PROMs Summit 2013

Call for Abstracts

14 November 2013 Hallam Conference Centre, London

Healthcare Conferences UK in association with NHS North West are pleased to announce the PROMs Summit 2013. We are opening part of the 2013 conference to abstracts; which we will assess for inclusion in the conference programme as an oral presentation or poster display.

The event has been developed following feedback from previous years and also our smaller specialty events, and is for all those with an interest in PROMs. At the 2012 event we ran streams on:

-  A beginners guide to PROMs

-  Demonstrating improvement through PROMs

-  Commissioning on the basis of PROMs results

-  Risk and Information Governance

-  PREMs

-  Specialty focus on Long Term Conditions, Muskuloskeletal and Surgical

Details of the two types of presentation are below:

Oral presentation:

Abstracts selected for oral presentation in one of the specialty streams or practical workshops. Each presenter will be allocated between 10-25 minute session followed by question and answers in the most suitable sector of the conference programme. If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, you will receive a free delegate place at the conference.

Poster Display:

Poster presentations are visual displays of material, which will be displayed in the exhibition area throughout the conference. If your presentation is selected for a poster display, you will receive a 25% discount from the conference delegate fee.

If your abstract is selected for either presentation, it will be included in the conference handbook.

There will be a prize presentation for the best abstract/poster/presentation.

All abstracts should be emailed to using the submission form attached. Abstract guidelines are located on page 2. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Wednesday 27th March 2013 (we cannot accept any abstracts after this date).

If you have any questions, please email .

Clare Gallagher & Mr Bibhas Roy

Healthcare Conferences UK Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon HICAT Member and PROMs Lead NHS North West

PROMs Summit 2013


All Abstracts should include the following:

·  All abstracts should be completed on the attached abstract form; other documents are not accepted.

·  All should include: title, author, organisation, 3 bullet points summarising the presentation, plus objectives of the service, how the service has been developed, results, conclusions and outcomes including challenges and issues, and future plans.

·  Maximum 300 words for main abstract (longer abstracts will not be reviewed)

·  The paper will be accepted on the understanding that the senior author will present at the meeting to support the presentation

·  Abstracts will be reviewed based on criteria as follows: acceptability for programme, originality, completeness, clarity of objectives, methods, results and conclusions and implications for other projects

·  Format: when emailing please name your word document “Abstract PROMs 2013 & your name/name of first author”

·  We cannot be responsible for abstracts that are not received so please ensure you receive confirmation of receipt of abstract

·  Key areas that we are looking for abstracts to specifically focus on include:

o  Setting up, running and developing PROMs

o  Leading PROMs developments

o  Changing practice as a result of PROMs results

o  Commissioning and PROMs

o  PROMs in Long Term Conditions

o  Muskuloskeletal and Surgical PROMs

o  Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs)

PROMs Summit 2013



Would you like your abstract submitted for a poster, oral presentation or both?


Authors Names:
Lead Author:
Job Title of Lead Author:
Organisation of Lead Author:
Email of Lead Author:
Telephone number of Lead Author:
3 bullet points summarising the presentation:
Challenges and issues:
Future plans: