Weekly Devotional Thoughts

We all have hope, dreams, and expectations for our future.If there positive ones, they help us to see a bright future for our marriages, careers,families, and our golden years. Theyhelp give us a sense of purpose and direction. Life is great when everything falls into place. When things go sour, it’s hard not to be disappointed. Disappointment can leadto sadness, anger, and disillusionment. These emotions can turn the most loving of hearts into something dreadful.

Jesus has promised to help when life deals us rotten eggs. Matthew 11:28-30.“Come to me,all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Life at times deal may deal us sour grapes but not always. Sometimes our expectations do not align with what God has in store for us. In other words, we can be our own worst enemy.

In the Old Testament, Naaman, a commander of foreign king’s army, suffers from leprosy. His wife’s slave, a young girl from Israel, tells him if he goes to Israel, the prophet of God can cure him. Eventually God’s prophet, Elisha hears about Naaman and requests to have Naaman sent to him. Naaman arrives and Elisha sends a servant to greet the commander. The servant tells him to go and wash seven times in the Jordan. Naaman becomes angry, he had expected that Elisha would stand before him, call upon his God, and heal him. Instead, a servant greets him and tells him to wash in the waters of Israel! Upset and disappointed, he prepares to leave. His servants intervene and convince him to try. It is only after Naaman sets asides his expectations and follows God’s plan that he is healed! (2 Kings 5)If he had continued on his path, Naaman would have died from leprosy!

Our goal should be to match our hopes, dreams and expectations to God’s will. Not just to minimize our risk for disappointment but so we can glorify God and bring others to know the love of Christ Jesus.


Pastor Brian