of evidence based dentistry / Dr Maslamani
2 / 24/2 / How to write a literature review / Dr Maslamani
3 / 3/3 / Library and Medline searches (JUST Library) / Dr Maslamani
4 / 10/3 / Moisture control techniques in endodontics / Dr Maslamani
5 / 17/3 / Magnification in Endodontics / Dr Maslamani
6 / 24/3 / Complications in Endodontics I (Medical Complications) / Dr Maslamani
7 / 31/3 / Complications in Endodontics II (Procedural complications) / Dr Maslamani
8 / 7/4 / Endodontic treatment vs. dental implant / Dr Maslamani
9 / 14/4 / Endodontic Microbiology / Dr Maslamani
10 / 21/4 / Vital pulp therapy for young permanent teeth / Dr Maslamani
11 / 28/4 / Root Resorption / Dr Maslamani
12 / 5/5 / Endodontic- Periodontal relationships / Dr Maslamani
13 / 12/5 / Vertical Root Fracture / Dr Maslamani
14 / 19/5 / Bleaching of discoloured teeth / Dr Maslamani
Final exam / Dr Maslamani
Teaching and Learning methods
·  Each lecture will include two parts: first hour a student presents the assigned topic according to the time table. The second hour all students are expected to discuss the related current literature given to them one week before.
·  Class lectures, homework assignments, handouts and presentations are designed to achieve the course objectives
·  You should read the assigned materials before class, complete assignments on time, and participate in class
·  The students are responsible of the material covered during the course
·  Any difficulty or concern during the course should be passed to the course coordinator
Additional Notes
Home works / ·  Each student must submit a hard copy of the next assigned topic at the end of each lecture
·  Late home works will not be accepted
Exams / They are likely to be (but Not always) in the form of MCQs, short essay questions
Makeup Exams / It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is presented at the applicable time
Drop Date / Last date to drop the course is before the (12th) week of the current semester
Cheating / ·  It is unethical and illegal by any means
·  JUST regulations will be applicable
·  The work should be your own, otherwise it will scored zero
Attendance / ·  It is mandatory for all lectures
·  JUST regulations will be applied when you exceed 10% of an excused absence
Workload / The average work is about 2 hours /student
Graded Exams / Exam papers will be graded and returned to students not after the week after the exam date. The answers will be discussed in the class
Participation / ·  All students are highly encouraged to participate in the classes
Project / Each student is expected to submit a hard copy of the assigned topic (as a paper ready for publication by JOE)
Each student is expected to do oral presentation of the assigned topic at the date on the syllabus
Finally / ·  All Students are highly encouraged to finish all the requirements of this course in due time
·  Being a positive party during this course will be helpful
·  Never be shy to participate during this course