THE TITLE (Times New Roman 16 pt Bold)

Name and surname (Times New Roman 10 pt Bold)

Abstract: Purpose – Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation.

Design/Methodology/approach – Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation.

Findings – Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation.

Originality/value – Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. Translation. (Times New Roman 10pt)

Keywords: key; door lock; passkey (Times New Roman 10pt)

Introduction(Times New Roman 12 pt)

(Times New Roman 12 pt) This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.

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This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text[1]:

1)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text,

2)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text.

This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text. This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. (Gos 2006: 123).

Figure1.Title of the figure (Times New Roman 10 pt)

Source: ……….. .(Times New Roman 10 pt)

1. Title chapter 1

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text (Hass-Symotiuk, Mućko 2005):

1)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text,

2)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text.


  1. Calculation 1.
  2. Calculation 2.

This is basic text. This is basic text.

Table 1

Title of the table (without the dot) 10 pkt (wcięcie 0,5 cm)

heading 1(8 pt) / heading 2 / heading 3
Table text (8 pt).
tabletext, / Table text.
tabletext, / Table text.

Source: own development. (Times New Roman 10pt)

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.


This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text. This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.This is basic text.

This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text. This is basic text.

1)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text,

2)calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text calculation of basic text, calculation of basic text.


(Times New Roman 10 pt)

Beretta Zanoni A., (2009) in: Accounting for goodwill, Routledge, New York.

Gos W. (2006),Sprawozdawczość finansowa przedsiębiorstw. Polska Akademia Rachunkowości, Warszawa.

Hass-Symotiuk M., Mućko P.(2005),Subiektywne oceny w sprawozdaniu finansowym sporządzonym według MSSF,w:Sprawozdawczość i rewizja finansowa w procesie poprawy bezpieczeństwa obrotu gospodarczego,red. B. Micherda, Centrum Rozwoju i Promocji Akademii Ekonomicznej, Kraków, s. 173–181.

Hass-Symotiuk M. (2004), Systematyka kosztów na potrzeby budżetowania. „Rachunkowość w jednostkach ochrony zdrowia”, nr 11, s. 5–9.

Sterowanie kosztami w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej(2005),red. M. Hass-Symotiuk,Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin, s. 25–30.

Title / academic degree, the name and address of the research institution, e-mail: (ew. tel.) (Times New Roman 10 pt)

[1]footnote. Text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text, text. (Times New Roman 10 pt)