Disability CAP

Wednesday 5th December 2012, Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion, Nottingham


Pauline DakinLoughborough (Acting-Chair)

Liz BlackburnNottingham

Peter BuckmasterEdwinstowe

Alan DoncasterNewark

Jean EastwoodNottingham

Janice HansfordSwadlincote

John HansfordSwadlincote

David HaynesNewark

Alan MannersNottingham

Dave PearsallNorthampton

Peter ScoffingsNCHA (Service Manager, Customer Contact)

Heather CookeNCHA (Resident Involvement Officer)

  1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
Apologies were received from Jade Crossman, Samantha Bakewell and Sylvia Raymont.
  1. Minutes of Last Meeting & Matters Arising
Adaptation– Peter to chase up Maintenance about the general procedure for decorating following an adaptation.
Mr & Mrs Hansford – Peter confirmed he has e-mailed Design about the issue with the doors, they are going to investigate further. Peter to follow this up as he has received no feedback.
Disabled Person’s Bus Pass – Alan reported that Nottingham City Council are waiting until current bus passes expire before replacing them. Peter said that Nottingham City’s stance reflects changes to the national scheme.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.
  1. Scooter Storage Budget Update
Peter advised that there has been no expenditure from the budget since the last meeting, there is approximately £13,500 left.
Peter has been chasing Maintenance for costings for Carrington Court. This is to supply and fix two double stores with electric supply. The quote is for high sheds with manual doors – they will be pre-fabricated using thicker gauge metal than the garden sheds on the market. The approximate price is £7,476, which is similar to the prices for The Scooter Store products. It seems that the tenants at Carrington Court prefer this type of store. They are wide enough to accommodate much larger scooters than standard. Approval for the proposal was granted unanimously.
Peter proposed that if stores are to be in secure locations (eg secure back gardens) we will use the sheds that are readily available. Stores that will be going in public areas will be the more secure, heavy gauge stores. This was agreed.
Peter said that he has put in a bid for £30,000 next year.
  1. Pets Policy
The Pets Policy didn’t come to Disability CAP during the original consultation during the summer. Members felt that the Policy has a blanket approach to keeping pets, which doesn’t take into account personal circumstances. For example, although some flats would be unsuitable for having pets (eg The Pinnacle), others which are accessed directly (not from a communal entrance) are suitable. From a disability perspective, there is no reference to the Equality Act. The Policy needs to take into account assistance dogs and pets who offer comfort and companionship to people with physical disabilities, mental health issues or learning disabilities.
  • Difficult to keep cats contained in a garden
  • Restriction to 1 cat or dog is unfair, as some properties are much bigger and can accommodate two pets. People won’t be willing to move if they have to get rid of pets to fit the Policy. Confirmed that permission already granted won’t be rescinded. All agreed that should be allowed to keep more than 1 cat or dog
  • 2.1 – what kind of picture of the pet would be taken? How would a microchip be checked?
  • 2.10 – exceptions should be made for keeping working dogs and chickens in rural communities
  • Appeal to Service Manager – there should be an independent channel for appeals
  • Keeping fish – does this include having a garden pond and keeping carp?
  • How do the proposed rules apply to Intermediate Housing Team (IHT) residents who live in shared blocks with General Needs? Agreed that this could be seen as treating people differently.
It was agreed that all cases of nuisance should be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
Peter read out a letter from a tenant in Sleaford about having to give up her cat before she moved into her property. Pauline said that she understood that anyone affected by Policy recently may have that decision reversed, as the Policy wasn’t fully approved before it went live.
Peter proposed an amendment which follows the basic requirements of the Equality Act, which was agreed by all members.
  1. Handover Procedure
The procedure is intended to ensure that all goes smoothly when new properties are handed over to NCHA.
David had commented prior to the meeting about including scooter storage when planning storage at a new scheme. If the scheme is for elderly or disabled people, this could be planned in advance.
Peter said that this issue relates more to planning. Peter felt it could include that access is provided for a future scooter store, eg wider paths, space to put a store in the future, turning area for a scooter. This was agreed.
  1. Supported Customers Policy
Peter is updating the Policy, which helps to identify tenants who might need additional services from NCHA. Peter ran through his proposed changes, which were agreed. Revised version to be considered at the next meeting.
  1. Action Plan
The Action Plan was updated last time, some items were removed, others merged.
Adaptations – Peter presented the current figures for adaptations, which are looking very good. Well done to Maintenance. The new Policy seems to be working well.
Allocations - Hamish Adams to be invited to a future meeting to discuss the impact of the recent changes.
Peter and Heather to identify suitable disabled designed properties for visiting in the spring.
  1. Disability News Update
Peter said that the rules are changing for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claimants. People will be compelled to go onto work-related activities, with sanctions for people who don’t comply. How the rule is imposed consistently is important – for example those with learning disabilities or mental health issues will have most difficulty in attending compulsory work-related activities because of the nature of their disability.
Discretionary Housing Benefit payments are available to those in adapted properties who are under-occupying, but the funding will probably not be sufficient.
  1. Training
Universal Credit / PIP Training – agreed that the course be held in February or March at West Park, maximum of 20 people. Available to Disability CAP in the first instance, then open to other CAPs. Any day other than Monday, 10am – 4pm.
  1. Tenant's Issues (Relevant to Disability CAP)
There were no issues.
  1. Any Other Business
There was no further business.
  1. Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 16th January at 10:15am, West Park Sports Pavilion, West Bridgford. / Action