Assessment Retreat Agenda
9:00am -9:30am Continental Breakfast [French Auditorium Lobby]
9:30am-10:50am Opening Presentations [French Auditorium]
9:30 – 9:40 Welcome and Opening Comments by Director of Curriculum and Assessment
9:40 – 10:00 Claudia Douglass, Vice Provost (Academic Effectiveness)-Continuous Improvement: Striving for Excellence[French Auditorium]
10:00 – 10:55Provost Award Winner Panel Discussion - Success Stories by Gary Dunbar (Neuroscience), Susan Grettenberger (Sociology,Anthropology, and Social Work), and Dawn Decker (Counseling and Special Education)
10:55am - 11:05am Break/Coffee [French Auditorium]
11:05 am - 11:55 am (First Breakout Session)
Conceptualization of Graduate Exit Exams: Enhancing Quality and Culture by Johnny Sparks (Dept.of Journalism) [EHS, Rm 117]
Online Course Production to Assess Student Learning – Fully Mediated Course Development by Kevin Campbell (Broadcast and Cinematic Arts) and Phil Coffman (Media Production, Office of Information Technology) [EHS, Rm 115]
Closing the Assessment Gap, One Course at a Time byClaudia Douglas (Vice Provost) and Troy Hicks (Teaching and Learning Consultant) [EHS, Rm 129]
Rubric Development: Getting the Most Out of Your Rubrics by Dan Lawson (Dept. of English and Literature)[EHS, Rm 215]
Making a Digital Impression: Student ePortfolios as Self-Reflection and Presentation Tools by Trey Stohlman (School of Broadcast and Cinema Arts)[EHS, Rm 232]
General Education and Student Learning by Tracy Brown (Department of Gen Ed) [EHS, Rm 230]
Internship Strategies to Enhance Student Learning by Al Nowak (School of Health SciencesHealth Administration Division)[EHS, Rm 311]
Developing Common Assessments across Departments (and Colleges): An Example from the Professional Education Unitby Deb Linton (Dept. of Biology) [EHS, Rm 328]
Open Forum – The good, the bad, and the really!?!? We want tohear from you. Hosted by Assessment Council Members (ThamizhisaiPeriyaswamy, Dept.of Human and Environmental Studies; Renee Babcock, Dept. of Psychology; Betsy Vandeusen-Macleod, Dept. of Teacher Education and Professional Development; Stephanie Bechtel, Global Campus) [EHS, Rm 329] *This session is only offered for the first breakout session*
Using Specifications Grading in College Classrooms by Kevin Cunningham (Teacher Education and Professional Development) [EHS, Rm 330]
Note: Consider bringing course syllabi and course outcomes to this presentation.
12:00pm – 12:50pmBuffet StyleLunch & Guest Speaker[French Auditorium Lobby]
1:00pm- 1:40pm Provost Presentations and Faculty Discussion-Closing the Assessment Loop [French Auditorium]
1:40pm- 1:45pm Break [French Auditorium]
1:45pm -2:35pm (Second Breakout Session)Reprise of earlier breakout sessions with exception ofOpen Forum
2:35pm- 4:00pm Faculty Led Breakouts Sessions
You won't want to miss this! Many faculty have expressed interest in finding additional time to discuss activities that will lead to student learning. This is a time to spend with colleagues to work on assessment strategies before the press of the semester makes it difficult to find such "uninterrupted" time. Put this on your calendar today. College Assessment Coordinators will be available to answer questions. [EHS Rm, 215, 230]