Ames Contractor Council

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Building N200, Jack Boyd Conference Room

Call in Number: 844-467-6272Passcode: 354738

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

·  NASA Liaison Update: Deb Feng, Associate Director for Mission Support

·  Guest Speaker:

o  Greg Hite Part 1 of the NIF presentation I will be presenting at the ACC meeting tomorrow to be given to the appropriate A/V folks. Jasmine will be presenting Part 2 on the NIF Goals created during our meeting at Marshall October 13-14th.

·  Business Items:

o  Introduction

o  Approval of Minutes

o  President’s Report: Steve Jacobs

o  Vice President’s Report: Saba Hussain

o  Treasurer’s Report: Greg Hite

o  Upcoming Ames Events

§  Annual Flu Vaccine Clinics at Ames Health Unit, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

§  Physical Plant and Infrastructure Strategy Team Townhall, Nov. 10, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Syvertson Auditorium, N201

§  Code I update and Cyber Security Awareness month presentations.

§  Nov. 4: WINners, Discussion with Kathy Lee, Deputy Chief, Aviation Systems Division, Building N244, Room 209, 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.

§  Nov. 5: 2015 Ames Honor Awards Ceremony, Syvertson Auditorium, N201,

§  2:00 p.m.

§  Nov. 9 - Dec. 7: (Mondays) SSERVI Online Seminar Series: "Planetary Evolution: Phobos and Deimos" Lecture Series, 12 noon

o  Committee Reports

§  ACC Golf Tournament: Marvin Varnphruk/ Gerald DePerio / Steve Jacobs

§  Ames Calendar: N/A Elisa Marfise / Linda McCahon

§  Contractor Awards: Greg Hite / Saba Hussain

§  Imagination Foundation: Charles Curran

§  Marketing Communications: TBD (Volunteer)

§  Partners in Excellence: Saba Hussain / Speedy Fast

§  Public Policy: Neill Callis

§  Safety Outreach: Herb Finger / Mike Weiss

§  Small Business: Greg Hite / Jasmine Ali

·  NRP Update

·  New Business

Next Scheduled Meeting: December 2, 2015

Building N200, Jack Boyd Committee Room

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM