Genocide Unit Project (GPS Project)

10th Grade World History


As global citizens we have the moral obligation to study genocides that have occurred in the 20th and 21st century so that we may create awareness and help prevent future genocides from breaking out. You will be assigned one of the genocides that have occurred in the 20th and 21st century. You will be researching responses to the following questions in teams of four. Once you have completed your research, you will be responsible for an informative PowerPoint Presentation, a works cited page, a visual element, and an individual reflection.

Standards: 10.8.5; 10.10.1; 10.10.2

Key Questions for the PowerPoint Presentation

Slide # / Topic/Questions to Research
1 / What is the historical context within which the genocide occurred?
Describe the geography and racial/ethnic make-up of the country
2 / Who were the targets and what reasoning was given for them to be the targets?
3-4 / How was the genocide executed?
5 / What was the international community’s response to the genocide?
6 / How did the genocide end?
7 / Have there been attempts made to bring those responsible to justice? How successful have these attempts been? What have been some road blocks? Who is culpable and responsible for this genocide?

Checklist of requirements during the Research Process

______Need at least 3 secondary resources (have to be valid resources- NO WIKIPEDIA)

______Need at least 1 primary resource

______Organize your research based on the source you are getting it from

______Have a full citation for all your sources

Citing Website:

Use (MLA Format) to create your works cited page.

You want to make sure your resources are CREDIBLE. Your presentation is only as strong as your research/ support. Be careful about where you get your information from.

Credible resources to begin with:

Library website/databases- Proquest (current events) & ABC-CLIO (awesome database!)

Human rights watch:

University of Minnesota-

Authentic History –

Yale U-

International Criminal Tribunal-


National Council for the Social Studies-

Documentation of Cambodia-

PowerPoint Presentation

You are to construct an informative PowerPoint presentation with 8 slides total (including a title page). In each slide, write condensed bullet points in your own words and a visual that enhances the information. In addition, each slide also needs a citation of where you got the information from.

Visual Component:

You will create a visual representation of the information you have collected. Your visual component is an artistic expression of what you have learned and experienced in your process of researching and comprehending the ideas. Some possibilities include

  • a collage
  • sculpture
  • collection of significant artifacts/objects that symbolize the events and experiences
  • Biographical depiction of someone involved in the genocide
  • photo story (collection of photographs and its significance)


You will write an individual reflection about the process of the project, your participation in the project, and what you learned from the project. In three paragraphs (6-8 sentences), you will be answering these questions.

Paragraph 1: Explain why genocides occur and what can be done to prevent genocides from occurring.

Use specific examples from presentation notes.

Paragraph 2: Compare and contrast your genocide with the holocaust.

Paragraph 3: What part of the project did you find most difficult? Easiest? How did you contribute to the project?

Project Roles

Title / Role Description / Name
Team Leader / Responsible to making sure the team stays on task, coordinating extra project meetings, and presenting half the PowerPoint presentation.
Presenter / Responsible for any technology needs of the team such as printing, having a USB to transfer information and presenting the other half of the PowerPoint presentation.
Artist / Responsible for coordinating the visual element of the project and presenting the visual element clearly.
Researcher / Responsible for finding authentic websites of information for the PowerPoint and also managing the works cited page. Also responsible for asking probing questions after other presentations and answering any questions.

Project Rubric

Content: PowerPoint Presentation
-Has accurate, clear and concise bullet point information
-Answers all questions
-Has a works cited reference / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Formatting: PowerPoint Presentation
-Visual is relevant for the information
-Text/formatting is clear / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Visual Element
-creative artistic representation of the information researched / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Works Cited
-Complete with 4 sources
-Correctly formatted / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Individual Participation
-Fulfilled their role to the fullest degree / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Individual Reflection
-Thoroughly answered all questions in three paragraphs / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Total: /175 Points