Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease effect on the prevalence and postoperative outcome of abdominal aortic aneurysms: A meta-analysis

Jiang Xiong, MD, PhD1, Zhongyin Wu, MD1, 2, Chen Chen, DrPH3, Wei Guo, MD1*

From the 1Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, P.R. China; 2 Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College, Chengde, Hebei, P.R. China;3 Department of Health Policy and Management, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA

*Correspondence author: Wei Guo, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital,28 Fuxing Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, 100853, China;

Tel: 86-10-66938349; Fax: 86-10-68176994; E-mail:

Key words: abdominal aortic aneurysm, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prevalence, postoperative outcome, meta-analysis

Online Table 1A. Methodological quality of included studies by NOS.Cohort studies

Methodology Quality assessment
Author, published year / setting / Selection / Comparability / Outcome
Representativeness / Selection
nonexposed / Ascertainment
Exposure / Absence Outcome / Comparability / Assessment
outcome / Adequate
Duration f-up° / Adequate
f-up° / TOT
Lederle et al. (1997) / Large screening / C (0) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 3
Lindholtet al. (1998) / Large screening / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / B (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 5
Lederle et al. (2000) / Large screening / C (0) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 3
Svensjo et al. (2011) / Large screening / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 4
Iribarren et al. (2007) / Prospective / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Lederle et al. (2008) / Prospective / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / B (0) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 6
Duncan et al. (2012) / Prospective / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Lederle et al. (1988) / Screening / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 5
Smith et al. (1993) / Screening / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 5
Simoni et al. (1995) / Screening / B (1) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 4
Svensjo et al. (2013) / Screening / B (1) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 4
Chun et al. (2014) / Screening / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / N.A. / N.A. / 5
Crawford et al. (1986) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / C (0) / 5
Katz et al. (1994) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Cuypers et al. (2000) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Axelrod et al. (2001) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Huber et al. (2001) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Biancari et al. (2002) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Piper et al. (2003) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Tassiopoulos et al. (2004) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Hertzer et al. (2005) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 6
Hua et al. (2005) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Schouten et al. (2006) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Zarins et al. (2006) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Anain et al. (2007) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Bonardelli et al. (2007) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Koskas et al. (2007) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / C (0) / 5
Berge et al. (2008) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Botha et al. (2008) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Park et al. (2008) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Abedi et al. (2009) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Antonello et al. (2009) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Beck et al. (2009) / Clinical data / C (0) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 4
Holst et al. (2009) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Mastracci et al. (2010) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / D (0) / 6
Geisbusch et al. (2011) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / 7
Twine et al. (2011) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Wisniowski et al. (2011) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / B (1) / 6
Gupta et al. (2012) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / B (0) / D (0) / 5
Ohrlander et al. (2012) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / D (0) / 6
DeMartino et al. (2013) / Clinical data / B (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / D (0) / 6
Stone et al. (2013) / Clinical data / A (1) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 6

NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale

OnlineTable 1B. Methodological quality of included studies by NOS. Case-control studies

Methodology Quality assessment
Author, published year / setting / Selection / Comparability / Exposure / TOT stars
Case definition / Representativeness / Control selection / Control definition / Comparability / Ascertainment / Method case/controls / No-response
Eskandari et al. (1999) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 4
Shteinberg et al. (2000) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 4
Petersen et al. (2002) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / B (1) / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5
Barba et al. (2005) / Case-control / A (1) / A (1) / B (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5
Fowkes et al. (2006) / Case-control / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 6
Yaghoubian et al. (2006) / Case-control / A (1) / A (1) / B (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5
Koksal et al. (2007) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / 0 / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 4
Ito et al. (2008) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5
Pitoulias et al. (2012) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5
Saracini et al. (2012) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / C (0) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / B (0) / C (0) / 4
Raux et al. (2014) / Case-control / A (1) / B (0) / B (0) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / A (1) / C (0) / 5

NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale

Online figure 1. The association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and abdominal aortic aneurysm: Pooled mixed odd ratio. (A) All studies. (B) Population based screenings. (C) Case-control studies.

Online figure 2. Funnel plots of log of odd ratio to explore publication bias. (A) Prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using mixed data. (B) Prevalence of AAA in COPD using adjusted data. (C) Prevalence of AAA in COPD using mixed data: population-based screening. (D) Operative (30-day/in-hospital) mortality using mixed data. (E) Operative (30-day/in-hospital) mortality using mixed data: Open repair. (F) Operative (30-day/in-hospital) mortality using mixed data: Elective repair. (G) Operative (long-term) mortality using mixed data. (H) Operative (long-term) mortality using adjusted data.

Online figure 3. Cumulative operative mortality in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Pooled mixed odd ratio. (A) All studies. (B) Studies with AAA accepted open repair. (C) Studies with rupture AAA. (D) Studies with no rupture AAA.

Online figure 4. Cumulative operative morbidity in abdominal aortic aneurysm patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Pooled mixed odd ratio.

Online figure 5. Cumulative long-term mortality in abdominal aortic aneurysm patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Pooled mixed odd ratio.

Table 1


1.Lederle, F. A., Walker, J. M.Reinke, D. B. Selective screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms with physical examination and ultrasound. Arch Intern Med. 148, 1753-1756 (1988).

2.Smith, F. C., Grimshaw, G. M., Paterson, I. S., Shearman, C. P.Hamer, J. D. Ultrasonographic screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in an urban community. Br J Surg. 80, 1406-1409 (1993).

3.Simoni, G. et al. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms and associated risk factors in a general population. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 10, 207-210 (1995).

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5.Lindholt, J. S., Heickendorff, L., Antonsen, S., Fasting, H.Henneberg, E. W. Natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysm with and without coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Vasc Surg. 28, 226-233 (1998).

6.Lederle, F. A. et al. The aneurysm detection and management study screening program: Validation cohort and final results. Aneurysm detection and management veterans affairs cooperative study investigators. Arch Intern Med. 160, 1425-1430 (2000).

7.Shteinberg, D. et al. Abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortic occlusive disease: A comparison of risk factors and inflammatory response. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 20, 462-465 (2000).

8.Petersen, E., Wagberg, F. Angquist, K. A. Serum concentrations of elastin-derived peptides in patients with specific manifestations of atherosclerotic disease. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 24, 440-444 (2002).

9.Barba, A., Estallo, L., Rodriguez, L., Baquer, M. Vega de Ceniga, M. Detection of abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients with peripheral artery disease. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 30, 504-508 (2005).

10.Fowkes, F. G. et al. Reduced lung function in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with activation of inflammation and hemostasis, not smoking or cardiovascular disease. J Vasc Surg. 43, 474-480 (2006).

11.Yaghoubian, A., de Virgilio, C., White, R. A. Sarkisyan, G. Increased incidence of renal cysts in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms: A common pathogenesis? Ann Vasc Surg. 20, 787-791 (2006).

12.Iribarren, C. et al. Traditional and novel risk factors for clinically diagnosed abdominal aortic aneurysm: The kaiser multiphasic health checkup cohort study. Ann Epidemiol. 17, 669-678 (2007).

13.Koksal, C., Ercan, M., Bozkurt, A. K., Cortelekoglu, T. Konukoglu, D. Abdominal aortic aneurysm or aortic occlusive disease: Role of trace element imbalance. Angiology. 58, 191-195 (2007).

14.Ito, S. et al. Differences in atherosclerotic profiles between patients with thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms. Am J Cardiol. 101, 696-699 (2008).

15.Lederle, F. A. et al. Abdominal aortic aneurysm events in the women's health initiative: Cohort study. BMJ. 337, a1724 (2008).

16.Svensjo, S. et al. Low prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm among 65-year-old swedish men indicates a change in the epidemiology of the disease. Circulation. 124, 1118-1123 (2011).

17.Duncan, J. L., Harrild, K. A., Iversen, L., Lee, A. J.Godden, D. J. Long term outcomes in men screened for abdominal aortic aneurysm: Prospective cohort study. BMJ. 344, e2958 (2012).

18.Pitoulias, G. A., Donas, K. P., Chatzimavroudis, G., Torsello, G. Papadimitriou, D. K. The role of simple renal cysts, abdominal wall hernia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as predictive factors for aortoiliac aneurysmatic disease. World J Surg. 36, 1953-1957 (2012).

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20.Svensjo, S., Bjorck, M. Wanhainen, A. Current prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm in 70-year-old women. Br J Surg. 100, 367-372 (2013).

21.Chun, K. C. et al. Risk factors associated with the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients screened at a regional veterans affairs health care system. Ann Vasc Surg. 28, 87-92 (2014).

Table 2


1.Crawford, E. S., Beckett, W. C. Greer, M. S. Juxtarenal infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Special diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. Ann Surg. 203, 661-670 (1986).

2.Katz, D. J., Stanley, J. C. Zelenock, G. B. Operative mortality rates for intact and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms in michigan: An eleven-year statewide experience. J Vasc Surg. 19, 804-815; discussion 816-807 (1994).

3.Koskas, F. Kieffer, E. Surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: Early and late results of a prospective study by the aurc in 1989. Ann Vasc Surg. 11, 90-99 (1997).

4.Eskandari, M. K. et al. Oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease does not prohibit aortic aneurysm repair. Am J Surg. 178, 125-128 (1999).

5.Cuypers, P. W., Laheij, R. J. Buth, J. Which factors increase the risk of conversion to open surgery following endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair? The eurostar collaborators. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 20, 183-189 (2000).

6.Axelrod, D. A. et al. Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on elective and emergency abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg. 33, 72-76 (2001).

7.Huber, T. S. et al. Experience in the united states with intact abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg. 33, 304-310; discussion 310-301 (2001).

8.Biancari, F. et al. Durability of open repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: A 15-year follow-up study. J Vasc Surg. 35, 87-93 (2002).

9.Piper, G. et al. Short-term predictors and long-term outcome after ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Am Surg. 69, 703-709; discussion 709-710 (2003).

10.Tassiopoulos, A. K. et al. Predictors of early discharge following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ann Vasc Surg. 18, 218-222 (2004).

11.Hertzer, N. R. Mascha, E. J. A personal experience with factors influencing survival after elective open repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 42, 898-905 (2005).

12.Hua, H. T. et al. Early outcomes of endovascular versus open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in the national surgical quality improvement program-private sector (nsqip-ps). J Vasc Surg. 41, 382-389 (2005).

13.Schouten, O., Kok, N. F., Hoedt, M. T., van Laanen, J. H. Poldermans, D. The influence of aneurysm size on perioperative cardiac outcome in elective open infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg. 44, 435-441 (2006).

14.Zarins, C. K. et al. Endovascular aneurysm repair at 5 years: Does aneurysm diameter predict outcome? J Vasc Surg. 44, 920-929; discussion 929-931 (2006).

15.Anain, P. M. et al. Early and mid-term results of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms in the endovascular era in a community hospital. J Vasc Surg. 46, 898-905 (2007).

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24.Mastracci, T. M., Greenberg, R. K., Hernandez, A. V. Morales, C. Defining high risk in endovascular aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg. 51, 1088-1095 e1081 (2010).

25.Geisbusch, P. et al. Endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms in octogenarians and nonagenarians. J Vasc Surg. 54, 1605-1613 (2011).

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