Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church

131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851

Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor

Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333

Web Site- - E-Mail: - Fax 570-339-2715

Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565

Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.

Office Hours: Mon. Tues. Fri. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon

1st Collection: Candles 2nd Collection: Regular Offering

5th Sunday After Pentecost June 23rd, 2013

Saturday 06-22-13

3:15 PM Confessions

4:00 PM Intention of June & Stan Petchulis

52nd Wedding Anniversary req. by Stan & June

Sunday 06-23-13

5th Sunday After Pentecost

8:15 AM Confessions

9:15 AM For the Parishioners

11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church

+ Helen Tanis req. by Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Pyrohy Workers

Monday 06-24-13

Birth of John the Baptist

9:00 AM at Assumption Church

+ John Drozd, Sr. req. by Joseph Liptock

6:00 PM + John Broda, Sr. req. by

Wife & Children

Tuesday 06-25-13

No Divine Liturgy

Wednesday 06-26-13

No Divine Liturgy

Thursday 06-27-13

8:00 AM + Michelle Whyne req. by

Steph & Eric Wright & Daughter

2:00 PM Mt. Carmel Nursing Home

+ Helen Tanis req. by Marguerite Budick

Friday 06-28-13

Vigil Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul Prime Apostles

Holy Day of Obligation

6:00 PM at Assumption B.V.M. Church

+ Mary Stutz req. by Joseph Stutz III

Saturday 06-29-13

Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul Prime Apostles

Holy Day of Obligation

9:00 AM + Dorothy Simpson

req. by Ed & Michele Teevan

Breakfast Social immediately following

3:15 PM Confessions

4:00 PM For the Parishioners

Sunday 06-30-13

6th Sunday After Pentecost

8:15 AM Confessions

Sunday 06-30-13

6th Sunday After Pentecost

9:15 AM + Ralph Owens, Jr. - 4th Anniversary

req. by Wife, Pat

11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church

+ John & Marilyn Mattu req. by

Theresa Mattu & Family

Welcome: We the people of Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches, are a Catholic community that worships God, spreads the Good News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect people here. You are invited: come. Come in seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting. Come into this house of companionship and compassion. Come in. You are welcome here. SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their doors to you.

Thought for the day!!!!

God never asks if we can, he asks if we will.

Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars and plan to support and participate in the following events…….

June 2013

June 24th – Birth of John the Baptist – Simple Holy Day

June 27th – Ss. Peter & Paul Pie Sale deadline for ordering your favorite pie

June 29th – Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul Prime Apostles

Holy Day of Obligation

Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul Breakfast Social immediately after 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Please Remember: To pray for vocations to the Holy Priesthood and religious life.

Rosary Intention: For the week of June 23rd, 2013 for the sick and the infirm of our parishes.

In Your Prayers: Please remember to pray for the sick and the infirm of our Parishes.

A Beautiful Prayer

Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for reward; except to know that I am doing your will.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Ss. Peter & Paul Rebuilding Fund Donations:

$500.00 – In Memory of My Dad + Al Olszewski

By Theresa Olszewski Boras & Alex Boras

$500.00 – Anonymous

Ss. Peter & Paul Additional Father’s Day Remembrances:

Deceased – Joseph Anelauskas req. by

Donna Phillips

Ss. Peter & Paul Holy Name Society Father’s Day Raffle:

Winner of the Fishing Rod & Tackle Box – Andrew Stelma, Jr.

Winner of the Lottery Tickets – Tanya Ladika

Thank you to everyone for supporting this raffle.

Altar Flowers: Altar flowers can be sponsored weekly for $30.00 per arrangement. Parishioners can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in sponsoring flowers may call 339-0650, or visit the church office.

Altar Flowers: Altar flowers at Ss. Peter & Paul Church for the week of June 23rd are In Loving Memory of + John Broda, Sr. request by

Wife, and Children.

Thank You: A special “Thank You “ to everyone who came out this past week to help with the

SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Church June Pyrohy Sale. This is the last sale for the summer.

Pyrohy sales will resume in the Fall.

Your help was greatly appreciated.

May God Bless you! Have a great summer!

See you in September.

Special Thank You: A very special thank you to the Altar Rosary Society and to everyone who helped with the Father’s Day Breakfast, it was enjoyed by all.

May God Bless You!

Ukrainian Cultural Festival: The Ukrainian Cultural Festival will be held on July 12- 14th, 2013 at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center in Kerhonkson, New York. Flyers are posted in the vestibule of SS. Peter & Paul Church for those of you who are interested in this festival. If there are any questions about this festival please call the church office.

Ss. Peter & Paul Church

Lector Schedule

Sat. June 22nd - 4:00 PM

Ed Cuff

Sun. June 23rd - 9:15 AM

George Ann Katchick

Sat. June 29th - 4:00 PM

Ellen Goretsky

Sun. June 30th - 9:15 AM

Justina Eisenhart

Assumption B.V.M. Church

Sun. June 23rd - 11:00 AM

Bryce Fiamoncini

Sun. June 30th – 11:00 AM

Bryce Fiamoncini

Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate 59th Annual Holy Dormition (Assumption) Pilgrimage:

The Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate will be hosting the 59th Dormition (Assumption) pilgrimage on August 10 & 11, 2013 at our motherhouse in Sloatsburg, NY. This year’s theme is “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.” All information pertaining to this pilgrimage will be in the vestibules of our parishes.

Pyrohy for Seminary Day: SS. Peter & Paul Church, Mt. Carmel and Assumption B.V.M. Church, Centralia this year are responsible for making 300 dozen pyrohy for the Ukrainian Seminary Day picnic. We will be making the pyrohy at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, July 24th, and 8:00 AM on Thursday, July 25th, 2013. All parishioners of both churches are welcome to help with this project. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support of this project.

Religious Education Classes: Religious education classes are suspended for the summer. All children from pre-school age to 8th grade are encouraged to attend in the fall when classes resume.

5th Sunday After Pentecost


When the disciples of the Lord learned from the angel the glorious news of the resurrection and cast off the ancestral condemnation, they proudly told the apostles: “Death has been plundered! Christ our God is risen, granting to the world great mercy.”


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

My Savior and Deliverer from the grave as God has raised out of bondage the children of earth and shattered the gates of Hades; and as Master, He rose on the third day.


Now and ever and forever: Amen

By your birth, O Immaculate One, Joachim and Anna were freed from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from the corruption of death. And your people, redeemed from the guilt of their sins, celebrate as they cry out to you: “The barren one gives birth to the Mother of God and nourisher of our Life.”


How great are Your works, O Lord; You have made all things in wisdom.

V. Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God, You are exceedingly great.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Poise yourself and advance in triumph and reign in the cause of truth, and meekness, and justice.

V. You have loved justice and hated iniquity. Alleluia (3x)

Communion Hymn:

Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia! (3x)

Epistle: Rom 10:1-10

Gospel: Mt. 8:28-9:1

Mystery (Sacrament) of Repentance: Is available before each Divine Liturgy on Saturday, 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM and on Sunday in Ss. Peter & Paul Church, 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, and at Assumption B.V.M. Church on Sunday at 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM in the confessionals.

A Prayer for Renewal

Almighty Lord, we bow our heads in prayer

And beseech You to rebuild our House of God.

The psalmist reminds us,

Unless the Lord builds the house,

the builders labor in vain.

Dear Lord, rebuild this house and guide the hands of the architects, the contractors, the laborers;

May they perfect the imperfections, as they recreate and renew this church, our Heaven on earth, where we gather to lay aside all cares of life.

Almighty Lord, we are also reminded that we too are temples, living temples of the Holy Spirit

During this time of re-creation and renewal

May our imperfections also be perfected.

May the gifts of the Holy Spirit renew in each of us our faith and our love of God and each other.

May we spiritually become the children of God we are called to be

Christian faithful who are forgiving and caring, and welcoming.

And may our patrons, Saints Peter and Paul, always inspire us through their courage and example to faithfully hear the Word of God and live it.

Ukrainian Seminary Day Raffle Tickets:

Ukrainian Seminary Day Raffle tickets are available at Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. church office for those who wish to purchase or sell these tickets. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for

$ 5.00. Please call the church office at 339-0650, during normal office hours for these tickets. Brock Bridy will be selling tickets in the vestibule of

Ss. Peter & Paul Church after weekend liturgies.

24th Annual Ukrainian Folk Dance Workshop:

24th Ukrainian Folk Dance Workshop sponsored by The Ukrainian-American Heritage Foundation on Monday, July 1 – Friday, July 5, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Beginner through Advanced Instruction

Ages 5 and up

Being held at The Ukrainian Homestead

1230 Beaver Run Drive, Lehighton, Pa. 18235

Guest instructor- Advanced classes

Andrij Dobriansky

(New York City)

Guest Instructor- Beginner Classes

Yurij Dobriansky

For information call Paula Holoviak:

570- 708-1992.

or Sandra Duda at (610) 377-7750 Registration Deadline June 21, 2013

79TH Annual Ukrainian Seminary Day Benefit of the St. Josaphat

Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Day

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Dear friends of Ukrainian Seminary Day,

Every year, for the past 79 years on the last Sunday of July, members of the Ukrainian Catholic churches in the South Anthracite Deanery, host an annual social to raise funds for the support of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Washington, D.C. and to highlight Ukrainian spiritual and ethnic heritage. Between 1985 through 2012, the parishes have raised over $600,000 for St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary. This year’s social will be held Sunday, July 28th, 2013 at St. Nick’s Grove, Primrose, Minersville, Pa.

In conjunction with Ukrainian Seminary Day, a Commemorative Book will be published, which will be distributed to the hundreds of friends who will attend Ukrainian Seminary Day on Sunday, July 28th.

We will most sincerely appreciate your support in the form of advertisements from your parishes and parish organizations in this Annual Ukrainian Seminary Book.

Prices are as follows:

FULL PAGE AD……………... $125.00

HALF PAGE AD……….. …. $ 75.00

QUARTER PAGE AD……….. $ 40.00

PATRON…………………… $ 5.00

Advertisers should furnish their own camera ready cuts of artwork. A photograph may be included in full page ads for which there is an additional surcharge of $15.00.

We encourage you to return the form with your ad copy as soon as possible, but no later than June 30th, 2013. Send your ad copy and donation to the following address:

Ukrainian Seminary Day Committee

C/O Rev. Deacon Paul Spotts

20 South Third Street

Frackville, PA. 17931-1634

Web page –

Also on face book – Ukrainian Seminary Day

Please make all checks payable to Ukrainian Seminary Day. Thank you in advance for your support of our St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary.

Ad Forms will be available in the vestibule of our parishes!

Pie Sale: Ss. Peter & Paul Church will be having a Summer Pie Sale, there are many types of pies available at a cost of $7.00 each. An order form will be available in both the parish office and in the vestibule of the church if you wish to place an order. Orders are due by June 27th. Pickup will be on July 2nd, 2013 between the hours of 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM in the Church Hall. If you have any questions please call Amy Lapointe at 205-9923, or Abbie Timmins at 339-3375.

Vacationing for the Summer: If you are traveling this summer on vacation and do not attend liturgies, please contribute your previous weeks envelopes that you have missed in the weekly collection basket when you return from vacation. This will help with defraying operating costs for our churches. Thank you for your considered generosity and have a healthy, happy and safe vacation.

Breakfast Social: On Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Ss. Peter & Paul will be hosting a Breakfast Social in Honor of the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul. The Social will be held in the church hall immediately after the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Hot and cold foods will be served. There is no charge for this breakfast. All our welcome to attend. Come join us to celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saints.

Summer Camp: SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches will be holding a Summer Camp from August 5th – 9th from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. for children ages 4 – 13. We will be following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul on his journey through Greece. The summer camp will be held on the grounds of Assumption B.V.M. Church, in Centralia. There is no cost to attend, and lunch will be provided for all campers. Also, on Wednesday, August 7th, the Holy Name Society will be sponsoring a trip for the campers to Knoebel’s for the evening. For more information, or to get a registration form, please call the parish office, or visit our website at