Pupil: Class Teacher Year
Exploring & Developing Ideas / Investigating & Making Art / Evaluating & Developing Workobjective / Pupils explore ideas and select visual and other information. They use this in developing their work, taking account of the purpose. / They manipulate materials and processes to communicate ideas and meanings and make images and artefacts, matching visual and tactile qualities to their intentions. / They analyse and comment on ideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others’ work, relating these to its context.. They adapt and refine their work to reflect their own view of its purpose and meaning.
sometimes / with help / basic / obvious / note / describe
often / with encouragement / controlled / interesting / explain / explain
always / independently / skilful / imaginative / justify / interpret
simple / a few / simply placed / unrefined / simply / recognises
varied / some / carefully arranged / detailed / reasoned / sees differences
complicated / many / well composed / accurate / perceptive / sees subtleties
expected / reluctantly / vague / follows instructions / list / self critical
unusual / Willingly / deliberate / tries some things out / organise / open minded
purposeful/original / enthusiastically / purposeful / explores freely / analyse / self evaluative
exploring & developing ideas may be:
unfocussed, superficial, few, limited, uninterested,
appropriate, sensible, intuitive, interested, original, thorough, perceptive, purposeful, sensitive, many, extensive, enthusiastic, imaginative, creative, / investigating & making may be:
disorganised, uncontrolled, immediate, crude, instinctive, simple, copied, bold, careful, thoughtful, orderly, delicate, precise, sensitive, well composed, original, energetic, carefully made, exciting, skilful, dramatic, / evaluating & developing may be:
simple, vague, uncertain, impatient, dogmatic, unrealistic, considered, flexible, thoughtful, interested, relevant, sensitive, perceptive, open minded, reasoned, informed, purposeful, enthusiastic,
quality, complexity. frequency, autonomy, quantity, perception, originality, creativity, imagination, judgement, skill, breadth, communication, attitude
This sheet can be used as a simple way of defining the different quality of response by different pupils. Just highlight the words which are a best fit. This can support dialogue, give an indicator of what needs to be done to improve and act as a crib sheet for reports.