RTAC Coordinators Meeting

Tuesday, 07 Aug 2012


Coordinators in attendance: Dan Diamon, Judy Jones, Greg Breen, Bob Nack, Dave Taylor, Michael Fraley, Dan Williams, Annette Bertelson (interim SERTAC)

Others in Attendance: Marianne Peck – State Trauma Coordinator, Paul Wittkamp – DPH/EMS, Kevin Wernet – DPH/WHEPP, Lori Wallman – WHEPP Reg 5, Melody Mulhall & Mary Anderson – UW & American Family Children’s Hospital

1.  Introductions & welcome

2.  EMS-C Traveling Face-to-Face Education – looking for some pilot sites

3.  Minutes – Initial set listed Brian Posner in attendance, he was not. Motion by Bob Nack to approve June minutes as corrected. Second by Greg Breen. APPROVED.

4.  Walk-in Items

a.  Interfacility Infection Control Transfer Form via Lori from Gwen Borlaug. Pilot program. See handout.

5.  WHEPP Update

a.  Surge Capacity – following ASPR Tier program for structure of disaster coordination and patient movement. Looking at Milwaukee Paramedic Base for a statewide center

b.  WiTrac – upgrades coming to change how alerts come out. Hope to reduce the number of alerts you get so real ones are more noticed

c.  Trauma Basics future – thinking about a Trauma Advanced to focus more on the people that would be “managing” an event including EMS and hospital ICS roles

d.  WISCOM project – survey out looking for sites. Future capacity will include linkage to other states’ systems

e.  Patient tracking

i.  Expert panels – Executive has met. Dave/Dan W are representing RTAC. Hope the other 2 will meet in September.

ii. Final 2 scenarios coming but delayed due to ImageTrend update

iii.  Sites need to do quarterly reports in E-grants. See hand-out.

iv.  Kevin will email group about reimbursement for trainings after July 1.

f.  Using the UW Hospital as a base hospital for a drill is still an option. Contact Lori if you have a service that needs to participate.

g.  ABLS – have more on-line spots available, discussion of on-site skills station experience

6.  State Update – Marianne

a.  Trauma Triage Protocol – Marianne has it back from EMS and preparing it for STAC/EMS Board review. Then it will be sent out from EMS Office.

b.  Objectives – same as last year

c.  Fiscal agents – contracts for regions that have fiscal agents have been turned in. Expect them back any day. Discussion about how the fiscal system is supposed to work.

7.  EMS-C Update

a.  Did not get the $50,000 grant they were hoping to get

b.  Reviewing projects to use banked funds – IP, pain management in the ED, conference, trauma data

c.  No movement on the coordinator position

8.  Trauma Plans

a.  Waiting on STAC

9.  Fall prevention

a.  Discussion of ongoing projects and review of what Rebecca is looking for. Dan will offer to set up a teleconference with her to see what she still needs from us.

10.  NHTSA review

a.  Coordinators should review and provide thoughts

b.  WHEPP already working on system diversion issues including notification

11.  October Meeting

a.  Oct 9th & 10th

b.  Sheraton

12.  Review Process

a.  Let Marianne know if you would like to shadow a hospital classification review process

13.  Trauma Basics

a.  Dan is working with Traci F from WHEPP to set up new version as requested by WHEPP

b.  Dan will work on the curriculum this quarter. Review and set up will occur in quarter 4 so that it is ready to roll out in Q1 of 2013.

c.  Continue to use previous version.

d.  Kevin will email group about reimbursement process for classes after July 1

14.  Dan Williams made a motion to adjourn. Second by Greg Breen. No discussion. APPROVED.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Fraley