Book Club Soundtrack Project

Or…What is on my character’s iPod?

Step 1: Your soundtrack must contain three songs that represent your main character or identify with his emotions, motivations, personality, and/or relationships. (15 points)

Step 2: Your soundtrack must also contain two songs that deal with the novel as a whole. At its most basic level, this can just mean events. At a deeper level, this can deal with themes and universal truths that emerge during this novel. Dig deep. (15 points)

Be careful with your song choices:
It is acceptable for songs to have some cursing so long as they still clearly relate to the novel. It is not ok for a song to have a large amount of cursing and only loosely connect to the novel.
Do not choose songs that only relate to your main character or the novel by focusing on one small detail (a song about drinking would not be a good fit for your main character just because he likes to drink).

Step 3: You must provide the lyrics for each of your songs. If your song has an inappropriate word, you must mark it out. Use your good judgment in choosing songs. Remember this is an academic project to be turned into a pre-AP teacher – keep it classy. (10 points)

Step 4: Write a well-developed paragraph for each song choice on your soundtrack. This paragraph will explain why this song is appropriate for the soundtrack using textual evidence from both the song lyrics and the novel. Each paragraph should be approximately 8-10 sentences. Take this part of the project seriously! It’s worth the most. (50 points, 10 points per song)

Step 5: Create cover art for your Soundtrack. We will provide CD cases for your group. You need to come up with a creative album cover for the insert. On the inside there needs to be a track listing. Be creative! Make this look nice and like an actual album someone would buy.

A / B / C / D / F
Character Songs / Student has included three songs that clearly relate to Your main character. Student has been creative and original in choosing songs. (15) / Student has included three songs and three clearly relate. (13) / Student has included three songs and two clearly relate. OR songs are limited in some way—by time, artist, genre, etc. (10) / Student has included three songs that either loosely or do not relate. OR at least one song is inappropriate. (9-6) / Unrelated songs or fewer than three, or more than one song is inappropriate.
Novel Songs / Student has included two songs that clearly relate to the novel and the ideas therein. Student has been creative and original in choosing songs. (15) / Student has included two songs and they clearly relate to the novel. (13) / Student has included two songs and they marginally relate to the novel. OR songs are limited in some way—by time, artist, genre, etc. (10) / Student has included two songs that either loosely or do not relate. OR at least one song is inappropriate. (9-6) / Unrelated songs or fewer than three, or more than one song is inappropriate. (5-0)
Lyrics / Student has provided complete lyrics to all five songs. (10) / Student has provided mostly complete lyrics to all four songs. (8) / Student has provided complete lyrics to three songs. (6) / Student has provided complete lyrics to two songs. (4) / No lyrics or fewer than one lyric
(2 or zero)
Written Portion / Student has used carefully chosen textual evidence to write convincing paragraphs on the connection between the songs and the book. Writing is consistent in all paragraphs. Demonstrates insight and a deeper understanding of the text. Song choices go beyond the superficial and get into themes and universal truths. (50) / Student has used carefully chosen textual evidence to write mostly convincing paragraphs on the connection between the songs and the book. Grammar may be somewhat inconsistent. Demonstrates slightly less insight than an A—may border on the superficial. (40-49) / Student has used textual evidence to write occasionally convincing paragraphs on the connection between the songs and the book. Grammar is inconsistent. Analysis is often superficial. One or two paragraphs maybe unacceptably short. (39-30) / Student has used textual evidence to write paragraphs (of which only 1-2 are convincing) on the connection between the songs and the book. Grammar is inconsistent. Analysis may be mostly summary or incorrect or superficial. Three paragraphs may be too short. (29-20) / No textual evidence, or more than three paragraphs are too short, or paragraphs are almost unreadable due to grammar mistakes.
(below 19)
Cover Art / Student has created interesting and creative cover art that relates to the novel, Your main character, and their song choices. On the inside of the CD case there is a track listing of the songs on the soundtrack that continues the design of the cover art. (10) / Student has created interesting and creative cover art that somewhat relates to the novel, Your main character and their song choices. On the inside of the CD case there is a track listing of the songs on the soundtrack that may or may not continue the design of the cover art. (7) / Student has created cover art that partially relates to the novel, Your main character, and their song choices. On the inside of the CD case there is a track listing of the songs on the soundtrack that may or may not continue the design of the cover art. (5) / Student has created cover art that does not relate to the novel, Your main character, and their song choices, is incomplete, or in appropriate. On the inside of the CD case there is a track listing of the songs on the soundtrack that does not continue the design of the cover art and may be incomplete or inappropriate. (3) / Both cover art and track listing are incomplete or inappropriate or missing entirely. (2-0)