Word DissectionLesson 15

1. hypo = under; lack of

Hypoglossal- having to do with the area beneath the tongue

hyporrhined- under the nose

hypohidrosis- lack of sweating

hypologia- lack of ability for speech

hypophobia- lack of normal fear (not being afraid enough)

2. hyper =above, over; excessive

Hyperactive- excessively active

Hyperemia- excessive blood flow

Hyperbole- an excessive exaggeration

3. semi= half, partly, twice

Semilethal- half mortalitybut not complete mortality

Semitransparent- partly transparent

Semilunar – shaped like a half moon

4. bene-, ben-, beni-= good, well

Benediction- condition of being full of good wishes

Benefit- to do or receive good things

Benign- showing goodness and kindness

5. osteo-, oste-, ost-=bone

Ostectomy- surgical removal of a bone

Osteophone- a hearing device for the deaf which is placed on the bone of the head to detect sound

Osteoporosis- a disease in which the bones become weak

Periosteum- the dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones

6. peri – Greek = around

Periodontal- having to do with the area around the teeth

Periappendicular- pertaining to the area around the appendix

Periarthritis- inflammation of the tissues around a joint

Pericarditis- inflammation of the membrane around the heart

perilaryngitis- inflammation of the tissues around the larynx

7. perit-, perien-, peri - Latin = test, try, danger

Peril- exposure to danger

Experience- condition of being in a test/ activity

Perilously- having to do with a lot of danger

Inexperience- lack of the condition of being in a test/ activity

8. ambi= both, on both sides; around

Ambiance – condition of being in a particular environment or surrounding influence

Ambidexter- using both hands with equal ease

Ambilingualism- belief in speaking two languages with equal ease

Ambiguous- having to do with being open to both sides

Ambisinister- clumsy or unskillful with both hands

Ambivalent- uncertain about both sides

9.post = after, behind

Posterior- located behind

Post meridiem- after noon

Postcibal- having to do with after eating

Postscript- writing added after a letter

Posterolateral- having to do with the position behind and to the side.

10. cogni-, cogn-, cognosc = know, learn

Cognizant- fully knowing

Incognito- having one’s true identity not known

Recognition- condition of being recognized or learned

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