‘Make your life worth living as your living is being made’ CDV
Think of people, outside family and friends, who have contributed in some way, large or small, to make your life more pleasant. It could have been an encouraging teacher, a boss who believed in you, an elderly aunt who expanded your horizons, or a colleague who willingly helped on a project outside their job description.
It could have even been a complete stranger- a burly truck driver who, in spite of a tight schedule, stops to change a tire for a stranded motorist, or an insurance agent who calls a widow long after her husband’s death, just to say hello. It might be a mobile phone dealer who loans his own phone to a tradesman relying on communication; or a manager who arranges childcare for a single mother in need of an operation; or a chemist who delivers a prescription to a pensioner after hours.
After all, none of us are really in the transport, insurance, retail or health care business. We’re all in the people business! And, people buy goods and services from those they like. In every one of those true examples mentioned, repeat business flowed to those who did that little bit extra. By helping others, we help ourselves, even if it’s just feeling better about ourselves. As Zig Zigler says:
‘If you help enough other people get what they want, you’ll get what you want.’
When we think of helping occupations, our minds traditionally turn to the caring professions of nursing, social work and emergency workers. But, every career has the capacity to combine the head and the heart; to feel we’re making a difference to both our own pocket books and filling pockets of need in others, through random acts of kindness and beauty.
When I started speaking professionally, I believed I could make money and make a difference. But, like most small business owners, I was often plagued with doubt. One such occasion was following a five-hour flight when I arrived at the hotel with no voice. Scheduled to speak to 400 real estate agents the next morning, this was indeed a predicament!
At check-in, the receptionist started her standard greeting by outlining the five star facilities but I cut her short, with little more than a whisper, to communicate that I wasn’t well and simply wanted to go to my room immediately. After quickly unpacking and showering, I curled up in bed, feeling sorry for myself away from home, when I heard an unexpected knock at the door.
“Room service”
I croakily informed him that I hadn’t ordered room service.
“Yes, Ms DeVrye, we know you haven’t ordered room service but we also know you’re not feeling well, so have brought some hot lemon and honey with our compliments.”
Sure enough, on a silver tray, was exactly what I would have wanted if I’d been at home. In addition, there was a hand written note from the chef offering to make chicken soup for dinner, and another note from the concierge, with some vitamin C tablets and an offer obtain any additional medication from the pharmacy in town.
As someone who spends over 80 nights per year in 5 star hotels, I know that sort of service isn’t standard, nor in anyone’s job description. The receptionist put herself in my shoes and coordinated others to deliver outstanding service. I felt better already and naturally, any traveller would remember that experience long after they’d forgotten the marble in the foyer!
My voice marginally restored the next day, I addressed the realtors and used this real time example of going that extra mile to truly care about the customer. I’d arranged for the receptionist attend the presentation and when I later checked out, she said she felt somewhat shocked by the spontaneous applause from the audience.
“Just to know that you were feeling better, made me feel better about my day. I certainly didn’t expect any thanks.” By doing that little extra, she gained extra satisfaction for herself.
And, I’m pleased to report that the real estate company adopted “Hot Lemon & Honey’ service as their annual theme, achieving record profits that year.
Remember this receptionist, and all the other folks mentioned in this article, when you get up and head off to work each day. Because, in spite of the frustration we all experience in our daily tasks, isn't it reassuring to remember that we too truly can:
‘Make our life worth living as our living is being made.’