Scott Swartzendruber, Pastor Mon-Fri - Home Phone 656-3945
Mick Murray, Pastor Mon-Fri - Home Phone 646-6810
Elders – Karen Schrock, Todd Thompson, Marcus Miller, Joyce Ropp
Our Vision isto be a life-giving church: Presenting the life-giving message of Jesus Christ as Lord
andSavior to the people of the Kalona area and the world, challenging them to accept Christ,
worship Him, and serve Him.
Our Mission is to fulfill the Great Commission: Leading people to Christ; disciplining them in the faith; equipping them to witness; and sending them out to serve.
Find us on the web at kalonamennonitechurch.com
Vol.XLX March 13, 2011 No. 11
Congregational Worship
Pre-service Music– Gayle Garner
Worship Leader –Scott Swartzendruber and Rodney Gehman
Call to Worship
Congregational Song
Offering/Offertory– Summer Schrock
Congregational Singing
Children ages 3-3rd grade may be dismissed for Children’s Church
Hearing God’s Word
“When The Going Gets Tough”
2 Timothy 2:3-7by Mick Murray
Song of Response
Congregational Sharing
Closing Prayer and Song
Welcome visitors! As leadership we want you to know that every Monday we have a special prayer time for the concerns of the church. Please let us know if you have things you want us to pray for. Also, if you have questions about receiving Christ as Savior, becoming a member, being baptized, rededicating your life to Christ, or baby dedication, please feel free to contact one of the ministers.
Professional Counseling Available. Please contact the church office or one of the ministers for more information.
Fellowship Time in Foyer – Visitors and others who do not regularly attend a class are welcome to stay for the informal Open Circle Class that meets in the open area of the Fellowship Hall.
Adult Sunday School – Classes are listed on the back of the bulletin.
March 6th Worship Service251; Sunday School 168
March 6th General$7117.77; Alms $500.00; College $370.00
Cleo Gingerich is a patient at Mercy Hospital.
Church Council meeting has been changed from March 7th to March 14th.
You will find forms in your mailbox today to fill out for the Gifts Discernment process. Please prayerfully consider these positions and return them to the box in the foyer by March 20th. There are extra forms on the table in the foyer if needed.
KMC MENS & BOYS ROAD TRIP is now scheduled for Sunday, March 20. We will leave the church at 12:30 to go bowling and play miniature golf and return around 3:30 or 4. When we return to the church we will have a meal and an awards ceremony. A suggested donation of $20 per person for adults should cover all expenses (except shoe rental) and boys will be free (decide for yourself where you fit). There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer so please sign up if you plan to attend.
John Mitchell, our guest speaker for Sunday School last Sunday has a website if you are interested in more information on his ministry.
Welcome Guests!
Name ______
Address ______
City, State, Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______
I would like information on:
____ How to become a Christian
____ How to become a member
____ Kalona Mennonite Church
____ Being baptized
____ Christian Counseling
____ I would like prayer for:
______(Please put this information in the offering basket)
Become a Christian: Start Here
God, I have sinned by turning away from you and trying to run my own life.
I am sorry and confess my sins.
(Take a few moments to ask Christ for His forgiveness and for anything
in particular that is on your mind.)
Forgive my sins and let me start anew.
Thank you God, for your Son, Jesus who defeated Satan.
Thank you for your death on the cross for me so that I can be forgiven,
saved from my past, and set free to live in Christ.
God, I ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to give me the power to live like Jesus: loving others, forgiving others, sharing possessions, worshipping, and witnessing for Jesus.
I give my allegiance to Jesus Christ above every other loyalty.
I commit myself to Christ and His church.
Thank you Jesus, for saving me and living with me forever by Your Spirit. Amen
Caregiver’s support group will be meeting at Pleasantview on Wednesday, March 9th at 2:30 p.m.. We will meet in the RCF Lounge. Dean Miller, paramedic and Pleasantview Board Member will be the speaker this month.
CrossWorks Youth Ministries of Upper Deer Creek Church will have a BBQ pork dinner fundraiser by donation at UDC on March 13 from 11:45-1:30. Proceeds will go toward the youth group’s inner city mission trip with City Challenge in Columbus, OH this summer.
June 3 & 4, 2011 - 32nd Annual Iowa Mennonite MCC Relief Sale. Plan now to attend and considerother ways in which you might be involved in helping bring relief to the world. Many volunteers are needed. Stay tuned for more detailsabout where you can be of service. If you have livestock to donate (beef or pork) contact your church representative about your donation.
IMS Alumni Association and Washington Township Optimists will be serving the annual Turkey Steak Supper at IMS on March 12th, 4:30-7:00. Freshmen from our church selling tickets are Abbie DeWild, Reggie Hostetler, Lane Schrock, Elysia Stastny and Larissa Wyse.
We also need 4 volunteer workers from 5:30-7:15 (volunteers eat free) and 15 pies. Pies need to be at IMS at 3:00 or at KMC at noon. There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer table for the pies. Contact Keith Hostetler at 646-2913 to volunteer.
We extend an invitation to the leaders of every Central Plains congregation to That the World May Know: A Conference on Christian Unity on March 12 from 9:00 to 4:00 at First Christian Church in Des Moines, IA. The purpose of this meeting is to recover a biblical view of unity and to discern commitments we can hold in common as we seek to follow Jesus in many places within Central Plains Mennonite Conference.
The Chamber Singers from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA will present a concert at the Wellman Mennonite Church, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 8. They will also sing in chapel at IMS on Wednesday, March 9 (9:40 a.m.). All are invited to come to either or both of the concerts, which features 36 voices under the direction of Kenneth Nafziger. Local resident Michael Swartzendruber of Kalona is a member of the choir. A time of refreshments will follow the March 8 concert.
IMS Senior Taylor Fulton was present a senior piano recital in Celebration Hall on Sunday, March 13 at 3 p.m. She will be playing a variety of pieces including one of her own compositions inspired by a young friend who was battling cancer at the time at St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Taylor was will be assisted by Ida Short, Sam Swartzendruber, Katie Nisly and teacher Susan See. All are invited to attend this free concert and the reception that follows.
If you're looking for both a great meal and great entertainment on March 12, an evening at IMS is just the ticket! The IMS Alumni Association and the Washington Township Optimists will team up to serve the annual Turkey Steak Supper in the gym (4:30-7:00 p.m.), and at 7:00 p.m., move into Celebration Hall for "Homespun" . . . filled with laughter, singing, and Iowa history. Paul & Julie Roberts, Joy Ward, the Andy Wilcom Trio, Frank Yoder, Susan See, Karenza Yoder, Mary Forney, Mike Zahs, and others will uncover the quirks of life in early Iowa through silent movies, sing-along sonds, dialogues from one-room schoolhouse days, "news" reports, and stories of days gone by. Tickets are available by calling the school office at 656-2073 or 683-2586.
The spring tour schedule for Iowa Mennonite School's Touring Choirwill kick off with a concert at Wayland Mennonite Church in Wayland, on Sunday, March 13, 10:30 a.m. The choir, under the direction of Karenza Yoder, is comprised of juniors and seniors; they will sing a variety of sacred pieces. All are invited to attend.
Iowa Mennonite School's Prospective Parent/Student Night has been moved to Monday, March 28, 7:00 p.m. in the school's Celebration Hall.New students contemplating attending IMS in the fall of 2011 are encouraged to attend, to receive pertinent information, meet other students and parents (and IMS personnel), and ask questions. For more information, please contact Chris Nachtigall, IMS admissions director.
Stewardship University, a ministry partnership between Everence and our local faith community, is coming to Kalona, Iowa, on March 19, 2011. Local leaders had a hand in selecting the courses to be offered at this event. Among the courses available is Spiritual Gifts: God’s Plan for Your Service. For more information or to register, contact Everence at toll free (877) 656-4242 or visit
Golden Circle noon potluck meal.
5-6:30Bible Memory
6-9:00MYF at Mick & Julie’s
7-8:00Bible Study
4:00Children’s Choir practice
6:45Women’s Bible Study
7:00Elder’s Meeting
March 20thKMC Men’s Night
Bulletin Insert for March 6, 2011