ITCS 6127/8127 Real-time RenderingSpring 2008

Revision: 1.0


Dr. Zachary Wartell
Class Room: Woodward 135
Phone: 687-8442

Office: Woodward 410C (also check lab in 412)

Office Hours: TBA

Dr. K.R. Subramanian
Class Room: Woodward 435E
Phone: : 687-4872

Office: Woodward 410C (also check lab in 412)

Office Hours: TBA


Meeting Times: T2-4:45 PM

Prerequisites: ITCS 4120 or ITCS 6120/8120


OpenGL(R) Shading Language, 2nd Edition, Randi J. Rost


Paper presentation and written abstracts – 20%
Class Projects (2-3 total) – 20%

Term project – 60%

90-100% of total grade – A
80-90% of total grade - B or better.
70-80% of total grade - C or better.
60-70% of total grade - D or better.
Incompletes will be given, only under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of instructor.

Lecture Slides

Copies of lecture slides on each topic as well as other materials will be made available from the class website found here:

The lecture slides will be in PowerPoint format.

Attendance Policy

Attendance of all scheduled classes is strongly encouraged, as the material covered in the lectures will not necessarily be restricted to that in the prescribed text. You are responsible for all material covered in class. Attendance for all exams is mandatory. Makeup Exams will not be given except under documented, special circumstances.

Academic Integrity

Cheating in any form is subject to disciplinary action (UNCC Catalog, pages 275-278). As far as programming projects are concerned, you are allowed to discuss general concepts and strategies for solving problems. No sharing of modules or parts of programs will be allowed. You cannot help debug another person’s program.

TOPICS and Schedule:

  • Graphics pipeline review and OpenGL 2.0
  • GPU computing
  • GPU architectures
  • GPU shader languages (GLSL focus)
  • General Purpose GPU Computing
  • Advanced shading with shading languages
  • Acceleration Algorithms
  • level of detail algorithms
  • triangle meshing
  • Large Datasets
  • out-of-core level-of-detail
  • occlusion culling
  • Image based rendering

Programming Assignment Policies

1)Programs that don’t compile will be given 0 credit.

2)Late assignments will lose 15% of their grade for each day they are late. Assignments turned in later than 3 days late will be given a 0. (Saturday counts as one day. Sunday counts as another day).

3)Partial Credit: If there are parts of your program that compile but you cannot get to work correctly you may hand in the non-working (but compiling)code in addition to your working code. To get even minimal partial credit:

  1. The non-working code must be compilable and must be compiled by the compilation scripts turned with your assignment.
  2. The non-working code must be placed in a separate function or method.
  3. Your program should include a call to that non-working function at the appropriate places in the rest of your code, but the call should be commented out.
    (The idea here is that you must prove that you know where the non-working function should be called, how its fits into to the over all program structure and that you are not just handing in some random code that you copied from somewhere else.)
  4. You must add a comment to the non-working code that explains what about it doesn’t work, what about it does work, and what problems you had.

The amount of partial credit given for such non-working code is purely up to the discretion of the TA and professor. If your program includes an excessive amount of ‘non-working’ code, you will be given minimal credit overall for the entire assignment. What determines ‘excessive’ is purely up to the discretion of the TA and professor. Again, no credit will be given for any code that doesn’t compile.