Upper Iowa University - Master of Public Administration with an Emergency Management and Homeland Security Emphasis
Upper Iowa University offers a Master of Public Administration with an Emergency Management and Homeland Security emphasis. This emphasis area is designed to prepare students forleadership positions in agencies and organizations with missions to protect life, liberty, and property. Emphasis Competency: Students in the Emergency Management and Homeland Security program will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependencies between not only the mission areas, but also across the core capabilities necessary to support the National Preparedness goal. They will also demonstrate an understanding of the domestic efforts of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public to build and sustain the core capabilities outline in the National Preparedness goal.
Master of Public Administration Core Requirements (18 credits):
PA 501 / Democracy, Public Administration, and Public Policy / 3 creditsPA 502 / Introduction to Program Evaluation / 3 credits
PA 503 / Program Evaluation Implementation and Evaluation / 3 credits
PA 504 / Political Economy and Regulatory Policy for Public Administrators / 3 credits
PA 513 / Government Budgeting Systems / 3 credits
PA 590 / Capstone Research Seminar / 3 credits
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Emphasis (18 credits:
Graduate Elective / 3 creditsGraduate Elective / 3 credits
Choose four of the following (12 credits):
PA 508 / Terrorism & Politics / 3 credits
PA 522 / Psychology and Culture of Terrorism / 3 credits
PA523 / Emergency Management, Homeland Security, and Public Policy / 3 credits
PA 524 / Leadership Issues with Critical Incidents / 3 credits
PA 525 / Comparative Strategies of National Security / 3 credits
PA 526 / Emergency Management: Mitigation, Recovery, and Continuity / 3 credits
PA 535 / Counter Terrorism / 3 credits
PA 543 / Emergency Management: Planning and Response / 3 credits
PA 555 / Critical Infrastructure: Vulnerability Analysis and Protection / 3 credits
Upper Iowa University also offers emphasis areas of Government Administration, Health and Human Services, Public Management, Nonprofit Organizational Management, and General Studies through its Master of Public Administration program.
Upper Iowa University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association
For more information, contact:
Upper Iowa University
P.O. Box 1857
Fayette, Iowa 52142
Phone: 800-553-4150 or 563-425-5200
Additional Information:
Update: 9/30/15
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