Children & Young People’s Trust
Children’s Trust Governance Arrangements (Summary March 2017):
Context and Objectives
The Children’s Trust Stakeholder Partnership and Commissioning Executive were established in 2010. Fundamental objectives remain the same, namely to improve outcomes for children and young people. This is being achieved through the development of joint commissioning strategies which identify how resources can best be used to improve children and families’ lives. The Commissioning Executive also seeks to ensure there is no overlap and duplication between services provided by different organisations.
The Commissioning Executive has strong links with the Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board. It also links with the Health and Wellbeing Board although it is not accountable to this Board as key recommendations from the Commissioning Executive must still be approved by Wiltshire Council Cabinet or the NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body. The Health and Wellbeing Board has approved a strategy with some priorities that focus on children and young people - the Commissioning Executive needs to ensure that its work programme focuses on meeting these priorities (the priorities are broadly aligned with the Children and Young People’s Plan).
Terms of Reference
Terms of reference of the Commissioning Executive are as follows:
· To ensure there is a good understanding of the needs of children, young people and their parents and families through the Joint Strategic Needs Analysis and to ensure that this informs commissioning and planning.
· To ensure there is a good understanding of how resources are currently allocated and how services are currently performing.
· To be involved in plans to shape and design services including service re-organisations. It is likely that reductions in resources will lead to major changes in the way services are delivered. It will be important for the Children’s Trust through its Commissioning Executive to demonstrate vision and leadership in considering new models of service delivery.
· To consider and agree commissioning intentions set out in commissioning strategies before these are presented to statutory decision making bodies and agencies. This will include producing papers on key health and social care projects for discussion at the Health and Wellbeing Board.
· To consider procurement options including considering who might be best placed to provide services. The Children’s Trust, through the Commissioning Executive, has a role to play in ensuring there is a “level playing field” during the procurement process (work in this area will need to link to the Council’s Corporate Procurement Board and to the NHS Commissioning Support Unit which provides NHS procurement support).
· To receive performance reports on:
o Progress in delivering the Children and Young People’s Plan priorities and the elements of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that relate to children and families.
o Implementation of commissioning strategies. Commissioning strategies will identify specific performance indicators which the strategy is seeking to improve.
· To ensure that key stakeholders including children, young people and parents are involved in the commissioning process.
· To review the Children’s Trust Commissioning Framework annually.
The Executive will manage these functions by delegating tasks to multi-agency subgroups that will be supported by the Commissioning, Performance and School Effectiveness Team that is line managed by the Joint Associate Director for Commissioning, Performance and Schools Effectiveness (this post is accountable for some functions to the CCG).
Children’s Services works across commissioning and provider services and it is important that the membership of the Executive reflects the important input of senior managers involved in service delivery. Recent changes to membership, plus a couple of proposed additions/amendment are listed below for the Executive to consider.
1. Chair / Cllr Laura Mayes, Lead Member2. DCS / Carolyn Godfrey, Director
3. Commissioning & Performance / Julia Cramp, Associate Director, Quality Assurance, Commissioning, Performance, Schools and Early Years Effectiveness
4. Social Care / Terence Herbert, Associate Director, Operational Children’s Services
Lucy Townsend, Lucy Townsend, Head of Safeguarding and Assessment
5. Joint Commissioning / Susan Tanner, Head of Strategic Planning and Joint Commissioning
6. Public Health / Tracy Daszkiewicz, Public Health Consultant
7. School Effectiveness / Dave Clarke, Interim Manager
8. Performance & Information Management / Lynda Cox, Head of Service
9. Health/CCG / Ted Wilson, Group Director N&E Wiltshire and Commissioning Lead for Children and Young People, CCG
Tracey Cox, Interim Accountable Officer
Mark Harris, Chief Operating Officer
10. Probation / Mark Scully, National Probation Service
11. Police / Paul Hawkins, Inspector, Crime Prevention
12. Army Welfare / Jacquie Bates, Army Welfare Service
13. Secondary Schools / Fergus Stewart, Wiltshire Association of Secondary School Heads (WASSH) and St Laurence School, Bradford on Avon
14. Primary Schools / Neil Baker, Primary Heads Forum (PHF) and Head of Bradford on Avon Christ Church School
15. Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum / Amanda Bennett, Chair
or Bel Crompton, Home-Start Kennett
16. GP / Debbie Beale (Westbury GP)
17. Wiltshire Safeguarding Children Board / Mark Gurrey, Independent Chair
Further information:
Children & Young People's Plan 2016-19
Children & Young People's Plan 2016-19 - Executive Summary
Published Strategies
2015-16 Update Report