AP Human Geography Coach Auld
Unit Six Pacing Guide
UNIT SIX: Industrialization & Development
RUB – Ch. 9,11, & 12; FGG – Ch. 9 & 10
Tuesday, 3/30/10 Indicators of Development
(Rub pgs. 299-306)
1. Infamous Poultry Question: Grading the Collaborative FRQ
2. Unit Pre-Test for Industry/Development
3. Introduce Baron’s Study Guide for AP Exam
- Pre-test from this unit in Baron’s
- Review answers with explanations of wrong answers
4. Sharma’s Vocab review for this unit’s words
- Identify …repetitious words already learned
- …Specific terms, models/theories, names important to unit
5. Vocabulary Matrix
- Leveled questions using lightly researched unit vocab words
Wednesday, 3/31/10 Regional Examples of Development
(Rub pgs. 306-315)
1. QUIZ over pages 299-307 (8 questions very short answer)
2. Review: Student-selected questions from review books (“Stump Coach!”)
3. Finish creating Vocab Matrix
4. Power of Place video #9: Changes on the Chang Jiang: Shanghai and Sijia’
- w/study guide/multiple choice quiz from Faculty Guide (4th Edition)
Thursday, 4/1/10 Theories of Development
(Rub pgs. None) (Kuby pgs. 177-193)
1. Theories of Underdevelopment
a. Overhead charts/notes
2. Kuby Activity: Chapter 7 “Rags and Riches: The Dimensions of Development”
a. Activities 1-3 pgs. 291-212 TURN IN FOR DAILY GRADE!
b. 3 students/group with Kuby text
Friday, 4/2/10 Gender and Development
(Rub pgs. 315-321) (FGG pgs. 379-380 HANDOUT-Remind Me!)
1. Review Vocab Matrices from Unit Six
- Select 2 higher level questions from lower-right corner/student
2. Notes: Gender Roles/Development
- overhead map analysis
- Video, “Moscow’s Sex and the City” (15:09) &/OR “The Women’s Kingdom” (9:36/20:00)
3. Sample Test Questions: w/explanation of right & wrong answers
- 4 students/group; one group for each review book
SPRING BREAK`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
Monday, 4/12/10 Models for Development
(Rub pgs. 321-327) (FGG pgs. 368-370 – HANDOUTS-Remind Me!)
1. Finish Kuby Activities, Activity 4(“Rags and Riches”)
2. Evaluation of models
- Rostow, Int’l Trade, Self-Sufficiency Approaches
- Analyze selected countries according to Rostow’s stages
- All start with U.S. through history
3. Video, “Rich in Russia” (19:21)
4. Debate: NAFTA/Maquiladoras
- Begin research as selected population
Tuesday, 4/13/10 Roots of Industrialization & Modern Distribution
(Rub pgs. 371-380)
1. NAFTA/Free-trade Article Analysis Due
2. Article Discussion
3. Maquiladoras Research
Wednesday, 4/14/10 Discussion/Review
No Reading, Work on Research for your group
**HANDOUT Take-home tests!
1. Ch. 11 Key Issues #1 Questions Due (Handout)
2. NAFTA/Maquiladoras Debate/Discussion
3. Unit review: Review books brought to class!
Thursday, 4/15/10 Industrial Location: Site/Situation Factors
(Rub pgs. 381-393)
2. Theories/vocab
a. Overhead diagrams/models/notes
3. Begin work w/partner on Kuby Activity #1 (Ch. 6)
Friday, 4/16/10 Regional Multipliers
(Kuby pgs. 137-147)
*VOCAB QUIZ! (Same format as last two!)
1. DUE: Kuby, Activity #1 (Ch. 6): Regional Economic Specialization
2. Kuby Activity #2: “Help Wanted: The Changing Geography of Jobs”: Regional
Monday, 4/19/10
(Rub pgs. ) (FGG pgs. )
1. Take-home test DUE TODAY
2. FRQ’s in class
3. Review: Vocab Lists for Units 4-6
Tuesday/Wednesday, 4/20 & 4/21
Thursday, 4/22/10
Second Comp: Units 4-6