[your company logo] / Sample Usability Test Plan | 10.3.09
Company X Logo
project name
usability test plan
October 3, 2009
[Your company address and contact details]

table of contents

project overview 3

methodology 3

testing environment & recruiting criteria 4

session outline 5

greeting/orientation (5 minutes – prior to session start) 5

user discovery (5-10 minutes) 5

usability session (40-50 minutes) 5

post-test interview and wrap-up (5-10 minutes) 6

appendices 7

appendix a: research participant agreement 7

appendix b: pre-test survey questions 9

appendix c: task list 10

appendix d: post-test survey questions 11

project overview

As part of the verification of product viability prior to launch of the Company X staging application, [your company name] conducted user testing to determine the usability of the application. The process followed formal testing methods, utilizing standard one-on-one sessions with selected participants performing predetermined tasks.

The usability testing will address the following questions:

§  The ease of use of the uploading tool.

§  The understanding of the available functionalities.

§  The visual/written feedback after using editing functions.

§  The interruption/abort rate of uploading processes due to lack of processing feedback or potential bugs.


Gotomedia's methodology will be a combination of informal usability testing and a brainstorming/moderation session with users, who match the criteria of Company X’s target group for this product.

Usability testing is a powerful process used to identify the ease-of-use and intuitiveness of a product. The main reason for performing usability testing is to understand, how people interact with the product and what potential usability problems are. It is a one-on-one process, in which a usability specialist moderates and observes a testing session with a representative Company X of product users, who perform a set of predetermined tasks.

The task list for this testing was developed by the Gotomedia User Experience Specialist, based on the information provided by Company X as well as a general expert screening of the initial wireframes and workflow processes. A draft of this task list is outlined below in Appendix C.

testing environment & recruiting criteria

The testing will be conducted in a testing facility providing a testing room with one-way mirrors to the observation room so that observers can view the sessions. A moderator will be present in the room with the participant, guiding the session.

A total of six participants will be recruited for individual one-on-one testing sessions. Participants will be selected in accordance to the target demographics defined in cooperation with Company X.

A moderator will be present in the room with the participant, guiding the session and a second usability expert will be taking notes and observing general behavior.

To cover all potential user types, we identified two user groups, containing three participants each.

1. Uploading Tool Expert Users (N=3)

§  Using the Staging Tool on a regular basis (at least once a week)

§  2 Male/ 1 Female

§  18-40/40-60

§  Medium tech-savvy (comfortable installing and using new software, online all day, interested in new technologies)

2. Non Users (N=3)

§  Not Using a Staging Tool

§  1 Male/ 2 Female

§  18-40/40-60

§  Medium tech-savvy (comfortable installing and using new software, online all day, interested in new technologies)

All participants will be presented with a list of tasks that will be drafted to determine the usability of the application (see Attachment)

session outline

greeting/orientation (5 minutes – prior to session start)

Each participant will be given a brief overview of what will happen during the session and will be encouraged to think out loud. The moderator will establish a comfortable environment and every participant must agree and understand their rights before the testing starts, by signing the “Non Disclosure Agreement” document attached in Appendix B.

user discovery (5-10 minutes)

The testing starts with a brief interview Pre-test Questionnaire see Appendix B), during which the moderator will be asking questions regarding:

§  General background and experience with online applications.

§  How frequently they use Staging Tools.

§  What their experience is with Staging Tools, or if they have not used any before, what their expectations are.

§  Other questions such as what their experiences have been so far (positive or negative) and if they have any suggestions for improvement, will be asked.

The note taker will document the answers.

usability session (40-50 minutes)

To ensure all participants are exploring the same areas, a task list of typical tasks, will define the session. The task list is a combination of actual tasks and observational questions.

The moderator might prompt on specific areas and ask additional questions, depending on the observations made while going through the tasks. At the end of each session, the moderator might guide the user back to a specific area and address any additional questions the observers might have.

post-test interview and wrap-up (5-10 minutes)

After the in-depth interview, participants will be asked to fill in a brief post-test questionnaire asking them to rate questions such as how intuitive the website is, how well it addressed their needs and if they would recommend it to colleagues. The questionnaire will be created online, so users can fill it in by themselves. The post-test questions are included in Attachment C.

The moderator will close the session by asking if there are any other suggestions or comments the user has and thanking the users for their participation.


User behavior will be obtained through observational techniques. The results will be compared to established usability principles and documented in a written report. The report will include high-level findings, as well as detailed observations and recommendations. It will also note any specific patterns and/or subgroup differences Screenshots may also be included to better illustrate the findings. Finally, the report will include a list of high-priority changes and recommended next steps.


appendix a: research participant agreement

Research Participant Agreement

Please read this document carefully.

Purpose: You are being asked by [your company name] to participate in a study of the COMPANY X. In this study you will help us to determine how easy the COMPANY X is to understand and use.

This testing is being conducted by gotomedia for the benefit of our client, COMPANY X. Your participation in this testing in no way creates nor implies a special relationship between yourself and our client.

Agreement of Non-Disclosure: Because you may be asked to review certain aspects or ideas before they are made public, we need to secure your agreement to not disclose any information you learn in this session to anyone or any company. We consider all aspects of the service that are not already publicly known to be the confidential information of COMPANY X and/or [your company name] That includes, but is not limited to information about COMPANY X’s company strategy, product strategy, intellectual property, product features, services, marketing strategy, marketing material, web sites and web features. This applies to the current state and any proposed or future states that we may share with you prior to their public release.

By signing this letter of agreement, you agree that you will keep all of the information you obtain about COMPANY X and its service, products, intellectual property, web properties, marketing plans, etc. confidential.

Furthermore, any work produced based on your comments will be considered confidential information and the property of COMPANY X’s and/or [your company name] By signing this letter of agreement, you agree that you have no ownership or other interest in any works or services produced or offered by COMPANY X’s and/or [company name] at any time.

Information Collected: An observer will record information about how you use the COMPANY X and products. For example, are they easy or difficult to use. You may be asked to fill out questionnaires, and you will be interviewed. The information you give us, along with the information we collect from other participants, will be used to make recommendations for improving the web properties and products. You may be asked to take a personality test in order to determine your personality type. This information shall not be divulged to anyone for purposes other than this study.

Identity Waiver: All or some of your interview and any work with products or websites and might be audio taped, video taped and/or photographed. By signing this form, you give your consent to [your company name] and COMPANY X to use your image, voice, name and verbal statements for evaluation purposes. Your identity and participation will not be shared with anyone outside [your company name] and COMPANY X.

Comfort: While there is a time limit on this test, it is not a timed test. You may take a break at any time you wish; merely inform the test administrator that you would like to take a break.

Reminder of Purpose: Please remember that the purpose of this study is to evaluate the web properties and products you will be using and NOT to evaluate you or your capabilities. If you encounter any difficulties, the products will receive the attention in the test reports.

Freedom to Withdraw: You may withdraw from this study at any time without prejudice. If you agree with these terms, please indicate your acceptance by signing below.

Agreement: If you agree to the terms described above, please fill out the information requested below and sign this letter. This letter constitutes a binding legal agreement between you, [your company name] and COMPANY X

If you have any questions about the agreement’s content or are concerned about signing it, please let the research coordinator know. If we are not able to answer your questions or address your concerns adequately, you may opt to not continue with the interview process. If you sign this letter, we will rely on your agreement and continue with the interview process.

This letter of agreement states the entire understanding between you [your company name] and COMPANY X concerning your participation in our research program and cannot be modified except in writing signed by both you and COMPANY X.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______

appendix b: pre-test survey questions

Pre-Test Survey Questions


Staging Tools used so far:

How often do you use Staging Tools?

c Weekly

c Monthly

c Every 2-3 months

c Every 3-6 months

c Less

Have you used the Staging tool of Company X before?

If yes, how often do you use Company X Staging Tool in particular?

c Daily

c Weekly

c Monthly

c Rarely

c Never

What most influences your decision to use the Staging Tools you are using?
If you don't use any Staging Tools: How come you do not use those applications?

What did you like and/ or dislike about the Staging Tool you have used so far?

[company name] | [company address] | [ph] | [fax] 2

[your company logo] / Sample Usability Test Plan | 10.3.09

appendix c: task list

Task List

Today we would like to test the new staging tool. In order to make this tool as usable as possible, we need your input.

Please don't hesitate to mention anything you are missing, you like or dislike or any suggestions you have to improve this application.

Wording Check:

Can you please tell me what you expect to find when clicking on the following buttons/links without clicking on them yet:

§  All staging pages

§  Client view

§  Manage clients

§  Archived projects

Task 1: Your Company got a new project from a new client called “Technomedia” and you would like to create a new project “Site Redesign” with the Staging Tool. The contact information you want to add is: Main contact: Mark Smith, , ph: 415-863-7650.

Task 2: An existing client, “Websurfer” was happy with the last project and would like to do another project with your company. Please set up a new project “Usability Testing” for “Websurfer”.

Task 3: You would now like to upload some files to the “Websurfer”/ “Usability Testing” project you created: you can find them in the “Staging Tool” folder on the desktop.

appendix d: post-test survey questions

Post-Test Survey Questions

From what you have seen, do you think you will use the Company X staging tool in the future?

c Yes

c No

If yes, what features of the application most intrigued you?
If no, please describe areas that were counterintuitive or difficult to use.

How intuitive was it to use the application on a scale of 1-5?
(1= not intuitive or easy to use at all; 5 = intuitive and easy to use)

1 2 3 4 5

How relevant were the functionalities to your specific needs?

(1= not relevant at all; 5 = very relevant)

1 2 3 4 5

How appropriate was the look and feel of the Company X tool in comparison to your expectations?

(1= not appropriate at all; 5 =very appropriate)

1 2 3 4 5

Besides the tasks requested, what other functionalities would interest you?

Would you recommend the staging tool to colleagues and friends? Why/Why not?

If you would have to describe the staging tool with one word, what would that be?

Thanks for your time!

[company name] | [company address] | [ph] | [fax] 2