Southland Contracting, Inc.

6635 Sandshell Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76137

P (817) 293-2463 F (817) 293-5065


Project: / Northgate Link Extension Contract N125
Owner: / Sound Transit
Location: / Seattle, WA
Bid Date: / 5/30/13
Minority Goals: / SBE 8% DBE 4%
Project Contact: / Nathan Abraham;

General Description: This Contract includes approximately 18,435 feet of segmentally lined, twin-bored running tunnels consisting of 3 reaches: 8,080 feet from the Maple Leaf Portal to the Roosevelt Station, 5,530 feet from the Roosevelt Station to the U District Station and 4,825 feet from U District Station to University of Washington Station (UWS). The work includes 23 cross passages excavated at intervals between the bored tunnels using sequential excavation methods. It also includes placement of the tunnel invert slab, walkways and utilities, as well as shoring, dewatering and excavation for the Maple Leaf Portal, Roosevelt Station and U-District Station.

City, State, Zip

Subcontracting Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

Asbestos Disposal / Erosion and Sediment Control / Pavement Markings
Carpentry, Rough / Fencing & Gates, Chain Link / Paving, Ashpalt & Concrete
Clearing and Grubbing / Firestopping/Suppression / Photographic Documentation
Concrete, Supply/Accessories / Trucking, Freight / Plumbing (Tunnel, Drainage, and Fire Protection)
Concrete, Cast-In-Place / Geotechnical Instrumentation / Signage, Traffic
Concrete, Curbs and Gutters / Hauling (sand, gravel, rubble) / Site Preparation
Concrete, Finishing/Forming / HCAC, Insulation, Ducts, & Accessories / Survey
Concrete, Portland Cement / Landscape, Planting & Irrigation / Temporary Facilities
Concrete, Reinforcement / Landscape, Turf and Grasses / Traffic Control
Contaminated Material Hauling/Dumping / Masonry, Unit / Toilets, Portable
Demolition / Metal Fabrications & Handrails / Utilities, Advance Relocation
Dewatering / Noise & Vibration Control / Waterproofing
Electrical (Temporary and Permanent) / Painting & Coatings

6635 Sandshell Blvd Fort Worth, Texas 76137 817 293 4263 Fax 817 293-5065

Southland Contracting, Inc.

6635 Sandshell Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76137

P (817) 293-2463 F (817) 293-5065


Project: Northgate Link Extension Contract N125 Bid Date: 5/30/13

Drawings and specifications are available for download on Sound Transit’s website: or at Southland Contracting, Inc.’s website:

If you are interested in participating on this project, please submit a detailed proposal /quotation no later than one (1) business days in advance of the bid date.

Contact our office for detailed information on the scopes of work being subcontracted and the relevant terms and conditions of the contract. Please check our website regularly for any changes to the bid date or bidding information.


□ Yes, we will submit a bid.

□ No. At this time, we are either unavailable for work or unable to prepare a bid for the following reasons:

□ Did not have the capability of performing the work sought

□ Contract too small

□ Location too remote

□ Received solicitation notice too late

□ Did not want to work for this contractor

□ Other (give reason)


Signature of MBE/WBE Contractor


Title Date

6635 Sandshell Blvd Fort Worth, Texas 76137 817 293 4263 Fax 817 293-5065